Miro: 28 books

Book cover of Warrior Poet Wisdom Vol. III: Grace
by Miro
Language: English
Release Date: December 5, 2011

The third installment in the continuing series of Warrior Poet Wisdom.Gone are the days of swords and shields, knights and paladins. But warriors still walk among us. Their strength and grace is as effective in dealing with today's challenges as it was in olden times. Their intensity and resolve...
Book cover of Warrior Poet Wisdom Vol. V: Resolve
by Miro
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2012

The fifth installment in the continuing series of Warrior Poet Wisdom.Gone are the days of swords and shields, knights and paladins. But warriors still walk among us. Their strength and grace is as effective in dealing with today's challenges as it was in olden times. Their intensity and resolve...
Book cover of Fosca e il petalo di rose
by Isabella De Miro
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 10, 2017

Fosca nasce nell’immediato dopoguerra e la mamma, in fuga dai guai con la giustizia, decide di lasciarla “a balia” presso una famiglia di contadini in Ciociaria, che la accoglie con amore incondizionato. La prima infanzia trascorre felice, finché un giorno, d’improvviso, la mamma ritorna...
Book cover of Warrior Poet Wisdom Vol. VI: Patience
by Miro
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2012

The sixth installment in the continuing series of Warrior Poet Wisdom.Gone are the days of swords and shields, knights and paladins. But warriors still walk among us. Their strength and grace is as effective in dealing with today's challenges as it was in olden times. Their intensity and resolve...
Book cover of Slovenian Democratic Evolution and Praxis
by Miro Haček, Marjan Brezovšek, Simona Kukovič
Language: English
Release Date: April 30, 2013

According to the Nations in transit and HDI measurements, Slovenia is regarded as a democratic country yet with some measurements it can also be found lower down the scale (problems with corruption). Although such measurements are not completely accurate, most of them rank...
Book cover of Slovenian Politics and the State
by Marjan Brezovšek, Miro Haček, Simona Kukovič
Language: English
Release Date: November 22, 2017

Slovenia is regarded today as a free country and consolidated democracy, with some problems with corruption, independent media, and independent judiciary. Since its independence in 1991, Slovenia has put in place democratic institutions of state organization, undergone major capital rearrangements,...
Book cover of Nonlinear Guided Wave Optics

Nonlinear Guided Wave Optics

A testbed for extreme waves

by Stéphane Barland, Bruno Garbin, Massimo Giudici
Language: English
Release Date: December 27, 2017

Experiments and theory have rapidly progressed on nonlinear optical extreme waves, showing that guided wave nonlinear optics and fiber lasers provide a relatively simple, accessible and controllable test bed for the observations and accurate statistical studies of extreme wave phenomena that obey...
Book cover of Advanced Network Programming – Principles and Techniques

Advanced Network Programming – Principles and Techniques

Network Application Programming with Java

by Bogdan Ciubotaru, Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2013

Answering the need for an accessible overview of the field, this text/reference presents a manageable introduction to both the theoretical and practical aspects of computer networks and network programming. Clearly structured and easy to follow, the book describes cutting-edge developments in network...
Book cover of Treasure of Sanssouci Park
by Sergei Miro
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2014

As World War II approaches, Kare Hoffmann, a cinematography student, feels its effects immediately. When his father is arrested after speaking out against the Nazi regime, Kare escapes Germany and seeks sanctuary among family. He lands in Great Britain only to discover that his Jewish mother, left...
Book cover of Guida alla Romagna di Secondo Casadei
by Gianfranco Miro Gori
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 30, 2014

In principio era Zaclen. Col suo poderoso violino inventò la musica popolare romagnola. Poi venne Secondo Casadei. Musicista, compositore, capo-orchestra, impresario portò a compimento l'opera di Zaclen. Stabilì una tradizione. E la diffuse in Italia e nel mondo. Romagna mia, la sua canzone più...
Book cover of Il canto del delfino
by Miro Jafisco
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 22, 2015

I misteri dell’Atlantico racchiudono in sé gran parte della storia dell’umanità e da sempre studiosi e ricercatori hanno tentato di scovare le verità nascoste sotto l’immensa distesa blu. Questo romanzo narra la vicenda di uno dei tanti ricercatori che ha avuto il coraggio di affrontare l’oceano,...
Book cover of La hija del Ganges (Daughter of the Ganges)

La hija del Ganges (Daughter of the Ganges)

La historia de una adopción (A Memoir)

by Asha Miro
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 25, 2009

“Quiero unos padres,” insistía Asha cuando solo tenia cinco anos, sentada en lo alto de las escaleras del orfanato de Bombay. Por fin, en 1974, Asha viajo a Barcelona, donde la esperaban sus nuevos padres adoptivos y una Hermana, otra niña india. En 1995, cuando acababa de cumplir veintisiete...
Book cover of Ho bisogno di ascoltare il mare
by Miro Iafisco
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 25, 2012

Ascoltare il mare è come ascoltarsi dentro, un ascoltare forgiante di energia, per vivere il passato ancora una volta testimone della nostra attuale esistenza. Il racconto non ha l'obiettivo di essere un'autobiografia dell'autore, ma una miscellanea di esperienze che convergono tutte, tra fantasia...
Book cover of Il grillo parlante
by Miro Iafisco
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 6, 2018

Il grillo parlante, il consigliere inascoltato di Pinocchio, l’irrequieto burattino uscito dalla penna di Collodi, è diventato per antonomasia l’incarnazione della saggezza, di colui che sa guardare con disincanto le vicende umane e sa instradare gli inesperti e irruenti individui sulla retta...
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