Oliver Tearle: 3 books

Book cover of The Secret Library

The Secret Library

A Book-Lovers' Journey Through Curiosities of History

by Oliver Tearle
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2016

A fascinating tour through the curious history of Western civilization told through its most emblematic invention – the book. As well as leafing through the well-known titles that have helped shape the world in which we live, Oliver Tearle also dusts off some of the more neglected items to be found...
Book cover of 愛書人的神奇旅行:在祕密圖書館窺探西方文豪奇聞軼事,享受一個人的閱讀時光


The Secret Library: A book-lovers’ Journey Through Curiosities of History

by 奧立佛‧泰爾(Oliver Tearle)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 6, 2018

安妮(「故事:寫給所有人的歷史」網站「安妮的午茶八卦時間」專欄作家):「這本書最有趣的地方在於,它讓我看見,文學作品其實片段地反映了歷史的發展,將這些片段串聯起來,就是一部大歷史。」 有卦快進! 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》的作者,其實是個不折不扣的數理宅男? 王爾德的感情生活比他的作品還精彩千百倍? 吳爾芙第一次出版的作品,是為家裡的狗兒寫訃聞? 除了知名作家的八卦軼事,更能從中看見縱橫3000年的西方文明史 歡迎光臨祕密圖書館:專業講師導覽,探尋書籍背後鮮為人知的祕密,愛書人的歷史獵奇之旅 ●揭露知名作家的八卦趣聞,展示名著未曾見光的面向 ●藏在書架上塵封已久的作品,可能是穿越時間的珍寶 ●從中看見縱橫3000年的西方文明史 ●深入探究書的世界,發掘各式各樣新奇有趣的故事 你知道嗎? 愛倫坡在世時賣得最好的作品,是一本探討貝類和蝸牛的書; 現存最古老的笑話集已有超過1500年歷史,而且笑話結構和現在大同小異; 文藝復興時代風靡全歐洲的暢銷書,是在教爸媽如何教養小孩; 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》的作者,其實是個不折不扣的數理宅男; 安徒生曾經在狄更斯家當了三週米蟲,逼得狄更斯與他絕交! 《愛書人的神奇旅行》,發掘許多鮮為人知的軼聞趣事,從文學作品中挑選最有意思的例證,重新認識造就西方文明的奇妙環節。 當被詢問到,如果被送到荒島上,想要帶什麼書去的時候,英國作家與文學評論家卻斯特頓(G....
Book cover of Britain by the Book

Britain by the Book

A Curious Tour of Our Literary Landscape

by Oliver Tearle
Language: English
Release Date: November 2, 2017

What caused Dickens to leap out of bed one night and walk 30 miles from London to Kent? How did a small town on the Welsh borders become the second-hand bookshop capital of the world? Why did a jellyfish persuade Evelyn Waugh to abandon his suicide attempt in North Wales? A multitude...
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