Pa: 117 books

Book cover of Peygamberler Tarihi
by Ahmet Cevdet Paşa
Language: Turkish
Release Date: August 27, 2012

Bu eser Osmanlı'nın son devrindeki müstesna simalardan, âlim, devlet adamı ve tarihçi Ahmed Cevdet Paşa'nın "Kısas-ı Enbiya ve Tevârîh-i Hulefâ" isimli eserinden istifade ile hazırlanmıştır. Peygamberlerin (aleyhimüsselâm) hayatları aynen, Peygamber Efendimiz sallallâhü aleyhi ve...
Book cover of Alemán (Idiomas para viajar)
by El País-Aguilar
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 9, 2011

Las guías de idiomas que rompen barreras lingüísticas Idiomas para viajar. Alemán ofrece ahora unos contenidos mucho más amplios y completos. Cada guía recoge todo lo que se necesita para desenvolverse durante el viaje: una guía de pronunciación, un resumen gramatical y un manual básico...
Book cover of Un extraño en casa. Tiembla... llegó la adolescencia
by Rocío Ramos-Paúl, Luis Torres
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 29, 2014

Mi hijo es un extraterrestre. Una obra amena y sencilla para padres en apuros que un día también fueron adolescentes que quisieron descubrir el mundo con sus propios ojos. ¿Te desespera la nueva actitud de su hijo? ¿Estás harto de sus pintas, de sus amigos y de la nueva jerga que...
Book cover of La pareja en familia

La pareja en familia

Es fácil si sabes cómo disfrutar del cambio

by Rocío Ramos-Paúl, Luis Torres
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 7, 2016

Un libro definitivo para dejar de lado el estrés de ser padres y seguir disfrutando del día a día de la vida en pareja. ¿Estás pensando en tener un hijo, pero tienes miedo a que tu relación de pareja cambie de forma drástica? ¿Eres incapaz de ponerte de acuerdo cuando se trata de la...
Book cover of Francés (Idiomas para viajar)
by El País-Aguilar
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 9, 2011

Las guías de idiomas que rompen barreras lingüísticas Idiomas para viajar. Francés ofrece ahora unos contenidos mucho más amplios y completos. Cada guía recoge todo lo que se necesita para desenvolverse durante el viaje: una guía de pronunciación, un resumen gramatical y un manual básico...
Book cover of Italiano (Idiomas para viajar)
by El País-Aguilar
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 9, 2011

El primero de los títulos renovados es el best-seller de esta serie, ITALIANO PARA VIAJAR..., cuyo número de páginas crece y que ofrece ahora unos contenidos mucho más amplios y completos. Recoge todo lo que se necesita para desenvolverse en inglés durante el viaje: una guía de pronunciación...
Book cover of Ruso (Idiomas para viajar)
by El País-Aguilar
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 23, 2012

Idiomas para viajar ofrece ahora unos contenidos mucho más amplios y completos. Cada guía recoge todo lo que se necesita para desenvolverse durante el viaje: una guía de pronunciación, un resumen gramatical y un manual básico del idioma como introducción a todos los bloques temáticos pensados...
Book cover of It Is The Right Hand That Kills
by PA Buckley
Language: English
Release Date: February 25, 2012

In today’s modern society, what is known regarding the root causes of deviant behavior? Not just the actions taken but rather the underlying causes. Further when such acts are clearly identified, how far does one’s responsibility extend to intercede and prevent such conduct? We all know those...
Book cover of Peygamber Efendimiz'in Muhtasar Hayatı
by Ahmed Cevdet Paşa
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Hayatını en ince noktalarına kadar bilmemiz ve kendi hayatımıza tatbik etmemiz gereken yegâne insan, peygamberler peygamberi Hazret-i Muhammed Mustafa sallallâhü aleyhi ve sellemdir. O, âlemlere rahmet olarak gönderilmiştir. İşte sıcak bir aile ortamında merakla okunup dinlenecek...
Book cover of Arap Kaynaklarına Göre Yezidiler ve Yezidiliğin Doğuşu
by Ahmed Teymür Paşa
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Yezidilik ve Yezidilik inancının aslı Yezidilerin, Yezid ve şeytan ile ilgili inançlarının doğuşu Yezidiliğin kurucusu olan Yezidi şeyhi; ayrıca bu şeyh sülalesine mensup etkin Yezidi önderleri ile ilgili tarihi bilgiler Yezidiliğin geçirdiği dönemler Yezidi önderleri hakkında...
Book cover of Infectious Disease, An Issue of Physician Assistant Clinics, E-Book
by Robert Paxton, PA-C, MPAS
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2017

This issue of Physician Assistant Clinics, guest edited by Robert Paxton, PA-C, MPAS, is devoted to Infectious Disease. Articles in this issue include: Community Acquired Pneumonia; Skin and Soft Tissue Infections; Meningitis +/- Encephalitis; Genitourinary Infections; Sexually Transmitted Infections;...
Book cover of Cardiology, An Issue of Physician Assistant Clinics, E-Book
by Daniel T. Thibodeau, MHP, PA-C
Language: English
Release Date: September 14, 2017

This issue of Physician Assistant Clinics, guest edited by Daniel Thibodeau MHP, PA-C, DFAAPA, is devoted to Cardiology. Articles in this issue include: Hypertension: Evaluation, Management and Keeping Patients in the Safe Zone; Cardiovascular Risk and Assessment: Impact of Comorbidities to the Cardiovascular...
Book cover of Otolaryngology, An Issue of Physician Assistant Clinics, E-Book
by Laura A. Kirk, MSPAS, PA-C
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2018

This issue of Physician Assistant Clinics, guest edited by Laura A. Kirk, MSPAS, PA-C, is devoted to Otolaryngology. Articles in this issue include: Hyperparathyroidism: Workup and Treatment; "Sinus" Headaches: Sinusitis vs. Migraine; Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss; ENT Manifestations...
Book cover of Urology, An Issue of Physician Assistant Clinics, E-Book
by Todd J. Doran, Ed.D., PA-C
Language: English
Release Date: November 19, 2017

This issue of Physician Assistant Clinics, Guest Edited by Todd J. Doran, Ed.D., PA-C, DFAAPA, is devoted to Urology. Articles in this issue include: Male Factor Infertility; Elevated PSA/PCa Screening; PSA Recurrence/Advanced PCa; Hematuria; Kidney Stones; Frequent Urinary Tract Infection; Female...
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