Paris : 479 books

Book cover of Al cerrar la puerta (AdN)
by B. A. Paris
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 2, 2017

¿Quién no conoce a una pareja como Jack y Grace? Él, guapo y rico; ella, encantadora y elegante. Él, un esforzado profesional de la abogacía que jamás ha perdido un caso; ella, un ama de casa intachable, excelente jardinera y cocinera, entregada al cuidado de su hermana discapacitada. Aunque...
Book cover of Confusión (AdN)
by B. A. Paris
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 18, 2018

Si no te fías ni de ti mismo, ¿de quién te vas a fiar? Cass lo está pasando fatal desde la noche en que vio ese vehículo en la pista de tierra que atraviesa el bosque, en pleno aguacero, con una mujer al volante, la misma que fue asesinada. Ha intentado olvidarse del crimen, ¿qué podría haber...
Book cover of Le Roman de Renart
by Paulin Paris
Language: French
Release Date: November 3, 2018

Renart, un matin, entra chez son oncle, les yeux troubles, la pelisse hérissée. « Qu’est-ce, beau neveu ? Tu parois en mauvais point, » dit le maître du logis ; « serais-tu malade ? — Oui ; je ne me sens pas bien. — Tu n’as pas déjeûné ? — Non, et même je n’en ai pas envie. —...
Book cover of Mémoires secrets de Fournier l'Américain, publiés pour la première fois d'après le manuscrit des Archives nationales
by Fournier l'Héritier, Claude, Aulard
Language: French
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Book cover of The Intelligent Clinician's Guide to the DSM-5®
by Joel Paris
Language: English
Release Date: February 16, 2015

The Intelligent Clinician's Guide to the DSM-5® is the second edition of the widely-read book first published in 2013. This second edition is thoroughly revised, and has several new chapters describing the response to the publication of the new manual, as well as suggestions on its use in clinical...
Book cover of Academic Vocabulary: 25 Content-Area Lessons Level 4
by Stephanie Paris
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2018

Integrate academic vocabulary instruction into grade 4 content-area lessons with this engaging new resource. Included are 25 step-by-step standards-based lessons that help develop content-area academic vocabulary and oral language in math, science, reading, writing, and social studies. Also included...
Book cover of Leveled Texts for Classic Fiction: Mystery
by Stephanie Paris
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2018

Unveil the mysteries of literature using leveled texts! Support your differentiated instruction with this book featuring passages from 15 different classic works including such titles as: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Penny Nichols and the Mystery of the Lost Key, and The Red House Mystery. This...
Book cover of Leveled Texts for Mathematics: Data Analysis and Probability
by Stephanie Paris
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2018

Help students learn about collecting data, constructing graphs, and analyzing statistics with differentiated informational texts designed to support all readers and learners. Leveled Texts for Mathematics: Data Analysis and Probability offers 15 sets of high-interest informational text written at...
Book cover of Academic Vocabulary: 25 Content-Area Lessons Level 5
by Stephanie Paris
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2018

Integrate academic vocabulary instruction into grade 5 content-area lessons with this engaging new resource. Included are 25 step-by-step standards-based lessons that help develop content-area academic vocabulary and oral language in math, science, reading, writing, and social studies. Also included...
Book cover of Academic Vocabulary: 25 Content-Area Lessons Level 6
by Stephanie Paris
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2018

Integrate academic vocabulary instruction into grade 6 content-area lessons with this engaging new resource. Included are 25 step-by-step standards-based lessons that help develop content-area academic vocabulary and oral language in math, science, reading, writing, and social studies. Also included...
Book cover of Sulle vette dell’Amore. Vita contemplativa, apostolica e Istituti Secolari
by Santiago González Silva, Grazia Paris
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 5, 2014

Questo volume a due voci tratteggia nella parte iniziale un abbozzo della storia della contemplazione cristiana; segue una sintetica definizione della contemplazione, andando a ritrovare le sue radici e l’evoluzione. La seconda parte del volume è invece dedicata, in maniera specifica, agli Istituti...
Book cover of The Good News about Conflict

The Good News about Conflict

Transforming Religious Struggle Over Sexuality

by Jenell Paris
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2016

Conflict over homosexuality in Christian churches is only intensifying. We can do better. We have to do better. The stakes are too high to do otherwise. Conflicts are difficult and ugly, but the good news reaches even here. It is possible to have healthy conflict, to disagree and struggle together...
Book cover of Idee e piani per il territorio romano

Idee e piani per il territorio romano

Un contributo dell’Archivio Luigi Piccinato

by Umberto De Martino, Bruno Dolcetta, Patrizia Gabellini
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 24, 2016

Attraverso la serie di scritti che presentiamo in questo volume, abbiamo voluto ripercorrere alcune vicende significative inerenti la pianificazione dell'area romana attraverso l'illustrazione e il racconto delle diverse fasi temporali sviluppatesi lungo l'arco di tutto il Novecento e che si conclude...
Book cover of Vivre mieux en dépensant moins

Vivre mieux en dépensant moins

Le guide de la nouvelle économie domestique : pour consommer bio et intelligent

by Catherine Paris
Language: French
Release Date: November 3, 2010

Destiné à tous ceux qui souhaitent à la fois vivre mieux et faire des économies, cet ouvrage présente, de façon synthétique et sous forme de fiches, tous les trucs, astuces, techniques, informations et bons moyens pour se recréer une vie plus agréable, moins coûteuse et plus écolo. Un petit guide indispensable par ces temps de crises économique, écologique et sociale...
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