Michael Loh: 11 books

Book cover of Financial Simulation Modeling in Excel
by Josh Laurito, Michael Loh, Keith A. Allman
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 2011

"I've worked with simulation in business for over 20 years, and Allman really nails it with this book. I admit that I own his previous book on structured finance cash flows, but I was surprised by what I found in here. He addresses the fundamental questions of how decision makers react to simulations...
Book cover of European Medicines Pricing and Reimbursement
by Martina Garau, Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz, Michael Loh
Language: English
Release Date: April 19, 2018

This book is published in association with the Office of Health Economics. This book is a vital, non-technical guide illuminating recent developments within the five major European pharmaceutical markets. It clearly explains pharmaceutical regulatory policies on pricing and reimbursement, and their...
Book cover of Applying MBA Knowledge and Skills to Healthcare
by Reza Nassab, Vaikunthan Rajaratnam, Michael Loh
Language: English
Release Date: November 22, 2017

Clinicians increasingly need a firm grasp of the fundamental principles of business management, finance and related subjects. Even so, business disciplines are still rarely taught during medical training, while busy practices and complicated accounting tasks mean that gaining business acumen 'on the...
Book cover of Lexikon Raumphilosophie
by Stephan Günzel, Franziska Kümmerling, Kurt Röttgers
Language: German
Release Date: October 1, 2013

Der Raum und das Verständnis des Raums sind als große neue Themen der Philosophie im Gespräch. Die damit zusammenhängenden Fragen gewinnen derart an Bedeutung, dass von einem ›spatial turn‹ der Wissenschaft gesprochen wird, in Entsprechung zum ›linguistic turn‹, der das Gesicht der Philosophie...
Book cover of De weg

De weg

wat Chinese filosofen ons over het goede leven leren

by Michael Puett, Christine Gross-Loh
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 29, 2016

De weg biedt een geheel nieuwe kijk op het dagelijks leven. Michael Puett, Harvards populairste docent, laat zien hoe Chinese denkers ons inspireren tot grote en kleine veranderingen. In De weg put hij hiervoor uit het werk van zes grote Chinese filosofen zoals Confucius en Lao Tze. Mede door de waarde...
Book cover of Das Wichtigste von allem

Das Wichtigste von allem

Die Geheimnisse der großen chinesischen Denker und wie sie unser Leben bereichern – Die legendären Vorlesungen

by Michael Puett, Christine Gross-Loh
Language: German
Release Date: April 27, 2016

*** Konfuzius würde sagen: "Lesen Sie diesen Harvard-Professor. Er wird Ihr Leben verändern." ***Mit Konfuzius zu einer glücklicheren Partnerschaft, mit Laotse zu mehr Erfolg, mit Zhuangzi zu wirklicher Spontaneität: Die Weisheiten der großen chinesischen Philosophen und wie sie unser...
Book cover of La voie

La voie

Une nouvelle manière de tout penser autrement

by Michael PUETT, Christine GROSS-LOH
Language: French
Release Date: November 9, 2017

Comment mener une vie accomplie ? Comment trouver l'amour ? Choisir la bonne carrière ? Qu'est-ce qu'être vraiment heureux ? Toutes ces questions, nous ne cessons de nous les poser avec, toujours, cette impression de ne jamais obtenir de réponses satisfaisantes. Et si, pour mieux envisager l'avenir,...
Book cover of The Path

The Path

What Chinese Philosophers Can Teach Us About the Good Life

by Michael Puett, Christine Gross-Loh
Language: English
Release Date: April 5, 2016

For the first time, an award-winning Harvard professor shares his wildly popular course on classical Chinese philosophy, showing you how ancient ideas—like the fallacy of the authentic self—can guide you on the path to a good life today. Why is a course on ancient Chinese philosophers one...
Book cover of The Teacher's Sourcebook for Cooperative Learning

The Teacher's Sourcebook for Cooperative Learning

Practical Techniques, Basic Principles, and Frequently Asked Questions

by Michael A Power, Wann Inn Loh, George M. Jacobs
Language: English
Release Date: January 26, 2016

A comprehensive guide for teachers of all experience levels Engaging and effective Easy to use in your own classroom Have you ever wondered how to make cooperative learning work in your classroom? Are you still learning what cooperative learning is? If so, then this book is for you! This teaching...
Book cover of Dark Holidays
by D. A. DeCuzzi, Abbey Sweeny, Amy Frischmann
Language: English
Release Date: November 24, 2014

Come join us in a world where your fun, lovable holiday icons are transformed into twisted little horror fables for you to enjoy. Between presidents becoming zombies, Uncle Sam becoming a vampire, Cupid represented as hellspawn bent on ruining love, and many more, this collection is a hellish good time....
Book cover of The Teacher's Sourcebook for Cooperative Learning

The Teacher's Sourcebook for Cooperative Learning

Practical Techniques, Basic Principles, and Frequently Asked Questions

by Dr. George M. Jacobs, Michael P. Power, Wan Inn Loh
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2002

A dynamic team of authors demonstrates how any classroom teacher can use cooperative learning techniques for lesson planning, classroom management, and improving students' collaboration skills.
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