Nadine G : 8 books

Book cover of Enterludes


A Collection of Poems

by Nadine G.
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2010

We should talk about love. We should talk about lust. We should talk about sex. We should talk the aftermath. We should talk about the spirit. We can talk. We must talk. Lets converse. Nadine G Enterludes is a collection of poetry that depicts a common human experience. The reader takes a journey...
Book cover of Breaking the Mold of School Instruction and Organization

Breaking the Mold of School Instruction and Organization

Innovative and Successful Practices for the Twenty-First Century

by Monisha Bajaj, Nadine Binkley, Nancy Boxler
Language: English
Release Date: January 16, 2010

This one-of-a-kind collection of chapters takes the reader on a tour to explore innovative practices from classrooms, schools, districts, communities, and faraway places in the world. Each of the chapters-organized under six headings-tells an authentic, compelling story of a pioneering and successful...
Book cover of Imaniman


Poets Writing in the Anzaldúan Borderlands

by ire'ne lara silva, Rodney Gomez, Daniel E. Solís y Martínez
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2017

In homage to Gloria Anzaldúa and her iconic work Borderlands/La Frontera, award-winning poets ire'ne lara silva and Dan Vera have assembled the work of 54 writers who reflect on the complex terrain—the deeply felt psychic, social, and geopolitical borderlands—that Anzaldúa inhabited, theorized,...
Book cover of Afterschool Education

Afterschool Education

Approaches to an Emerging Field

by Gil G. Noam, Gina Biancarosa, Nadine Dechausay
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2002

The authors survey the current afterschool landscape and bring to light important issues and practices within the field, explore the challenges and opportunities facing afterschool education programs, and point to future directions for these burgeoning educational ventures. Afterschool education...
Book cover of Faszination Magie: Von Hexen, Zauberern und magischen Ritualen
by Anett Steiner, Claudia Gärtling, Nadine Schneider
Language: German
Release Date: March 29, 2016

Der dritte Band aus der Reihe 'ParaMagazin', rund um Themen der Grenzwissenschaften und Parapsychologie. Das Titelthema befasst sich mit der Thematik der Hexen und Zauberer, der Faszination für Magie und die Entwicklung des Hexentums von der Antike bis heute. Hinzu kommen versunkene oder untergegangene...
Book cover of Magic Sex 1

Magic Sex 1

30 x Lust pur!

by Dave Vandenberg, Andreas Müller, Gerd B. Weiss
Language: German
Release Date: January 1, 2010

Achtung, dieses Buch ist brandheiß! Auf 336 prall gefüllten Seiten bieten Ihnen über 30 Storys aufregenden Power-Sex, der keine Wünsche offen lässt. Es geht um wilden Sex mit der Nachbarin, erotische Urlaubs-Abenteuer, lustvolle Erlebnisse am Arbeitsplatz, schmutziges Sex-Spielzeug und um sexuellen...
Book cover of L'huile d'olive en Méditerranée

L'huile d'olive en Méditerranée

Histoire, anthropologie, économie de l'Antiquité à nos jours

by Nadine Richez-Battesti, Marcel Courdurié, Louis Pierrein
Language: French
Release Date: April 19, 2013

Après le café en Méditerranée, l’huile d’olive... Il nous est particulièrement agréable de présenter cette publication, dernier fruit de la coopération étroite qui unit le Groupement d’intérêt scientifique « Sciences humaines » sur l’aire méditerranéenne, d’Aix-en-Provence,...
Book cover of Guide infirmier des urgences
by Patrick Miroux, Raphaëlle Benveniste, Dominique Pateron
Language: French
Release Date: May 27, 2011

Cet ouvrage traite des urgences médicales et chirurgicales de manière exhaustive et sous un angle pragmatique. Il comporte près de 200 fiches et est organisé en 4 parties: - partie 1: des fiches de conduites à tenir qui suivent un plan identique en détaillant la prise en charge infirmière,...
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