Mika: 168 books

Book cover of The Forbidden Islands: A Pumpkin Princess Novella

The Forbidden Islands: A Pumpkin Princess Novella

The Pumpkin Princess Novellas, #3

by Sarah Lynn Mika
Language: English
Release Date: February 11, 2018

Allegra thought her wedding day would be one of the happiest days of her life. Instead, she ends up shipwrecked on an island with her fiancé and two friends. Cold and wet, she and her friends need to repair their boat and get back to Aurelia. But it turns out being cold and wet is the least...
Book cover of The Cave of Wishes: A Pumpkin Princess Novella

The Cave of Wishes: A Pumpkin Princess Novella

The Pumpkin Princess Novellas

by Sarah Lynn Mika
Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2018

Fifteen-year-old twins Jamie and Benny are suddenly plunged into a world of uncertainty and fear when a powerful spell leaves their mother, Queen Allegra, in a coma, and the kingdom of Aurelia trapped between seasons. With the future of their country in peril and their mother's life hanging...
Book cover of Minutus der Römer

Minutus der Römer

Die Erinnerungen des römischen Senators Minutus Lausus Manilianus aus den Jahren 46 bis 79 n. Chr.

by Mika Waltari
Language: German
Release Date: January 11, 2017

Neu und vollständig übersetzt. Protagonist des Romans ist Minutus Lausus Manilianus, der in seinen Erinnerungen von seinem Leben berichtet. Als Halbwaise in Antiochia aufgewachsen, übersiedelt er in jugendlichem Alter zusammen mit seinem Vater nach Rom. Dort freundet er sich mit dem nur wenig jüngeren...
Book cover of Mutprobe


Frauen und das höllische Spiel mit dem Älterwerden

by Bascha Mika
Language: German
Release Date: January 27, 2014

Die neue provokante Streitschrift der Bestsellerautorin zum Thema Frauen und Älterwerden Älterwerden – gibt es eine Frau, die das nicht kümmert? Frauen trifft die zweite Lebenshälfte besonders hart – ungleich schärfer als Männer. Denn mit zunehmenden Jahren wird ihnen alles abgesprochen:...
Book cover of Die Feigheit der Frauen

Die Feigheit der Frauen

Rollenfallen und Geiselmentalität. - Eine Streitschrift wider den Selbstbetrug

by Bascha Mika
Language: German
Release Date: May 31, 2016

Das hochaktuelle Debattenbuch der ehemaligen taz-Chefredakteurin In ihrer Streitschrift probt Bascha Mika den Aufstand gegen all jene Frauen, die sich kampflos in alte Rollenmuster und Abhängigkeiten locken lassen. Einerseits klug und gut ausgebildet, versuchen sie nach Einschätzung der Autorin...
Book cover of Alicia # 5
by Mika Fusato
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 13, 2018

Dopo il primo vero bisticcio con Alex, Alicia tornando a casa la sera, si perde nei suoi pensieri e... nel bosco! Alex chiama la zia per chiarire la situazione con Alicia, scoprendo così che la sventurata non è mai arrivata a destinazione e corre a cercarla, ma il bosco è pieno di insidie, strane presenze e... ripidi strapiombi!
Book cover of The Lion and the Bride
by Mika Sakurano
Language: English
Release Date: September 12, 2017

Yua is a high school girl in a secret relationship with her teacher. But one day her grandmother, her last surviving family member, passes away and leaves her all alone in the world. And then, her beloved Sensei, supporting her again as he always has, asks her to marry him. She’s convinced that...
Book cover of Blue note - Volume 2 - The Final Days of Prohibition
by Mathieu Mariolle, Mikaël Bourgouin
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2017

While jaded veteran boxer Jack Doyle fights for his life in the ring, naive young guitarist R.J. plays for his on the stage of Dante's Lodge—the city's most (in)famous jazz club. Vincenzo, its ruthless Sicilian boss, has a soft spot for the blues—and for Miss Lena. He'll do anything to keep her...
Book cover of Bootblack - tome 1 - Bootblack
by Mikaël
Language: French
Release Date: June 7, 2019

Sur le front allemand, au printemps 1945 : la guerre ne laisse que mort et destruction dans son sillage. Pour échapper à l'horreur du présent, Al, soldat américain, seul rescapé de son unité, se plonge dans les souvenirs de sa vie new-yorkaise. Fils d'immigrés allemands, né aux États Unis,...
Book cover of Promise - Tome 01

Promise - Tome 01

Le livre des derniers jours

by Thierry Lamy, Mikaël
Language: French
Release Date: October 26, 2016

« J’ai quitté les tréfonds de ma caverne pour la surface du monde, et ce monde aussi était un enfer. » Idaho, 1864. Fin de la guerre de Sécession. Fin d’une période troublée, faite de massacres, de pillages, de chaos. Isolé au pied des Rocheuses, le petit village de Promise est...
Book cover of Promise - Tome 02

Promise - Tome 02

L'Homme souffrance

by Thierry Lamy, Mikaël
Language: French
Release Date: October 26, 2016

Un western fantastique et terrorisant... Idaho, hiver 1864. À l’Est, la guerre de Sécession touche à sa fin. Promise, petite bourgade isolée au pied des montagnes Rocheuses, voit son quotidien changer avec l’arrivée d’un prédicateur itinérant. Pour ses habitants, qui se sentaient...
by Mika Sakurano
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2017

The only one who knows the secret about my boss, an overly talented sadist by the name of Saeki-san...is me. But why is this successful, hardworking boss of mine so preverted?! The new sensational work love story!!
Book cover of The Lion and the Bride
by Mika Sakurano
Language: English
Release Date: September 12, 2017

Yua is a high school girl in a secret relationship with her teacher. But one day her grandmother, her last surviving family member, passes away and leaves her all alone in the world. And then, her beloved Sensei, supporting her again as he always has, asks her to marry him. She’s convinced that...
by Mika Sakurano
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2018

he only one who knows the secret about my boss, an overly talented sadist by the name of Saeki-san...is me. But why is this successful, hardworking boss of mine so perverted?! Come meet the amazing characters that made this sensational workplace love story get over 10,000,000 views online!!
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