Osb: 110 books

Book cover of The Gospel According to Luke, Part One
by Michael F. Patella OSB, Little Rock Scripture Study staff
Language: English
Release Date: August 5, 2018

The Gospel of Luke demonstrates the universal nature of Jesus’ mission and the compassion of God. Part One of this study includes Luke 1:1─11:54, taking the reader from the infancy narratives of John the Baptist and Jesus to their births and then to the Galilean ministry of Jesus. Commentary,...
Book cover of The Gospel According to Luke, Part Two
by Michael F. Patella OSB
Language: English
Release Date: August 5, 2018

The Gospel of Luke demonstrates the universal nature of Jesus’ mission. In Part Two of this study (Luke 12:1─24:53), readers travel with Jesus from the region of Galilee to the city of Jerusalem where Jesus will enter into his passion and resurrection. Luke’s focus on God’s faithfulness will encourage you to trust.
Book cover of Thoughts Matter

Thoughts Matter

Discovering the Spiritual Journey

by Mary Margaret Funk OSB
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2013

Cassian taught that real intimacy with God in prayer demands renouncing one's former way of life, the thoughts belonging to that former way of life, and one's very idea of God. In Thoughts Matter, Mary Margaret Funk focuses on the second of these: renouncing the thoughts belonging to one's former...
Book cover of Tools Matter

Tools Matter

Beginning the Spiritual Journey

by Mary Margaret Funk OSB
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2013

How can we tend the garden of our souls? Meg Funk turns to the wisdom of the desert fathers for the means of removing obstacles to spiritual growth, which include thoughts of food, sex, possessions, anger, dejection, and pride, among other preoccupations. Redirecting thought away from such weeds in...
Book cover of Discernment Matters

Discernment Matters

Listening with the Ear of the Heart

by Mary Margaret Funk OSB, Dom Armand Veilleux OCSO
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2013

After fifty years of monastic life, prayer, and spiritual direction, Meg Funk knows what it means to listen with the ear of one's heart to the Holy Spirit. InDiscernment Matters, she shares what she has learned. This book is a resource for those who want to learn and practice discernment as taught...
Book cover of Renouncing Violence

Renouncing Violence

Practice from the Monastic Tradition

by Mary Margaret Funk OSB
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2018

Written from her deep experience in the monastic tradition, Sister Mary Margaret Funk shows us that, with faith and our given vocations, we are more than strong enough to resist and renounce the violence in the world around us. This book offers, both for personal use and for the broader community,...
Book cover of Rites of Passage

Rites of Passage

Preaching Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals

by Guerric DeBona OSB, Francis Agnoli, David Scotchie
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2018

Rites of Passage is a much-needed, practical homiletic resource for priests and deacons who preach Christian baptisms, weddings, and funerals. The three authors, a religious priest, a diocesan priest, and a permanent deacon, draw from the scriptural and liturgical resources available to the preacher...
Book cover of Christian Initiation and Baptism in the Holy Spirit
by Kilian McDonnell OSB, George Montague SM
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2017

Up to now the teaching on baptism in the Holy Spirit has been based on a few scriptural texts, whose interpretation was disputed. This doubt cast its shadow on those who promote baptism in the Holy Spirit. Now new evidence has been found in early post-biblical authors (Tertullian, Hilary of...
Book cover of Heilige Wut

Heilige Wut

Mönch sein heißt radikal sein

by Prof. Thomas OSB Quartier
Language: German
Release Date: February 19, 2018

Thomas Quartier ist seit seiner Jugend fasziniert von Klosterleben, Revolution und Bob Dylan. In seinem Buch beschreibt er, wie das nicht nur vereinbar ist, sondern warum es nicht ohne geht, zumindest nicht für ihn. Das Klosterleben ist für Quartier eine Provokation, die jeden innerhalb und außerhalb...
Book cover of "Der Name der Jungfrau war Maria" (Lk 1,27)

"Der Name der Jungfrau war Maria" (Lk 1,27)

Neue exegetische Perspektiven auf die Mutter Jesu

by Andrea Ackermann, Christina Betz, Marcel Dagenbach
Language: German
Release Date: June 8, 2018

Die Beiträge dieses Bandes richten neue und ungewohnte Perspektiven auf die Mutter Jesu, ohne das Thema auf dürre historische Fragestellungen oder auf religionsgeschichtliche Ableitungen engzuführen. Statt dessen wird die Jungfrau Maria konsequent von ihren literarischen Kontexten und von deren...
Book cover of Biologisch Gärtnern

Biologisch Gärtnern

Natürlicher Anbau - Gesunde Ernte

by Sr. Christa Weinrich OSB
Language: German
Release Date: February 28, 2011

Seit vielen Jahren wird der Klostergarten der Benediktinerinnenabtei Fulda unter Führung von Schwester Christa Weinrich biologisch bewirtschaftet. Ihr großer Erfahrungs- und Wissensschatz bietet Stoff für ein Buch voller Informationen zum Biogartenanbau. Neben der Herstellung von Aussaaterden und...
Book cover of Schwester Christas Mischkultur

Schwester Christas Mischkultur

Im Einklang mit der Natur gärtnern

by Jutta Langheineken, Schwester Christa Weinrich (OSB)
Language: German
Release Date: January 21, 2016

Mischkultur ist eine Form des biologischen Gärtnerns, bei der Pflanzen, die sich gegenseitig begünstigen und stärken, zusammen gepflanzt werden. Das neue Mischkultur-Buch von Schwester Christa Weinrich ist für erfahrene Biogärtner und Mischkultur-Anfänger gleichermaßen geeignet. Neben fundiertem...
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