Nissa: 7 books

Book cover of Patrística - A criação do homem | A alma e a ressurreição | A grande catequese - Vol. 29
by Gregório de Nissa
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 16, 2014

Quem de fato foi S. Gregório de Nissa? Um bispo? Um teólogo? Um pensador? Um místico? Um exegeta? As numerosas obras, importantes e originais, de caráter polêmico, expositivo, doutrinal e exegético, confirmam a figura poliédrica de S. Gregório de Nissa. Ele soube sintetizar harmonicamente...
Book cover of 'Sleepwalking to segregation'?

'Sleepwalking to segregation'?

Challenging myths about race and migration

by Simpson, Ludi, Finney
Language: English
Release Date: January 21, 2009

In the context of renewed debates about diversity and cohesion, this book interrogates contemporary claims about race and migration. It demonstrates that many of the claims are myths, presenting evidence in support of and in opposition to them in an accessible yet academically rigorous manner. The...
Book cover of Population and Society
by Dr Clare Holdsworth, Nissa Finney, Alan Marshall
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2013

"An excellent introduction to the study of population and its significance for many of the key social, political, cultural and environmental issues facing the world today. It covers population growth, ageing, migration and mobility, parenting, health inequalities, and much more... The authors...
Book cover of Internal Migration

Internal Migration

Geographical Perspectives and Processes

by Darren P. Smith, Nissa Finney, Nigel Walford
Language: English
Release Date: March 9, 2016

Over the last two decades there have been numerous profound changes in UK society which have had an impact on the scale, geographies, meaning and experiences of internal migration. Providing a critical appraisal of migration scholarship from the perspective of Geography, reviewing theory, substantive...
Book cover of Breaking Free: Chains Be Gone
by Nissa Fulton
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2015

My goal is to bring true life to those who feel they are all alone in the world; however, they know there is freedom beyond their heartache and pain.
Book cover of Vita di Mosè
by Gregorio di Nissa
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 22, 2013

Il libro Contemplazione sulla vita di Mosè più che un’opera esegetica, questo trattato, composto forse intorno al 392, riprende l’allegorismo di Filone giudeo nel considerare la vita del grande legislatore ebreo come allegoria del progresso dell’anima verso la compartecipazione del divino, con una trasparente derivazione anche dalla teoria dell’amore di Platone.
Book cover of VITA DI MOSÈ
by San Gregorio di Nissa
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 16, 2015

Mosè e chiunque voglia imitarlo nell’ascesa ver­so la virtù, dopo aver ricevuto forza nell’esercizio di una vita austera e dall’illuminazione soprannatu­rale scesa su lui dal cielo, si ritiene in dovere di mettersi a capo del popolo per guidano verso la li­bertà....
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