Michael J : 2158 books

Book cover of A glutton for punishment:An Electric Eclectic book
by Michael J. Elliott
Language: English
Release Date: May 20, 2019

A dystopian horror story  The time: Not long from now The place: Close to where you live. In a world where health and medical costs have skyrocketed due to obesity and related illnesses, an authoritarian government takes drastic measures. The overweight have their food purchases strictly monitored....
Book cover of Avec les yeux de l'Amour tome 1

Avec les yeux de l'Amour tome 1

Un voyage en compagnie de Pan

by Michael J. Roads, Carl Lemyre
Language: French
Release Date: June 17, 2016

« Portant mon regard sur le fauteuil placé en face de moi, je fus aussi surpris que ravi d’y voir Pan. C’était le Pan que j’avais connu jadis (voir Un retour à l’unité et autres précédents livres, Éd. Ariane). Son énergie m’avait déjà accompagné, mais pas ainsi. Son corps doré,...
Book cover of Dinosaurs Rediscovered: The Scientific Revolution in Paleontology
by Michael J. Benton
Language: English
Release Date: June 11, 2019

In this fascinating and accessible overview, renowned paleontologist Michael J. Benton reveals how our understanding of dinosaurs is being transformed by recent fossil finds and new technology. Over the past twenty years, the study of dinosaurs has transformed into a true scientific discipline....
Book cover of Love Is Stronger Than Pain

Love Is Stronger Than Pain

Based on the Inspirational True Story of Irene Corcoran O’Brien as Remembered by Her Son Michael J. O’Brien

by Michael J. O’Brien
Language: English
Release Date: January 30, 2016

In Love is Stronger than Pain, author Michael J. OBrien, Irenes son, offers a true account of a wife and mother whose faith and perseverance were heroic. She raised eight children, two of whom were invalids born with a rare skin disease needing her constant care. She coped with the tragic accidental...
Book cover of Financial Armageddon
by Michael J. Panzner
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2011

From desperate interest rate cuts and chaos in global markets to the subprime mortgage crisis and a fast-crumbling tower of public and private debt, Wall Street insider Michael J. Panzner exposes the cracks in the dike, the looming economic threats, and the vast array of promises and obligations that...
Book cover of Miles of Files
by Michael J. Sahno
Language: English
Release Date: December 10, 2015

Miles of Files is a literary novel. When Paul Panepinto finds out that his boss is stealing from their Tampa company’s 401(k) plan, he has to make a decision: try to stop the criminal at the risk of losing his own job, or keep his mouth shut and try to live with himself. Born in Bristol, CT, author...
Book cover of Wintertij
by Michael J. Sullivan
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 22, 2014

Michael J. Sullivan, De Openbaringen van Riyria 5 - Wintertij Met zijn boeken over het sluwe roversduo Rolf Molenbeek en Hadriaan Zwartwater wist fantasy-talent Michael J. Sullivan in korte tijd naam te maken als de nieuwe koning van de bondige fantasy-roman. In dit vijfde boek uit De Openbaringen...
Book cover of GEGEN UNENDLICH. Phantastische Geschichten – Nr. 11
by Michael J. Awe, Andreas Fieberg, Joachim Pack
Language: German
Release Date: February 15, 2019

"Eine Menge origineller Ideen, großteils ansprechend bis fantastisch umgesetzt. So sollten Anthologien sein." (standard.at) Eine brandneue Ausgabe der traditionellen eBook-Reihe, diesmal mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Science Fiction. Besonders Freunde von Aliens, Raumschiffen, unendlichen Weiten,...
Book cover of Gerechtigkeit


Wie wir das Richtige tun

by Michael J. Sandel
Language: German
Release Date: February 8, 2013

Darf ein Staat Söldner verpflichten, um Kriege zu führen? Ist es moralisch vertretbar, Leute dafür zu bezahlen, dass sie Organe spenden? Dürfen Unternehmen gegen Geld das Recht erwerben, die Luft zu verpesten? Fast alles scheint heute käuflich zu sein. Wollten wir das so? Und was können wir...
Book cover of Alzheimer


Spurensuche im Niemandsland

by Michael Jürgs
Language: German
Release Date: January 26, 2009

ALZHEIMER – EINE REISE IN DIE NACHT. ZUM 100. JAHRESTAG DER ENTDECKUNG DER KRANKHEIT. Alzheimer geht uns alle an. Michael Jürgs liefert eine umfassende, wissenschaftlich geprüfte Darstellung der Krankheit, verknüpft mit der Biographie Alois Alzheimers. Ein bewegendes Buch, in dem Betroffene,...
Book cover of Une guerre sourde

Une guerre sourde

L'émergence de l'Union soviétique et les puissances occidentales

by Michael J. Carley
Language: French
Release Date: September 19, 2016

Les années 1920 ont été le théâtre de la montée en puissance de l’Union soviétique et de l’alignement des pays occidentaux contre le « péril rouge ». Cette histoire, qui pourrait s’intituler « La première véritable guerre froide », a le plus souvent été racontée du point de...
Book cover of Lucky Man
by Michael J. Fox
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 31, 2010

Nel settembre del 1998 Michael J. Fox sbalordì il mondo annunciando pubblicamente che gli era stato diagnosticato il morbo di Parkinson, condizione neurologica degenerativa, attualmente non curabile, che solitamente colpisce persone molto più anziane. La reazione fu impressionante. Quella coraggiosa...
Book cover of Lo que el dinero no puede comprar

Lo que el dinero no puede comprar

Los límites morales del mercado

by Michael J. Sandel
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 21, 2013

Un extraordinario ensayo que nos muestra cuál es el papel adecuado de los mercados en una sociedad. PREMIO PRINCESA DE ASTURIAS DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES 2018 ¿Deberíamos pagar a los niños para que lean libros o saquen buenas notas? ¿Deberíamos permitir que las empresas compren el derecho...
Book cover of Conscious Gardening: Practical and Metaphysical Expert Advice to Grow Your Garden Organically
by Michael J Roads
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2012

CONSCIOUS GARDENING covers all the natural, physical aspects of organic gardening, like mulching, the living soil, composting, natural fertilisers, lawns, organic sprays, growing vegetables, fruit and berries according to climate, paramagnetic energy, hens for eggs and tons more, all very detailed...to...
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