Oliver N : 20 books

Book cover of Meine falschen Brüder

Meine falschen Brüder

Wie ich mich als 16-Jähriger dem Islamischen Staat anschloss

by Oliver N., Sebastian Christ
Language: German
Release Date: October 5, 2017

Wien – Rakka – Wien: das erste Buch eines IS-Rückkehrers. Oliver N., in der Nähe von Wien aufgewachsen, ist gerade 16 geworden, als er sich in Syrien dem IS anschließt. Ein halbes Jahr verbringt er im "Kalifat", erlebt die Brutalität der islamistischen Kämpfer und kann sich nach...
Book cover of Nukleosynthese 1: Wasserstoffbrennen

Nukleosynthese 1: Wasserstoffbrennen

Science-Fiction Stories

by Klaus N. Frick, Tobias Bachmann, Uwe Post
Language: German
Release Date: January 11, 2019

Wasserstoffbrennen ist die erste von sechs Sammlungen deutschsprachiger Science-Fiction Kurzgeschichten. Erstveröffentlichungen und überarbeitete Ausgaben stehen nebeneinander – in Anlehnung der großen SF-Anthologien der 80er Jahre. Mit Erzählungen von Uwe Post / Oliver Koch / Matthias Falke...
Book cover of Literature and Cartography

Literature and Cartography

Theories, Histories, Genres

by Jean-Marc Besse, Bruno Bosteels, Patrick M. Bray
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2017

The relationship of texts and maps, and the mappability of literature, examined from Homer to Houellebecq. Literary authors have frequently called on elements of cartography to ground fictional space, to visualize sites, and to help readers get their bearings in the imaginative world of the...
Book cover of It Gets Darker As You Go
by Charles R. Oliver, Erik Schubach, O.C. Calhoun
Language: English
Release Date: May 26, 2017

There’s nothing to fear… This anthology features paranormal stories by the award-winning authors of the Spokane Fiction Writer’s Group. Erik Schubach O.C. Calhoun L.P. Masters Lorna M. Hartman David Jewett Jerry Schellhammer Patti L. Dikes Charles R. Oliver and R.N. Vick As you...
Book cover of Ueberreuter Lesebuch Kinder- und Jugendbuch Herbst 2016
by Andrea Jacobi, Martin Widmark, Sarah Forbes
Language: German
Release Date: May 12, 2016

Beinhaltet Leseproben folgender Herbstnovitäten 2016 des Ueberreuter Kinder- und Jugendbuchprogramms: Andrea Jacobi, Kastanienallee 8 – Annas Geheimnis (ab 7) Martin Widmark, Detektivbüro LasseMaja: Das Feuerwehrgeheimnis (ab 8) Sarah Forbes, Elsa Zart und die Schule für Aufschneider und Hochstapler...
Book cover of El Apocalipsis II

El Apocalipsis II

La mujer en dolores de parto (ca 12)

by Miguel Oliver Román
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 22, 2017

Desde esta orilla del siglo XXI podemos preguntarnos si el libro del Apocalipsis de San Juan tiene algo nuevo que decir al hombres de hoy, habitante orgulloso de la era interplanetaria, engolfado en la técnica informática, que todo lo escruta y domina. Y sin embargo, este hombre, al parecer satisfecho,...
Book cover of Santa's Christmas Library: 400+ Christmas Novels, Stories, Poems, Carols & Legends (Illustrated Edition)

Santa's Christmas Library: 400+ Christmas Novels, Stories, Poems, Carols & Legends (Illustrated Edition)

The Gift of the Magi, A Christmas Carol, Silent Night, The Three Kings, Little Lord Fauntleroy, Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, The Heavenly Christmas Tree, Little Women, The Tale of Peter Rabbit…

by O. Henry, Mark Twain, Beatrix Potter
Language: English
Release Date: November 28, 2018

This holiday, we are offering to you our own Christmas box - filled up to the top with the best Christmas novels, classics to read during holidays, magical Christmas tales, legends, most famous carols and the unique poetry of the giants of literature dedicated to this one and only holiday: The Gift...
Book cover of The Obama Doctrine in the Americas
by María Belén Ahumada, Ted Galen Carpenter, Khatchik DerGhougassian
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2016

This volume examines the foreign policy transition from George W. Bush to Barack H. Obama in relation to the countries of the Americas. In this work, contributors consider the major defining features of their respective policies in dealing with security-related issues. Specifically, they examine whether...
Book cover of New Directions in Contemporary Sociological Theory
by Peter M. Blau, Thomas J. Fararo, Jack A. Goldstone
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2002

Written by eminent sociologists, this book introduces and assesses some of the most influential, recent sociological theories. Each chapter explains the theory and describes a related program of empirical research. Chapters are authored by the actual founders (and/or leading exponents) of these theoretical...
Book cover of Second Chance
by Zimbell House Publishing, Dr. Oliver Brady, Aaron N. Brown
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2017

Second Chance is a collection of six short stories that explore what a second chance in the great beyond looks like. From former gods becoming guardian angels to an archangel having an existential crisis, these tales are told with a touch of humor and whimsy that will make you laugh out loud. Ever...
Book cover of Postphenomenological Methodologies

Postphenomenological Methodologies

New Ways in Mediating Techno-Human Relationships

by Jesper Aagaard, Catherine Adams, Ciano Aydin
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2018

This edited volume is the first publication to tackle the issue of researching human-technology relations from a methodological postphenomenological perspective. While the ‘traditional’ phenomenology of the 20th century, with figures like Husserl, Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty, provided valuable...
Book cover of A History of Medicine
by Lois N. Magner, Oliver J Kim
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2017

Designed for survey courses in the field A History of Medicine presents a wide-ranging overview for those seeking a solid grounding in the medical history of Western and non-Western cultures. Invaluable to instructors promoting the history of medicine in pre-professional training, and stressing major...
Book cover of Computational Studies of Transition Metal Nanoalloys
by Lauro Oliver Paz Borbón
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2011

The focus of this thesis is the computational modelling of transition metal bimetallic (nanoalloy) clusters. More specifically, the study of Pd-Pt, Ag-Pt, Au-Au and Pd-Au as a few tens of atoms in the gas phase. The author used a combination of global optimization techniques - coupled with a Gupta-type...
Book cover of Statistics for Sensory and Consumer Science
by Oliver Tomic, Tormod Næs, Per Bruun Brockhoff
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2011

As we move further into the 21st Century, sensory and consumer studies continue to develop, playing an important role in food science and industry. These studies are crucial for understanding the relation between food properties on one side and human liking and buying behaviour on the other. This...
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