Michael Quinn: 32 books

Book cover of Gedankenspiele


Eine Mindjack Geschichte

by Susan Kaye Quinn, Michael Drecker
Language: German
Release Date: September 4, 2014

Raf, ein normaler Gedankenleser, ist in Kira verliebt, das einzige Mädchen in der Schule, das keine Gedanken lesen kann. Raf hat Probleme damit, seine Gedanken privat zu halten, aber Geheimnisse sind etwas, das nur Nullen wie Kira für sich behalten können. Während er versucht, den Mut aufzubringen,...
Book cover of Locked Tight – Gefährliches Misstrauen (Mindjack #4)
by Susan Kaye Quinn, Michael Drecker
Language: German
Release Date: January 4, 2018

Wenn Gedankenleser die Welt kontrollieren, wirst du als Jacker zur Waffe. Zeph kann den härtesten Verstand aufbrechen oder die schwächsten unüberwindbar verschlüsseln – wodurch er schon früh illegalen Jackerclans auffiel, die seine Fähigkeiten für sich ausnutzen wollten. Ohne Ausweg...
Book cover of Cracked Open – Gefährliche Spaltung (Mindjack #5)
by Susan Kaye Quinn, Michael Drecker
Language: German
Release Date: April 4, 2018

Zeph wusste immer, dass er eine Waffe ist. Doch er hätte nie damit gerechnet, ein Spion zu werden. Aber er hat eine gefährliche Abmachung mit der DARPA-Direktorin für Jackertechnologie geschlossen – er lässt Wright seine mutierten Mindjackerfähigkeiten testen, im Gegenzug lässt sie seine Eltern...
Book cover of Broken Wide – Gefährliche Freiheit (Mindjack #6)
by Susan Kaye Quinn, Michael Drecker
Language: German
Release Date: October 9, 2018

Er kämpft mit allem was er hat für den Frieden. Doch die Hoffnung darauf schwindet drastisch… Sein halbes Leben lang hat Zeph verheimlicht, was er wirklich ist. Er verbarg seine Jackingkräfte vor gefährlichen Männern und lief sogar von zu Hause fort, um all jene zu beschützen, die er...
Book cover of Open Minds - Gefährliche Gedanken (Mindjack #1)
by Susan Kaye Quinn, Michael Drecker
Language: German
Release Date: March 19, 2014

Wenn jeder Gedanken liest, kann ein Geheimnis eine gefährliche Sache sein. Die sechzehnjährige Kira Moore ist eine Null, jemand der weder Gedanken lesen, noch von anderen gelesen werden kann. Nullen sind Außenseiter, denen man nicht vertrauen kann, weswegen sie auch keine Chancen bei ihrem...
Book cover of Closed Hearts – Gefährliche Hoffnung (Mindjack #2)
by Susan Kaye Quinn, Michael Drecker, Daniela Skirl
Language: German
Release Date: January 9, 2015

Wenn du Gedanken kontrollierst, kann nur dein Herz dir zum Verhängnis werden. Vor acht Monaten hat Kira Moore einer Welt von Gedankenlesern offenbart, dass es mitten unter ihnen auch Mindjacker wie sie gibt, die die Gedanken anderer Menschen kontrollieren können. Jetzt fragt sie sich, ob...
Book cover of CLONES: The Anthology
by Daniel Arthur Smith, Rysa Walker, R.D. Brady
Language: English
Release Date: May 24, 2016

Human cloning. Technology evolves faster than we do. The law shields us from our worst temptations. But the opportunity is there, dangling just out of reach—perfection and ascension… or delusion and destruction. In this collection of clone-themed stories, ten of today’s top speculative...
Book cover of The House of Pure Being
by Michael Murphy, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn
Language: English
Release Date: September 23, 2013

Michael Murphy's second volume of prose, The House of Pure Being, charts the author's experiences and revelations since the release of his best-selling memoir, At Five in the Afternoon. In this sequel, he brings the inspiring stories of his women friends up to date, tackles difficult subjects like...
Book cover of Best of Beyond the Stars

Best of Beyond the Stars

Beyond the Stars, #5

by Patrice Fitzgerald, Samuel Peralta, Nick Webb
Language: English
Release Date: March 29, 2018

“A blisteringly good collection.”  “Will read everything in this series I can get my hands on.”  “These stories are full of great, complex characters (not all of them human), twists and turns, and fantastic world-building.” Epic space battles. Exotic aliens. Far-flung...
Book cover of The Philosophy of the Beats
by F. Scott Scribner, Roseanne Giannini Quinn, Christopher Adamo
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2012

The phrase "beat generation" -- introduced by Jack Kerouac in 1948 -- characterized the underground, nonconformist youths who gathered in New York City at that time. Together, these writers, artists, and activists created an inimitably American cultural phenomenon that would have a global...
Book cover of Approaches to Teaching Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
by Peter G. Beidler, Bethany Blankenship, Michael Calabrese
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2014

Chaucer's Canterbury Tales was the subject of the first volume in the Approaches to Teaching series, published in 1980. But in the past thirty years, Chaucer scholarship has evolved dramatically, teaching styles have changed, and new technologies have created extraordinary opportunities for studying...
Book cover of Race and Reconciliation in America
by William S. Cohen, Janet Langhart Cohen, Enola Gay Aird
Language: English
Release Date: June 16, 2009

Race and racism have played a divisive and defining role throughout much of America's history. Slavery, Jim Crow laws, segregation, and Ku Klux Klan terrorism have inflicted deep psychic wounds, social disparities, and economic disadvantages that have diminished the promise of equal rights and opportunities...
Book cover of Coherence


The Right Drivers in Action for Schools, Districts, and Systems

by Michael Fullan, Joanne Quinn
Language: English
Release Date: July 16, 2015

Complex times call for streamlined solutions—and leaders to pull them together. If initiative overload and fragmentation are keeping your best plans from becoming reality, it’s time to lead with coherence. Using the right drivers as your foundation, you’ll bring people and ideas together—and...
Book cover of Ploughshares Winter 2015-2016 Volume 41 No. 4
by Lisa Fetchko, Laurie Baker, Piyali Bhattacharya
Language: English
Release Date: January 22, 2016

The Winter 2015-16 issue of Ploughshares. Ploughshares is an award-winning journal of new writing. Two out of each year's three issues are guest-edited by prominent writers who explore different personal visions, aesthetics, and literary circles, with the Winter issue staff-edited.   The...
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