Neil Miller: 25 books

Book cover of Cognition Switch #4
by Scott Aaronson, James Q Whitman, Costica Bradatan
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2019

Cognition Switch: An Artefact for the Transmission of New Ideas Issue #4: March 2019 Featuring Ideas by: James Q Whitman, Costica Bradatan, Angela Kennedy, Matthew Francis, David Munns, Chris Kempes, Van Savage, Neil Levy, Stefani Engelstein, Walter Vannini, Tom Winterbottom, Lori Miller Kase, Matthew Karp, Philip Goff, and Scott Aaronson
Book cover of Grace That Breaks the Chains

Grace That Breaks the Chains

Freedom from Guilt, Shame, and Trying Too Hard

by Neil T. Anderson, Rich Miller, Paul Travis
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2014

Neil Anderson, author of the bestselling The Bondage Breaker™, and his coauthors expose the trauma of legalism to let you see how Christ frees you from your efforts to be “good enough for God.” Far too many Christians believe that the Christian life is “trying hard to do what God commands.”...
Book cover of Daredevil Rinascita
by Frank Miller, Danny O’Neil
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 21, 2016

Improvvisamente tutto nella vita di Matt Murdock comincia a complicarsi. Come se non bastasse lo stato che gli contesta tasse non pagate e la banca che dice di non ha ricevuto i soldi del mutuo, ora qualcuno lo accusa anche di aver corrotto un testimone. È l’inizio di un viaggio nella disperazione...
Book cover of Spider-Man. Notti Oscure (Spider-Man Collection)
by Chris Claremont, Frank Miller, Dennis O'Neil
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 8, 2017

Finalmente raccolte insieme tutte le storie realizzate per Spider-Man da Frank Miller, il maestro di Daredevil, Sin City e Batman: The Dark Knight Returns! Ospiti speciali Dr. Strange, i Fantastici Quattro, Daredevil, Punisher, Cage e Iron Fist! Apparizione a sorpresa per Killgrave l’Uomo Porpora,...
Book cover of Spawn Origins, Band 1
by Todd McFarlane, Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman
Language: German
Release Date: December 10, 2014

1992 wurde eine der unvergesslichsten Figuren der Comic-Geschichte erstmals auf ein nichts ahnendes Publikum losgelassen: Spawn. Und dies sind die Geschichten, mit denen alles begann. Die ersten zwölf Hefte der erfolgreichsten Independent-Comic-Serie aller Zeiten endlich in einem Band. Mit umfangreichem...
Book cover of Walking in Freedom

Walking in Freedom

21 Days to Securing Your Identity in Christ

by Neil T. Anderson, Rich Miller
Language: English
Release Date: January 2, 2009

God wants His children to walk in the freedom purchased for them by Christ at Calvary. Every person has been given the responsibility to make right choices in life--we must choose truth, reject lies, and forgive those who hurt us--but God has not left us as orphans to fend for ourselves! The Holy...
Book cover of Getting Anger Under Control
by Neil T. Anderson, Rich Miller
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2002

Whether horrific enough to grab headlines or minor enough tocause arguments with family and friends, uncontrolled anger steals peace, joy,and trust. Here, readers get clear, biblical methods for keeping anger in itsplace.
Book cover of Bigger than Ben-Hur

Bigger than Ben-Hur

The Book, Its Adaptations, and Their Audiences

by Neil Sinyard, Eran Shalev, Jefferson J. A. Gatrall
Language: English
Release Date: January 21, 2016

First published in 1880, Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ became a best-seller. The popular novel spawned an 1899 stage adaptation, reaching audiences of over 10 million, and two highly successful film adaptations. For over a century, it has become a ubiquitous pop cultural presence, representing a deeply...
Book cover of The Neuro-Ophthalmology Survival Guide E-Book
by Anthony Pane, MBBS MMedSc FRANZCO PhD, Neil R. Miller
Language: English
Release Date: July 29, 2017

This book is a practical, symptom-based, ‘how-to’ guide to neuro-ophthalmology and acquired strabismus for all trainee and practising ophthalmologists and optometrists. Each chapter focusses on a specific clinical symptom and includes an introduction to the clinical assessment of a symptom; an...
Book cover of A Triple Bottom Line Planning Tool for Measuring Sustainability

A Triple Bottom Line Planning Tool for Measuring Sustainability

A systems approach to sustainability using the Australian dairy industry as a case study

by Laurie Buys, Kerrie Mengersen, Sandra Johnson
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 2014

Introduces the Sustainability Scorecard, and describes it through a case study on sustainability
Book cover of Walsh & Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology: The Essentials
by Neil R. Miller, Prem Subramanian, Vivek Patel
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2015

Focus on the most important clinical knowledge in neuro-ophthalmology! Walsh & Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology: The Essentials distills the most vital content from the esteemed three-volume parent text, Walsh & Hoyt’s Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology, widely acknowledged as the definitive...
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