Michael Wagner: 42 books

Book cover of Studies in Culture Contact

Studies in Culture Contact

Interaction, Culture Change, and Archaeology

by Kathleen Deagan, Prudence M. Rice, Robert L. Schuyler
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2015

People have long been fascinated about times in human history when different cultures and societies first came into contact with each other, how they reacted to that contact, and why it sometimes occurred peacefully and at other times was violent or catastrophic. Studies in Culture Contact:...
Book cover of 2018 Congressional Elections
by Professor Elizabeth A. Theiss-Morse, Michael W. Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2018

"What do the 2018 midterm elections mean?" The 2018 Congressional Elections supplement provides the answers, drawing on the most recent National Election Study surveys to offer a close analysis of the key issues and races, including: the outcome of the battle for control; the role of independents...
Book cover of Assessing and Teaching Reading Composition and Pre-Writing, K-3, Vol. 1
by K. Michael Hibbard, Elizabeth Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2013

The performance tasks in this book are linked directly to instructional strategies and include holistic rubrics, analytic rubrics, and assessment lists. They can be photocopied and distributed to your students.
Book cover of Andersens Märchen Update 1.1

Andersens Märchen Update 1.1

Die kleine Meerjungfrau weint nicht um ihren Prinzen

by Regina Schleheck, Claudia Wahnschaffe, Sylvia Werth
Language: German
Release Date: October 25, 2018

Meerjungfrauen sind wunderschön. Meerjungfrauen sind bezaubernd. Meeerjungfrauen sind leidenschaftlich. Meerjungfrauen sind tödlich. Nicht alle Meerjungfrauen sind so duldsam, naiv und tragisch wie die von Andersen. Lernen Sie die Meerjungfrau von einer ganz anderen Seite kennen! Auch sonst wird...
Book cover of Chemical Information for Chemists
by Leah Solla, Michael White, Andrea Twiss-Brooks
Language: English
Release Date: March 17, 2014

While it is not difficult to find data in many cases, what advice can you get on the quality of the data retrieved? Chemical Information for Chemists could help with this problem and more. This book is a chemical information book aimed specifically at practicing chemists. Written and edited by experts...
Book cover of Ecotoxicology and Genotoxicology

Ecotoxicology and Genotoxicology

Non-traditional Terrestrial Models

by P R Alves, Grazyna Wilczek, Frank Martin
Language: English
Release Date: June 12, 2017

The potential impact of anthropogenic pollutants such as agrochemicals on the environment is of global concern. Increasing use of certain compounds can result in contamination of food, water and atmospheric systems and in order to combat this pollution it is important to be able to accurately monitor...
Book cover of Kein Weltuntergang
by Anna-Katharina Höpflinger, Magdalena Ecker, Katjana May
Language: German
Release Date: October 28, 2013

Wofür kämpfen Helden? Sechzehn Autorinnen und Autoren haben mit ihren Kurzgeschichten versucht, diese Frage zu beantworten. Die Welt geht in dieser Anthologie nicht unter, doch es gibt so viel mehr, worum es sich zu kämpfen lohnt. Manche ergreifen ihr Schwert aus Liebe, werden von Gier zu den Waffen getrieben oder kämpfen gegen die Dämonen in ihrem Inneren.
Book cover of The Last Practicing American
by Michael T. Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2014

This book was not written for the weak kneed, spineless, politically correct, non-practicing American. It is instead for those of us who have witnessed the methodical dismantling of traditional morals and values thus exhausting the limits of our tolerance. The contents of this book will detail our...
Book cover of Assessing and Teaching Reading Composition and Writing, 3-5, Vol. 4
by K. Michael Hibbard, Elizabeth Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2013

The performance tasks in this book are linked directly to instructional strategies and include holistic rubrics, analytic rubrics, and assessment lists. They can be photocopied and distributed to your students. Included in this series are 98 performance tasks, 196 assessment lists, 18 holistic rubrics, 30 analytic rubrics, and 88 graphic organizers.
Book cover of Assessing and Teaching Reading Composition and Writing, K-3, Vol. 2
by K. Michael Hibbard, Elizabeth Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: September 13, 2013

The performance tasks in this book are linked directly to instructional strategies and include holistic rubrics, analytic rubrics, and assessment lists. They can be photocopied and distributed to your students.
Book cover of Ecotoxicology and Genotoxicology

Ecotoxicology and Genotoxicology

Non-traditional Aquatic Models

by Roberto Rico-Martinez, Sajal Ray, C. R. Walters
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2017

The potential impact of anthropogenic pollutants such as agrochemicals on the environment is of global concern. Increasing use of certain compounds can result in contamination of food, water and atmospheric systems and in order to combat this pollution it is important to be able to accurately monitor...
Book cover of Mit Gott neu beginnen

Mit Gott neu beginnen

Die Zeitdimension von Theologie und Kirche in ereignisbasierter Gesellschaft

by Michael Schüßler, Gottfried Bitter, Kristian Fechtner
Language: German
Release Date: October 10, 2013

Zeit ist kein stabiler, überzeitlicher Faktor mehr, sondern selbst dem zeitlichen Wandel unterworfen: Unübersichtlichkeit, Beschleunigung und Flexibilität sind die temporalen Stichworte der Gegenwart. Beschleunigte und verflüssigte Zeitstrukturen bedeuten aber keineswegs das Ende von Kirche und Theologie,...
Book cover of Vida e Liberdade

Vida e Liberdade

Entre a ética e a política

by Cesar Candiotto, Jelson Oliveira, Orazio Irrera
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 15, 2017

O presente livro repercute os interesses dos pesquisadores da linha de Ética e filosofia política do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia (PPGF) da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR), que convidaram colegas e interlocutores para juntos refletirem sobre o desafio de pensar...
Book cover of Bernbuch
by David Wagner, Kurt Schopfer, Jonas Junker
Language: German
Release Date: May 27, 2015

Wie kann man sich in Bern verlaufen? Die Geschichten im Bernbuch zeigen, wie es geht: Sie führen auf hohe Brücken, zu Aussichtspunkten und zu den Bären im Gehege an der Aare. Auf Abwegen geht es zu historischen Pissoirs im Weltkulturerbe und in die Schokoladenfabrik, die zum Universitätsgebäude...
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