Nan: 303 books

Book cover of War Is Not a Game

War Is Not a Game

The New Antiwar Soldiers and the Movement They Built

by Nan Levinson
Language: English
Release Date: November 10, 2014

War Is Not a Game tells the story of this new soldiers’ antiwar movement, showing why it was born, how it quickly grew, where it has struggled, what it accomplished, and how it continues to resonate in the national conversation about our military and our wars. Nan Levinson reveals the individuals...
Book cover of Iowa's Original Writers Anthology
by Matthew Davenport, Sue Raymond, Steve Havemann
Language: English
Release Date: December 8, 2015

Experience the Strong Literary Culture of Local Iowa Authors Independent or Traditionally Published, it doesn't matter. In the end, we're all IOWA. Step into a world of fantasy, love, business, mystery, adventure, and horror as you open the pages of this book to discover the intense...
Book cover of Vakte Karşı Sözler
by Ö. Tuğrul İnançer
Language: Turkish
Release Date: October 24, 2016

"Zaman bilincinin zirvesi "ibnü'l-vakt" olmak; mekân bilincinin zirvesi ise "medenî" olmaktır. İbnü'l-vakt, her an yeniden doğandır, akıp giden vakte karşı dâima yeni ve yenileyen sözler söyleyendir. Medenî olmak, insana zimmetlenen yeryüzünü bozmadan, kirletmeden îmâr etme çabasıdır....
Book cover of The Quarry Wood
by Nan Shepherd
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2010

When Martha accepts a place at university, her decision is met with a mixture of hostility and pride by her uncomprehending family. This is the story of a young woman's journey to maturity and independence, struggling to cope with the intellectual and emotional challenges that surround her, at a time...
Book cover of Japanese Woodblock Flower Prints
by Tanigami Kônan
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2012

Exceptionally drawn in a realistic fashion and awash in spectacularly rich colors, this one-of-a-kind art book — masterfully reprinted from a rare and costly edition — combines the perennial appeal of flowers with the art of Japanese woodblock prints. Nothing expresses the richness and vigor of...
Book cover of The Words We Sing

The Words We Sing

Bringing Meaning to Worship

by Nan Corbitt Allen
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Though there are various genres of music—country, rap, rock, and pop, to name a few—the Christian music genre is the only genre defined by its lyric. But, how understanding are we as we write, sing, and lead others in worship with these words? The Words We Sing is an exploration of 49 words and phrases...
Book cover of The Law of Emergencies

The Law of Emergencies

Public Health and Disaster Management

by Nan D. Hunter
Language: English
Release Date: August 8, 2017

The Law of Emergencies: Public Health and Disaster Management, Second Edition, introduces the American legal system as it interacts with disaster management, public health and civil unrest issues. Nan Hunter shows how the law in this area plays out in the context of real life emergencies where individuals...
Book cover of Living Democracy

Living Democracy

Communities as Classrooms, Students as Citizens

by Nan Fairley, Dr. Mark Wilson
Language: English
Release Date: December 8, 2017

At Auburn University, in Alabama, students may take part in a summer-long embedded community experience called “Living Democracy.” This project has its roots in higher education's long history of civic engagement, but it takes a different perspective than traditional service learning programs....
Book cover of Fringe Benefits

Fringe Benefits

Coffee & Crime Mystery, #4

by Nan Sampson
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2018

Romance author Lila Lee Merrill, the undisputed First Lady of Love, comes home to Horizon for a book signing at the book shop of Ellie Gooden's friend, Laura Lincoln. Fans are lined up, the coffee is flowing and the book signing is a hit - right up until Lila Lee keels over on the floor, dead of...
Book cover of Westlich des Sunset
by Stewart O'Nan
Language: German
Release Date: March 26, 2016

Ein fesselnder Roman über die Traumfabrik Hollywood und die letzten drei Lebensjahre des berühmten amerikanischen Schriftstellers Francis Scott Fitzgerald. Mit "Der große Gatsby" hatte er Weltruf erlangt. Doch das ist lange her. Als er einundvierzigjährig in Hollywood ankommt, scheint...
Book cover of Engel im Schnee
by Stewart O'Nan
Language: German
Release Date: July 19, 2013

1974 in der Kleinstadt Butler, Pennsylvania; ein verschneiter Winternachmittag. Der fünfzehnjährige Arthur Parkinson übt mit seiner Highschool-Band. Plötzlich knallen Schüsse. Was Arthur da hört, ist der Mord an Annie Marchand, seiner früheren Babysitterin und dem Objekt seiner ersten erotischen...
Book cover of Stadt der Geheimnisse
by Stewart O'Nan
Language: German
Release Date: October 23, 2018

Jerusalem, 1947: Der Zweite Weltkrieg ist vorbei, die Staatsgründung Israels steht unmittelbar bevor. Jossi Brand hat nichts mehr zu verlieren: Seine gesamte Familie, lettische Juden, wurde in Riga von den Deutschen ermordet. Er beschließt, Mitglied der zionistischen Untergrundorganisation Hagana...
Book cover of Alle, alle lieben dich
by Stewart O'Nan
Language: German
Release Date: July 20, 2012

"Ein grandioser Generationenroman." (Die Zeit) "Man ist nach wenigen Seiten von der Stadt und ihren Personen vollkommen absorbiert und möchte sie so schnell nicht mehr verlassen – buchstäblich bis zum bitteren Ende." (Neue Zürcher Zeitung) "Stewart O'Nan erweist sich...
Book cover of Monster


Eine Halloween-Geschichte

by Stewart O'Nan
Language: German
Release Date: October 1, 2014

Sie wollen Monster sein – in einem als Spukhaus von der Kirche hergerichteten Gebäude. Monster wie in dem Horrorfilm "Der Schrecken vom Amazonas", nur die Kostüme fehlen noch: Anzüge mit einem langen Reißverschluss hinten und einer Kopfbedeckung, die wie ein Taucherhelm aussieht. Mark...
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