Monti: 85 books

Book cover of Opere di Vincenzo Monti
by Vincenzo Monti
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2014

13 opere di Vincenzo Monti Poeta, scrittore, drammaturgo e traduttore italiano (1754-1828) Questo libro elettronico presenta una collezione di 13 opere di Vincenzo Monti. Indice interattivo: Al Principe Don Sigismondo Chigi Al signor di Montgolfier Feroniade Fior di mia gioventute...
Book cover of Poesie
by Vincenzo Monti
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 15, 2013

L'esordio letterario di Vincenzo Monti è legato alla composizione di opere in versi di vario genere, tra cui spiccano i sonetti. Innovativa è la capacità di Monti di mescolare le fonti, la tradizione arcadica e la lezione degli Illuministi, creando uno stile del tutto personale e distintivo. Il...
Book cover of Per favore, non baciarmi
by Lucrezia Monti
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 25, 2016

Guida semiseria a ciò che le donne non vogliono. Tutti gli uomini credono di essere grandi baciatori. Tutte le donne, almeno una volta nella vita, avrebbero preferito non venir baciate. Fate voi. Breve guida per uomini curiosi ed ironici (e per donne capaci di fare di mal comune mezzo gaudio). *** Della...
Book cover of Peering Through a Frosted Window

Peering Through a Frosted Window

Essays and Poems About Life

by Virginia Monti, Andrea Monti Riffe
Language: English
Release Date: January 17, 2013

Peering Through a Frosted Window is a collection of essays and poems written by authors Virginia Monti and Andrea Monti Riffe some of which are memoir and others are merely ideas and insights from their imagination. It includes pictures of long ago and also original ones. By reading the essays...
Book cover of La Principessa e l'Orso
by Lucrezia Monti
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 8, 2019

Rebecca è ricca, viziata, sofisticata. Ha un loft a Milano  e vive di libri, non tanto perché è autrice di un  (discutibile) bestseller fantasy, quanto perché è un'accanita lettrice: cerca, nelle pagine che hanno scritto  i grandi autori del passato, quei sentimenti che non comprende e che...
Book cover of The Great Life Makeover

The Great Life Makeover

Weight, Mood, and Sex

by Daniel Monti M.D., Anthony Bazzan M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2009

Fat, cranky sex. Doesn't sound all that great, does it? The truth is, these three things—your weight, mood, and your sex life—are crucial elements of a great life at any age, but especially now that you're in the best years of your life. And they are the three elements that, when improperly calibrated,...
Book cover of Wo die Liebe hinfährt
by Sophia Monti
Language: German
Release Date: June 19, 2019

Ein Geliebter, der frisch verlobte Ex und eine ganze Menge Chaos Das Leben der 33-jährigen Anja gerät total aus den Fugen, als ihr chronisch bekiffter Lover Andy sie verlässt. Was für ein glücklicher Zufall, dass Anjas Exfreund Jan einen Trip nach Spanien plant. Anja ergreift die Chance...
Book cover of Not What We Appear To Be

Not What We Appear To Be

New Perspectives for Conscious Living

by Monti Scribner
Language: English
Release Date: December 13, 2016

Our outer appearance and inner nature reflect and assist in the experiences we are destined to have. But we are not what we appear to be. It requires a leap of faith to absorb that we are far more than three-dimensional beings. Each of us is a multidimensional aspect of a greater being, with our own...
Book cover of Byzantium
by Francesco La Manno, Andrea Gualchierotti, Lorenzo Camerini
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 1, 2018

Byzantium è un compendio di racconti in sei parti, scritto da Lorenzo Camerini e Andrea Gualchierotti. L’opera, a cavallo tra novella storica di cappa e spada e avventura sword and sorcery, rivisita in chiave fantastica gli scenari dell’impero bizantino, a partire dai fasti di Costantinopoli...
Book cover of Vendetta sottobanco
by Lucrezia Monti
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 11, 2017

L'ha odiato quando era soltanto una ragazzina, costretta a subire tra i banchi di scuola gli scherzi di quella specie di pirata ribelle; ora Angelica si trova a lavorare alle dipendenze di Rolando e, certa che lui non si ricordi di lei, pianifica una perfetta vendetta. Ma gli eventi prenderanno una...
Book cover of Donald Trump in 100 Facts
by Ruth Ann Monti
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2018

Love him or loathe him, everybody is interested in the phenomenon that is Donald Trump. In the 100 facts contained within, Ruth Ann Monti brings us up close to the man and the brand. Even seasoned Trump watchers will find things they never knew. Did you know that Trump’s children aren't allowed...
Book cover of Urban People and Places

Urban People and Places

The Sociology of Cities, Suburbs, and Towns

by Michael Ian Borer, Daniel J. (Joseph) Monti, Lyn C. Macgregor
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2014

Daniel Monti, Michael Ian Borer, and Lyn C. Macgregor provide a thorough and comprehensive survey of the contemporary urban world that is accessible to students with Urban People and Places: The Sociology of Cities, Suburbs, and Towns.  This new title will give balanced treatment to both the process...
Book cover of Mediterranean Diet: How It Can Help You To Lose Weight And Feel Healhty, 7-Day Meal Plan With Kitchen Tested Recipes
by Adriana Monti
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2017

Did you know that there are foods that allow you to have a full plate and still reap many health benefits? If you want to lose/maintain weight, prevent diabetes, improve your heart's health, or reduce your stress, and not starve to make all this possible – the Mediterranean diet is undoubtedly the...
Book cover of A Guide To Ultimate Tent Camping
by Monti Daley
Language: English
Release Date: July 12, 2014

This book is written for everyone who enjoys the great outdoors and Mother Nature. The authors have a combined 70 years experience tent camping in the Inland Northwest,as well as Central and Northern Idaho. The book offers many tips and tricks on how to make tent camping not only fun but also the...
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