Milani: 79 books

Book cover of Sufism in the Secret History of Persia
by Milad Milani
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2014

Sufism formed one of the cultures of resistance which has existed in the social fabric of Persia since antiquity. Such resistance continues to manifest itself today with many looking to Sufism as a model of cooperation between East and West, between traditional and modern. 'Sufism in the Secret History...
Book cover of L'arte di insegnare

L'arte di insegnare

Consigli pratici per gli insegnanti di oggi (Nuova edizione)

by Isabella Milani
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 5, 2013

NUOVA EDIZIONE Un manuale ricco di suggerimenti, strategie e consigli pratici, che spiega con esempi reali e puntuali tutto ciò che un insegnante oggi deve sapere: • Come affrontare la classe: gli alunni vi vedono come vi vedete voi? • Come interpretare il linguaggio del corpo nel rapporto insegnante-alunno?...
Book cover of Networked Flow

Networked Flow

Towards an Understanding of Creative Networks

by Andrea Gaggioli, Giuseppe Riva, Luca Milani
Language: English
Release Date: October 4, 2012

Identifying ‘networked flow’ as the key driver of networked creativity, this new volume in the Springer Briefs series deploys concepts from a range of sub-disciplines in psychology to suggest ways of optimizing the innovative potential of creative networks. In their analysis of how to support...
Book cover of Scritture aliene Albo 1

Scritture aliene Albo 1

A cura di Vito Introna

by Tommaso Russo, Marco Milani, Andrea Doro
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 11, 2014

E se il futuro ci fosse sottratto da una crudele razza inumana? L'uomo post mutante riuscirà a riappropriarsi della Terra? SCRITTURE ALIENE ALBO 1 A CURA DI VITO INTRONA L'impero matriarcale di Kajura riuscirà a riconquistare i mondi dissidenti? Un demone alieno entra nel corpo di un serial...
Book cover of Ptaxghu6
by Sandro Battisti, Marco Milani
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 15, 2015

Nelle profondità remote di un sistema solare, l'Impero Connettivo assiste alla nascita di una nuova forma di vita da assorbire nel suo dominio. Le estensioni zen dell'esistenza si scontrano con le esigenze belliche dello Stato esteso sul tempo e sullo spazio, nessun impero è paragonabile a esso,...
Book cover of A Journey Through the Realm of Theoretical Chemistry
by Fereydoon Milani-nejad
Language: English
Release Date: November 24, 2015

The main goal of this book is to show how human behavior could be explained in terms of chemical laws. Chapter 1, Overview, is devoted to this task; subjects such as chemistry of mutual feelings, connection and its stability, love at first sight, fate and will, uplifting of the soul, dual personality,...
Book cover of Radical Islam's Rules

Radical Islam's Rules

The Worldwide Spread of Extreme Shari'a Law

by Maarten G. Barends, Hamouda Bella, Mehrangiz Kar
Language: English
Release Date: February 25, 2005

A major feature of the rise of Islamism in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and parts of the West is the rapid growth of a starkly repressive version of Islamic shari'a law, often fueled by funds and support from Saudi Arabia. The central purpose of Islamists, including terrorists, is to impose such...
Book cover of When the School Bell Rang

When the School Bell Rang

Remembering Fayville School

by Charlotte Milani
Language: English
Release Date: June 21, 2004

When the School Bell Rang is a delightful look back at the little one-room school in Fayville, Massachusetts; a peek inside the classroom to see how the three Rs were taught, how the children were disciplined, what the daily routine was like and something about the teacher who ruled the students....
Book cover of Praise of Solitude
by Vincenzo Milani
Language: English
Release Date: June 18, 2012

Knowing how to be alone helps us feel better even with the others because it has something to contribute and to share their own, without falling into addiction and the constant need for confirmation affective. Often we deceive that others can make us happy. In reality, our happiness depends solely...
Book cover of Isti mirant stella

Isti mirant stella

Riedizione 2018

Language: Italian
Release Date: April 9, 2018

Questo libro-regesto comprende centocinquanta opere di architettura, dal 1964 al 1980, del G.R.A.U. (Gruppo Romano Architetti Urbanisti), con esclusione degli scritti teorici, dei disegni-incisioni-quadri e delle opere di cosiddetto arredo della casa d’abitazione. Il libro è nato dall’esigenza...
Book cover of Lab-U L'accesso
by Marco Milani
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 14, 2014

La Terra... Il nostro mondo non è unico e nemmeno così originale. In realtà le sue versioni sono infinite, tanti‘Pianeta Terra’ affiancati tra loro come le pagine del medesimo libro. Simili, quasi uguali, abbastanza vari, totalmente diversi… E come le diverse pagine scritte insieme...
Book cover of Megalopolis
by Marco Milani
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 4, 2018

Due giovani autori si fantascienza si sfidano a conferire massima originalità ai propri scritti. Il risultato sarà grottesco.
Book cover of cavie
by Marco Milani
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 6, 2018

Uno scienziato di talento pratica senza remore la vivisezione. Ma quando si ritroverà a fungere da cavia da laboratorio conoscerà a proprie spese gli orrori di cui si macchia quotidianamente.
Book cover of Sufi Political Thought
by Milad Milani
Language: English
Release Date: November 6, 2017

Sufism is generally perceived as being spiritually focused and about the development of the self. However, Sufi orders have been involved historically as important civic and political actors in the Muslim world, having participated extensively in inter-faith dialogue and political challenges to religious...
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