Patrick Robinson: 43 books

Book cover of Hunter Killer
by Patrick Robinson
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2009

The world's leading producer of oil is on the brink of revolution... A Crown Prince, enraged over the careless, destructive rule of the Saudi royal family, is determined to bring about its fall -- and secretly enlists the aid of a powerful Western ally. France, with its fleet of lethal Hunter...
Book cover of The Shark Mutiny
by Patrick Robinson
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2009

An oil tanker mysteriously explodes in the Persian Gulf. Then a second . . . and a third. To the President's National Security Adviser Admiral Arnold Morgan it is more than a tragic coincidence—it is a brazen act of aggression that must not stand. In partnership with Iran, the Chinese navy has mined...
Book cover of Ghost Force
by Patrick Robinson
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2009

The year is 2011. An oil-hungry world is starving . . . . . . and Argentina, with Russia's help, is determined to brutally wrest the petroleum-rich Falkland Islands from British hands. Enraged over this brazen act of international piracy, Great Britain dispatches a battle fleet to...
Book cover of The Career of Cardinal Giovanni Morone (1509-1580)

The Career of Cardinal Giovanni Morone (1509-1580)

Between Council and Inquisition

by Adam Patrick Robinson
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2016

Cardinal Giovanni Morone (1509-80) remains one of the most intriguing characters in the history of the sixteenth century Catholic Church - with neither his contemporaries nor subsequent scholars being able to agree on his motivations, theology or his legacy. Appointed Bishop of Modena in 1529 and...
Book cover of Slider


A Novel

by Patrick Robinson
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2009

Each summer, on the fields of glorious Cape Marlin, off theNew England coast, the nation's best college players gatherto play the most important baseball of their lives. Jack Faber is a young hotshot pitcher with an unhittable slider and a rocket for a fastball. He plays for the fabled Seapuit...
Book cover of Kilo Class
by Patrick Robinson
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2009

It's one of the stealthiest, most dangerous underwater warships ever built—and it's about to set off World War III. Silent at less than five knots and capable of a massive nuclear warhead punch, it's the 240-foot Russian Kilo Class submarine. Strapped for hard cash, the Russians have produced...
Book cover of Nimitz Class
by Patrick Robinson
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2009

It's as big as the Empire State Building, a massive floating fortress at the throbbing heart of a U.S. Navy Carrier Battle Group. Its supersonic aircraft can level entire cities at a stroke. Its surveillance gear can track every target within thousands of square miles--in the air, on the surface,...
Book cover of U.S.S. Seawolf
by Patrick Robinson
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2009

Armed with stolen U.S. military technology, the Chinese are producing a frightening new breed of weaponry,led by the ICBM submarine Xia III--a vessel that just might be able to launch a nuclear warhead across the Pacific Ocean and take out an American West Coast city. National Security Adviser...
Book cover of H.M.S. Unseen
by Patrick Robinson
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2009

The H.M.S. Unseen is one of the most efficient, lethal submarines ever built. But suddenly, on a training mission off the English coast, it vanishes, baffling military intelligence on both sides of the Atlantic, including National Security Adviser Admiral Arnold Morgan. A missing weapon is dangerous...
Book cover of Lone Survivor

Lone Survivor

SEAL-Team 10 ‒ Einsatz in Afghanistan. Der authentische Bericht des einzigen Überlebenden von Operation Red Wings

by Marcus Luttrell, Patrick Robinson
Language: German
Release Date: March 17, 2014

Auf einmal stand da eine Armee . . . SEAL-Team 10: eine Elitetruppe. Die Mission: einen Al-Qaida-Führer zur Strecke bringen. Der Feind: Dutzende zu allem entschlossene Taliban-Kämpfer. Vier SEALs gegen eine ganze Armee. Und dann bricht die Hölle los. Die Army schickt Helikopter zur Verstärkung....
Book cover of L'attentatore
by Patrick Robinson
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 31, 2010

Mack Bedford è una macchina da guerra implacabile. Ma dopo aver vendicato un sanguinoso attacco ai suoi compagni, subisce un processo il cui verdetto lo costringe ad abbandonare l’esercito. Tutto a quel punto gli crolla addosso: la carriera, la speranza, il suo innato senso di giustizia, nulla...
Book cover of Lauschangriff - Im Visier der Feinde
by Patrick Robinson
Language: German
Release Date: May 30, 2013

Sie ruhen nicht, bis der Terror stirbt Die USA stehen vor ihrer größten Herausforderung: Die Geheimdienste wissen um die Aktivitäten der weltweit gefährlichsten Terroristen, die bereits bei der Planung eines schrecklichen Anschlags sind. Doch der National Security Agency sind die Hände...
Book cover of Mission auf Leben und Tod
by Patrick Robinson
Language: German
Release Date: April 23, 2013

Mack Bedford, US Navy SEAL, ist mit seiner Truppe im Irak im Einsatz. Alles verläuft normal, bis die Einheit von Terroristen mit verbotenen Diamondhead-Raketen beschossen wird, die eine fatale Wirkung haben. Panzer verglühen in unglaublicher Hitze. Die Insassen haben nicht die geringste Chance,...
Book cover of Tödliche Flut - Scimitar SL-2
by Patrick Robinson
Language: German
Release Date: August 31, 2015

Überraschend bricht der Mount St. Helens aus und hinterlässt eine Spur der Verwüstung. Admiral Morgan, ehemaliger Sicherheitsberater im Weißen Haus, ist sofort alarmiert, denn nur eine von einem U-Boot abgefeuerte Cruise Missile vermag einen solchen unerwarteten Vulkanausbruch auszulösen. Kann eine Katastrophe noch verhindert werden?
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