Monika: 727 books

Book cover of Neobaroque in the Americas

Neobaroque in the Americas

Alternative Modernities in Literature, Visual Art, and Film

by Monika Kaup
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2012

In a comparative and interdisciplinary analysis of modern and postmodern literature, film, art, and visual culture, Monika Kaup examines the twentieth century's recovery of the baroque within a hemispheric framework embracing North America, Latin America, and U.S. Latino/a culture. As "neobaroque"...
Book cover of Dying


A Transition

by Monika Renz
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2015

This book introduces a process-based, patient-centered approach to palliative care that substantiates an indication-oriented treatment and radical reconsideration of our transition to death. Drawing on decades of work with terminally ill cancer patients and a trove of research on near-death experiences,...
Book cover of Endlich eine glückliche Frau
by Monika Winter
Language: German
Release Date: May 22, 2014

Monika Winter ist bei der Suche nach einer Antwort auf ihre Fragen, Wünsche und Sehnsüchte dem Geheimnis des wahren Glücks auf die Spur gekommen. In Dankbarkeit gegenüber ihrem Erlöser bezeugt sie vor den Menschen, wie er sie durch mancherlei Umwege und Nöte zur wahren Freiheit geführt hat....
Book cover of Information Economics
by Urs Birchler, Monika Bütler
Language: English
Release Date: June 23, 1999

This new text book by Urs Birchler and Monika Butler is an introduction to the study of how information affects economic relations. The authors provide a narrative treatment of the more formal concepts of Information Economics, using easy to understand and lively illustrations from film and literature...
Book cover of Let's Talk Money: You've Worked Hard for It, Now Make It Work for You
by Monika Halan
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2018

We work hard to earn our money. But regardless of how much we earn, the money worry never goes away. Bills, rent, EMIs, medical costs, vacations, kids' education and, somewhere at the back of the head, the niggling thought about being under-prepared for our own retirement. Wouldn't it be wonderful...
Book cover of Pregnant Darkness

Pregnant Darkness

Alchemy and the Rebirth of Consciousness

by Wikman, Monika
Language: English
Release Date: January 28, 2005

Author, psychologist, and astrologer Monika Wikman has worked for decades with clients and their dream symbols and witnessed the presence of the divine hand at work in the psyche. In The Pregnant Darkness, Wikman shows readers that the best way to cope with their darkest hours is by fostering a connection...
Book cover of Pavel's Letters
by Monika Maron
Language: English
Release Date: October 31, 2011

Teasing her family's past out of the fog of oblivion and lies, one of Germany's greatest writers asks about the secrets families keep, about the fortitude of ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, and about what becomes of the individual mind when the powers that be turn against it. Born...
Book cover of An Introduction to Narratology
by Monika Fludernik
Language: English
Release Date: February 16, 2009

An Introduction to Narratology is an accessible, practical guide to narratological theory and terminology and its application to literature. In this book, Monika Fludernik outlines: the key concepts of style, metaphor and metonymy, and the history of narrative forms narratological approaches...
Book cover of The American Girl
by Monika Fagerholm
Language: English
Release Date: February 16, 2010

In 1969, a young girl makes a trip from Coney Island to the swampy coastland on the rural outskirts of Helsinki, Finland. There, her death will immediately become part of local mythology, furnishing boys and girls with fodder for endless romantic imaginings. Everyone who lives near the swamp dreams...
Book cover of Melodie für einen schönen Mann
by Monika Held
Language: German
Release Date: February 12, 2015

Jennifer Stroemfeld ist Journalistin, eigensinnig, selbstbewusst und engagiert. Eines Tages wird sie Zeugin eines tragischen Unfalls, bei dem ein kleines Mädchen ums Leben kommt. Auf der Beerdigung lernt Jenny Eduardo de Sastre kennen, der aus Guatemala nach Deutschland gekommen ist und darauf hofft,...
Book cover of Meine schönsten Kindergeschichten
by Monika Alke
Language: German
Release Date: November 13, 2014

In diesem Buch stellt Monika Alke ihre schönsten Kindergeschichten vor und lädt ihre kleinen Leser dabei zu einer wunderschönen Reise in die Welt der Phantasie ein.
Book cover of Special Subjects: Beginning Chinese Brush

Special Subjects: Beginning Chinese Brush

Discover the art of traditional Chinese brush painting

by Monika Cilmi
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2017

With comprehensive instruction and artist tips and tricks, Special Subjects: Beginning Chinese Brush is the perfect resource for beginning artists. Explore and experience this traditional medium! Special Subjects: Beginning Chinese Brush teaches aspiring artists everything they need to know...
Book cover of Glückliche Scheidungskinder

Glückliche Scheidungskinder

Trennungen und wie Kinder damit fertig werden

by Monika Czernin, Remo H. Largo
Language: German
Release Date: December 19, 2016

Remo H. Largo und Monika Czernin machen Eltern Mut, die in der schwierigen Situation einer Scheidung sind: Kinder müssen unter der Trennung der Eltern nicht leiden – es gibt Wege, sie glücklich aufwachsen zu lassen. Getrennt leben, aber gemeinsam erziehen, das ist möglich. Die Autoren gehen anhand...
Book cover of Jugendjahre


Kinder durch die Pubertät begleiten

by Remo H. Largo, Monika Czernin
Language: German
Release Date: March 27, 2017

Computersucht, Komasaufen, Schulmüdigkeit – selten gibt es positive Schlagzeilen über Jugendliche. Und das, obwohl die Mehrheit selbstbewusst, verantwortungsvoll und mit viel Eigeninitiative in die Welt startet. Mit ihrem Buch wollen Remo H. Largo und Monika Czernin Verständnis für die Jugendlichen...
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