Patrick Charles: 48 books

Book cover of Strong Democracy in Crisis

Strong Democracy in Crisis

Promise or Peril?

by Benjamin R. Barber, Seyla Benhabib, Charles E. Butterworth
Language: English
Release Date: May 12, 2016

This is a robust and relevant collection from a truly distinguished group of political theorists actively rethinking the promise and perils of democracy. The book is coherent in its focus on a common theme and aim: to advance and refine the political project of promoting democratic theory and practice....
Book cover of 30 Millennia of Sculpture
by Joseph Manca, Patrick Bade, Sarah Costello
Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2016

From its prehistoric origins to the conceptual modernity of the 21st century, sculpture has literally and figuratively moulded the art world. Offering an integral view at its evolution of form across civilisations and epochs, this work presents the masterpieces of sculpture that, with their timeless...
Book cover of Historicism, Originalism and the Constitution

Historicism, Originalism and the Constitution

The Use and Abuse of the Past in American Jurisprudence

by Patrick J. Charles
Language: English
Release Date: April 22, 2014

The use of history in law is a time honored tradition. Over the years the practice has assumed many forms, including historicism, intentionalism, interpretivist history, law office history, historical narrative, originalism, etc. This book picks up where past commentators have left off. The different...
Book cover of Minds on Trial

Minds on Trial

Great Cases in Law and Psychology

by Charles Patrick Ewing, Joseph T. McCann
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2006

In recent years, the public has become increasingly fascinated with the criminal mind. Television series centered on courtroom trials, criminal investigations, and forensic psychology are more popular than ever. More and more people are interested in the American system of justice and the individuals...
Book cover of Alfons Mucha
by Patrick Bade, Victoria Charles
Language: German
Release Date: March 10, 2014

Alfons Mucha ist der ungekrönte König der Jugendstil-Illustration. Für viele Menschen sind Muchas überirdisch schöne, von floralen Ornamentgeflechten umgegebene Frauen, die erste Assoziation mit der beliebten Kunstrichtung der Wende zum 20. Jahrhundert. Muchas Kunst, die sich über die Jahrzehnte...
Book cover of 1000 Sculptures
by Joseph Manca, Patrick Bade, Sarah Costello
Language: French
Release Date: December 2, 2016

De l’Antiquité jusqu’au XXe siècle, cette collection de sculptures offre une vision véritablement originale de l’art occidental. Sont représentées ici les œuvres les plus sensuelles, les plus harmonieuses, jusqu'aux plus provocantes et minimalistes. La sculpture modèle le monde ainsi...
Book cover of The Doctoral StudentOs Advisor and Mentor

The Doctoral StudentOs Advisor and Mentor

Sage Advice from the Experts

by Pamela Angelle, Mary Frances Agnello, Jeanne T. Amlund
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 2010

This book focuses on using faculty mentoring to empower doctoral students to successfully complete their doctoral studies. The book is a collection of mentoring chapters showcasing professors and dissertation advisors from the most prestigious universities in the United States. They provide an extraordinary...
Book cover of Skulptur – von den Anfängen bis heute
by Joseph Manca, Patrick Bade, Sarah Costello
Language: German
Release Date: December 2, 2016

Die Bildhauerei gibt der Welt Gestalt und formt unsere Auffassung von Schönheit. Sie hinterlässt Jahrhunderte und Jahrtausende überdauernde Kunstwerke. Die hier präsentierten Meisterwerke sind Spiegel ihrer Zeit, der Persönlichkeit ihrer Schöpfer und ihres Publikums. Sie verkörpern im eigentlichen...
Book cover of Southeastern Grasslands

Southeastern Grasslands

Biodiversity, Ecology, and Management

by JoVonn G. Hill, John A. Barone, Charles Allen
Language: English
Release Date: November 6, 2018

A holistic approach to analyzing distinct grassland habitats that integrates ecological, historical, and archaeological data   Today the southeastern United States is a largely rural, forested, and agricultural landscape interspersed with urban areas of development. However, two centuries ago it...
Book cover of Plain Talk about Churches and Money
by Dean Hoge, Patrick McNamara, Charles Zech
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 1998

Based on extensive research, this volume offers insight and help on the key fiscal topics confronting church leaders today, including: Why is the church so uneasy with the topic of money? Is there a difference between stewardship and fundraising? How can we motivate giving? Should we invest church...
Book cover of Labor and Global Justice

Labor and Global Justice

Essays on the Ethics of Labor Practices under Globalization

by József Böröcz, Stephen Bouquin, Lefteris Kretsos
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2014

Labor and Global Justice: Essays on the Ethics of Labor Practices under Globalization combines conceptual and theoretical perspectives across a multiplicity of relevant differences, both geographical and disciplinary, to develop a transnational perspective on labor and justice. Through its multidisciplinary,...
Book cover of Necessary Travel

Necessary Travel

New Area Studies and Canada in Comparative Perspective

by Ibrahim A. I. Alfraih, Abdelkarim Amengay, Charles R. Batson
Language: English
Release Date: December 3, 2018

Recent, unpredictable incidents in diverse locations – Paris, Nice, Ankara, Sinai, California, Manchester and London – reinforce how governments and scholars must look beneath the surface for understanding of the turbulent post-9/11world. In particular, what does ‘expertise’ mean in this new...
Book cover of Insanity


Murder, Madness, and the Law

by Charles Patrick Ewing
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2008

The insanity defense is one of the oldest fixtures of the Anglo-American legal tradition. Though it is available to people charged with virtually any crime, and is often employed without controversy, homicide defendants who raise the insanity defense are often viewed by the public and even the legal...
Book cover of The Lean Practitioner's Field Book

The Lean Practitioner's Field Book

Proven, Practical, Profitable and Powerful Techniques for Making Lean Really Work

by Charles Protzman, Fred Whiton, Joyce Kerpchar
Language: English
Release Date: September 3, 2018

While there are numerous Lean Certification programs, most companies have their own certification paths whereby they bestow expert status upon employees after they have participated in or led a certain number of kaizen events. Arguing that the number of kaizen events should not determine a person's...
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