Monica: 1341 books

Book cover of La rabbia delle donne. Come trasformare un fuoco distruttivo in energia vitale

La rabbia delle donne. Come trasformare un fuoco distruttivo in energia vitale

Come trasformare un fuoco distruttivo in energia vitale

by Monica Morganti
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 27, 2013

Una guida in cui l’Autrice accompagna le lettrici in un percorso terapeutico che permetterà loro di raggiungere l’autenticità nella propria esistenza, imparando come non fare del male agli altri, ma neppure a se stesse.
Book cover of A Perfect Vision
by Monica BArrie
Language: English
Release Date: April 8, 2019

Will love and passion destroy Lea Graham's vision for her life and her future? When architect Lea Graham fell on the mountainside of her perfect New Mexican paradise – the land she planned to turn into a model community – it was the handsome and fiery naturalist artist, Darren Laird who...
Book cover of Silken Threads
by Monica BArrie
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2019

Cassandra had everything! The Looks, Money, and a rich, handsome fiance... But it wasn't enough.... As the daughter of a corporate monarch, Cassandra Leeds was expected to marry into high society-with or without love. But society and her CEO fiance wasn't enough for Cassie, and when she told...
Book cover of Emerald Love, Sapphire Dreams
by Monica Barrie
Language: English
Release Date: April 6, 2019

A Sunken Treasure, a Greek God, and the blue green Caribbean. were all in Megan's way.... —When Megan Teal agreed to hire and supervise a diver to search for a sunken Galleon, She never expected a reunion with Pres Wyman, the High School 'nerd' she'd blown off when he'd asked her out. —Ten...
Book cover of Racconti politici
by Monica Ravalico
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 17, 2011

Il libro è un’antologia di racconti brevi e pezzi vari, pubblicati su giornali on-line. L’autrice ricostruisce la visione politica del presente affrontando tutte le questioni che negli ultimi anni sono state affrontate dalla società civile. Il saggio non fa sconti a nessuno lanciando però molti spunti di riflessione e di crescita per il futuro.
Book cover of Global Childhoods
by Monica Edwards
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2015

This up to date text is suitable for students on all early years courses that include a module on global childhoods. Taking an ecological approach, it examines how culture and society shape childhoods through considering the lived experiences of children internationally. It begins by questioning the...
Book cover of Flights of Fancy and Food for Thought
by Linda Anne Monica Schneider
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2016

This collection of short stories and essays contains a variety of selections that are often flights of fancy and imagination, but some of them may rise to the level of food for thought. The first long story is a futuristic science fiction piece envisioning a world where power struggles and usurping...
Book cover of Pussycat Club. Das Spiel der Liebe
by Monica Bellini
Language: German
Release Date: February 1, 2018

Willkommen im Pussycat Club, wo sinnliche Träume Wirklichkeit werden ... Wunderschön, verführerisch und unnahbar – Cat Black, Besitzerin des exklusiven Pussycat Clubs, wird von vielen beneidet, von vielen begehrt. Ihr Leben zwischen Reichtum, Macht und Lust scheint keine Wünsche offenzulassen...
Book cover of The Choice: Mut zur Liebe
by Monica Bellini, Lisa Torberg
Language: German
Release Date: December 12, 2018

Sein Name ist Yves Latour, sein Beruf Strafverteidiger. Die Pariser Richter und Staatsanwälte nennen ihn "Avocat Pitbull". Doch sosehr er sich in seinen Gegnern festbeißt, so wenig tut er es bei Frauen. Deren Anhänglichkeit ist ihm ein Gräuel, daher hält er sich an die Escorts der Agence...
Book cover of Mafia Sisters. Never kiss your enemy
by Monica Bellini
Language: German
Release Date: February 12, 2018

Candida kann es nicht fassen – Angelo Prizzi, der gefürchtete Mafioso aus New York, hat sie entführt! Doch dieser Mann, der seit Wochen in Sizilien sein Unwesen treibt, ist nicht nur ein schamloser Verbrecher, sondern unglaublich sexy, heiß und über alle Maßen attraktiv … Und auch Angelo...
Book cover of Mafia Sisters. Love in the Dark
by Monica Bellini
Language: German
Release Date: January 12, 2018

Clarissa lebt als anerkannte Kunstexpertin in London, ihre Karriere steht an erster Stelle. Von ihrer Schönheit ahnt sie selbst wenig, und für die Liebe scheint ohnehin keine Zeit. Kaum jemand kennt ihr Geheimnis: Clarissa Corsini ist die Tochter eines Mafiabosses aus Sizilien, vor acht Jahren hat...
Book cover of Mafia Sisters. Love next Door
by Monica Bellini
Language: German
Release Date: March 8, 2018

Im traumhaften Malibu will Celeste, jüngste Tochter des verstorbenen Mafiabosses Don Bartolo Corsini, mit fünfundzwanzig ein neues Leben beginnen. Doch schon während ihrer Einzugsparty wird sie am Strand fast vergewaltigt. Und ihr Retter in höchster Not verschwindet so schnell, wie er gekommen...
Book cover of Broken Wings: Sehnsüchtiges Verlangen
by Monica Bellini, Lisa Torberg
Language: German
Release Date: December 12, 2018

Sein Name ist Marcel Sancerre. Seine Uni-Zeiten als SAE, Sexiest Ass Ever, liegen ein paar Jahre zurück, aber sein Wert hat sich vervielfacht. Sündhaft attraktiv war er schon. Jetzt ist er auch noch unermesslich reich und der Marquis de Sancerre. Er kann (fast) jede haben, aber der "weiße...
Book cover of Risorse sovraumane. Autoritratto dei manager italiani di oggi

Risorse sovraumane. Autoritratto dei manager italiani di oggi

Autoritratto dei manager italiani di oggi

by Monica Fabris, Emma Villa
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 16, 2014

Chi sono i manager italiani di oggi? Possiamo ancora descriverli come individualisti, egoisti, interessati solo al potere e ai soldi?Le testimonianze autorevoli che accompagnano il testo creano un ponte tra l’evoluzione dei manager e i mutamenti del contesto politico ed economico, alimentando interrogativi...
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