Muhammad Sakura: 22 books

Book cover of Meredakan Emosi Amarah Dalam Pandangan Islam
by Muhammad Sakura
Language: Indonesian
Release Date: December 7, 2016

Amarah terkait erat dengan sikap atau perilaku yang cenderung mengarah pada penolakan atau permusuhan kepada orang lain. Pintu utamanya adalah kontrol diri yang buruk, lalu mendatangkan sakit hati yang berat. Semua itu berjalan sesuai naluri manusia untuk mempertahankan diri (gharîzah baqâ`)....
Book cover of Kisah Sahabat Rasul Vol 2 Tsabit Bin Qais Sang Juru Bicara Rasulullah
by Muhammad Sakura
Language: Indonesian
Release Date: November 29, 2016

Hassan adalah penyair Rasulullah dan penyair Islam …. Dan Tsabit adalah juru-bicara Rasulullah dan jurubicara Islam …. Kalimat dan kata-kata yang keluar dari mulutnya kuat, padat, keras, tegas dan mempesonakan. Pada tahun datangnya utusan-utusan dari berbagai penjuru semenanjung Arabia, datanglah...
Book cover of Kisah Hikayat Legenda Nabi Sulaiman AS & Ratu Balqis
by Muhammad Sakura
Language: Indonesian
Release Date: March 2, 2016

Nabi Sulaiman adalah seorang nabi dan raja yang saleh. Allah memberi mukjizat kepadanya sehingga dapat memahani bahasa binatang dan menundukkan bangsa jin. Beliau sangat berwibawa dan ditakuti semua anak buahnya.  Suatu ketika, Nabi Sulaiman mengumpulkan seluruh tentaranya yang terdiri dari manusia,...
Book cover of Kisah Hikayat Islami Ashabul Kahfi 7 Pemuda Saleh & Anjing Penjaga Gua
by Muhammad Sakura
Language: Indonesian
Release Date: March 1, 2016

Sang anjing kecil yang telah mengetahui bahwa ibunya telah mati, merasa bersedih. Tapi rasa sedih itu segera terobati setelah tahu bahwa masih ada teman ibunya yang ingin mengasuhnya. Akhirnya sang anjing kecil diasuh dan disusui oleh teman ibunya tersebut. Teman ibunya itu selamat dari pembantaian...
Book cover of Asia Folklore Tales of Prince Yamato Take Bilingual Edition English & Spanish
by Muhammad Vandestra, Maya Aminah Sakura
Language: English
Release Date: April 8, 2018

The insignia of the great Japanese Empire is composed of three treasures which have been considered sacred, and guarded with jealous care from time immemorial. These are the Yatano-no-Kagami or the Mirror of Yata, the Yasakami-no-Magatama or the Jewel of Yasakami, and the Murakumo-no-Tsurugi or the...
Book cover of Japanese Folklore Tales of The Beautiful Weaving Maiden

Japanese Folklore Tales of The Beautiful Weaving Maiden

Bilingual Edition English & Spanish

by Maya Aminah Sakura, Muhammad Vandestra
Language: English
Release Date: April 22, 2018

All you that are true lovers, I beseech you pray the gods for fair weather upon the seventh night of the seventh moon. For patience’ sake and for dear love’s sake, pray, and be pitiful that upon that night there may be neither rain, nor hail, nor cloud, nor thunder, nor creeping mist. Hear...
Book cover of Asia Folklore Tales of Prince Yamato Take English Edition
by Maya Aminah Sakura, Muhammad Vandestra
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2018

The insignia of the great Japanese Empire is composed of three treasures which have been considered sacred, and guarded with jealous care from time immemorial. These are the Yatano-no-Kagami or the Mirror of Yata, the Yasakami-no-Magatama or the Jewel of Yasakami, and the Murakumo-no-Tsurugi or the...
Book cover of Asia Folklore Tales of The Beautiful Moon Maiden
by Muhammad Vandestra, Maya Aminah Sakura
Language: English
Release Date: March 21, 2018

There was an old bamboo cutter called Také Tori. He was an honest old man, very poor and hard-working, and he lived with his good old wife in a cottage on the hills. Children they had none, and little comfort in their old age, poor souls. Také Tori rose early upon a summer morning, and went forth...
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