Michael Paul: 327 books

Book cover of William Trevor

William Trevor


by Paul Delaney, Michael Parker
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2016

Offers a comprehensive examination of the oeuvre of William Trevor
Book cover of Principles of Macroeconomics

Principles of Macroeconomics

Activist vs. Austerity Policies

by Howard J. Sherman, Michael A. Meeropol, Paul D. Sherman
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2018

In the years since 2007 the U.S. economy has endured a severe financial crisis, a Great Recession, and continuing heavy unemployment. These events have led to increasing discontent among many people contributing to a substantial vote for Bernie Sanders and the election of Donald Trump. Meanwhile,...
Book cover of Von Achtsamkeit bis Zuversicht

Von Achtsamkeit bis Zuversicht

ABC des guten Lebens

by Gerd B. Achenbach, Prof. Regina Ammicht Quinn, Gottfried Bachl
Language: German
Release Date: February 20, 2017

Was ist ein gutes Leben? Was macht mein Leben einfacher, ohne es einzuschränken? Was tut mir gut, aber gleichzeitig auch anderen? Es sind bestimmte Werte, die sich in einer Einstellung, aber auch im Verhalten, im Tun ausdrücken. Welche das sein könnten, zeigt dieses Buch mit Themen wie Achtsamkeit...
Book cover of Denken Wissen Handeln Politik
by Noam Chomsky, Rainer Mausfeld, Albrecht Müller
Language: German
Release Date: July 2, 2019

Geballte Kompetenz und fundierte Information zu den wichtigen Fragestellungen unserer Gegenwart. Zum Westend Geburtstag bietet die Westend Sonder-Edition Denken Wissen Handeln einen kritischen Diskurs und die wichtigsten Texte unserer renommierten Autorinnen und Autoren zu den Themenfeldern Politik und Wirtschaft.
Book cover of Clinical Anesthesia Fundamentals: Print + Ebook with Multimedia
by Paul G. Barash, Bruce F. Cullen, Robert K. Stoelting
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2015

From the popular and highly respected Clinical Anesthesia family of titles comes a new resource that clearly and simply explains the core concepts of anesthesiology that you need to know. From physiology and pharmacology to anatomy and system-based anesthesia, it uses full-color graphics, easy-to-read tables, and clear, concise text to convey the essential principles of the field.
Book cover of Cryptocurrency


Bitcoin und Ethereum. Wie virtuelles Geld unsere Gesellschaft verändert

by Michael Casey, Paul Vigna
Language: German
Release Date: February 6, 2015

Wie digitales Geld unser Finanzsystem ins Wanken bringt Die Weltwirtschaft steht kurz vor einer Revolution, die die globale ökonomische Ordnung von Grund auf umkrempeln wird. Der Kern dieses Wandels liegt in der digitalen Währung, die bahnbrechende Veränderungen für die gesamte Gesellschaft mit...
Book cover of Specific Interactions and the Miscibility of Polymer Blends
by Michael M. Coleman, Paul C. Painter, John F. Graf
Language: English
Release Date: November 13, 2017

This book with software provides powerful tools for the analysis, prediction and creation of new polymer blends, an area of significant commercial potential. The R&D approaches and methods described in the book have attracted the interest of polymer R&D leaders in industry, and have been put into...
Book cover of Rockwood and Green's Fractures in Adults
by Charles Court-Brown, James D. Heckman, Michael McKee
Language: English
Release Date: September 4, 2014

Need the go-to reference on adult bone and joint injuries? Get the definitive guide on fracture treatment, written by the world’s top orthopaedic surgeons: Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults. This fully updated and expanded 8th edition offers up-to-the-minute research and recommendations...
Book cover of Risse im Fundament

Risse im Fundament

Die Pfarrerinitiative und der Streit um die Kirchenreform

by Jan-Heiner Tück, Elmar Mitterstieler, Medard Kehl
Language: German
Release Date: June 5, 2012

"Aufruf zum Ungehorsam" - unter diesem Titel hat im Juni 2011 die 'Pfarrerinitiative' - eine Vereinigung österreichischer Priester - eine Erklärung veröffentlicht, die dem Reformstau in der katholischen Kirche durch ein Bündel gezielter Maßnahmen ab sofort und notfalls im 'Ungehorsam'...
Book cover of Imaging for the Health Care Practitioner
by Michael L. Grey, Paul C. Hendrix, Terry R. Malone
Language: English
Release Date: August 22, 2016

A complete sourcebook of diagnostic imaging for the health care practitioner Imaging for the Health Care Practitioner offers authoritative, engagingly written coverage of common imaging modalities and their use in evaluating, monitoring, and treating the injuries most often encountered by health...
Book cover of Crimes Against Humanity
by Paul Michael Dubal
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 2011

Marisa Dimitrov is desperate to leave her impoverished village in Bulgaria. When she receives a job offer from Canada, it appears her opportunity has arrived. She is soon shocked to discover, however, that she has been sold to a ruthless gang involved with human and drug trafficking. By miraculous...
Book cover of India del Nord
by Michael Benanav, Abigail Blasi, Lindsay Brown
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 19, 2018

"Antiche tradizioni, un ricco patrimonio artistico, paesaggi spettacolari, delizie per il palato: l'India è un complesso mosaico che accende la curiosità, scuote i sensi e riscalda l'anima di chi lo visita" (Sarina Singh, Autrice Lonely Planet). Esperienze straordinarie: foto suggestive,...
Book cover of Filippine
by Celeste Brash, Michael Grosberg, Iain Stewart
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 14, 2018

"Nelle Fillippine troverete un mosaico di risaie color smeraldo, metropoli piene di vita, street art, vulcani fumanti, tarsi dagli occhi sgranati e ovunque persone sorridenti e disponibili." Esperienze straordinarie: foto suggestive, i consigli degli autori e la vera essenza dei luoghi....
Book cover of Orient&Okzident


Begegnungen und Wahrnehmungen aus fünf Jahrhunderten

by Bert G. Fragner, Johann Heiss, Johannes Feichtner
Language: German
Release Date: December 14, 2016

Eine historische Betrachtung des Verhältnisses zwischen „Orient" und „Okzident", beides weit mehr als Raumkategorien, verweist auf ein enges Beziehungsgeflecht, das sich über die Jahrhunderte aufbaute. Wie die hier versammelten Beiträge mit einem besonderen Schwerpunkt auf die Nachbarn Habsburgermonarchie...
First 17 18 19 20 21 22 2324
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