Paul Kroll: 12 books

Book cover of The Covenants and the Sabbath
by Paul Kroll
Language: English
Release Date: February 7, 2014

In these articles, Paul Kroll examines whether the seventh-day Sabbath is a valid law for Christians. Since the only commands for the Sabbath are in the laws of Moses, he begins by exploring whether the Law of Moses has authority over Christians. It does not; Christians are to obey God based on the...
Book cover of Exploring the Word of God Acts of the Apostles Volume 7: Chapters 24–28
by Paul Kroll
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2012

Paul Kroll completes his commentary on the book of Acts with an examination of the final chapters: from Paul's trial before Felix, to his arrival in Rome.
Book cover of Exploring the Word of God Acts of the Apostles Volume 5: Chapters 15:36–18
by Paul Kroll
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2012

Paul Kroll continues his research and analysis for Paul's second missionary journey.
Book cover of Exploring the Word of God Acts of the Apostles Volume 3: Acts Chapters 8–11
by Paul Kroll
Language: English
Release Date: May 4, 2012

Paul Kroll continues his commentary with an examination of four more chapters, including the expansion of the church in Judea, Galilee and Samaria, the conversion of Paul, the Gospel goes to Gentiles, and the church expands to Syria. Most of the work for this commentary was done in 1994; biblical references were updated in 2012 and the text was edited by Michael Morrison, PhD.
Book cover of Exploring the Word of God Acts of the Apostles Volume 6: Chapters 19–23
by Paul Kroll
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2012

Paul Kroll continues his commentary on the book of Acts. This volume covers Paul's third missionary journey, centering on Ephesus, and his trip to Jerusalem and the circumstances that led to his being imprisoned by the Roman authorities.
Book cover of Lessons From Church History
by Paul Kroll
Language: English
Release Date: June 8, 2015

This e-book collects the church history articles from Christian Odyssey magazine, primarily by Paul Kroll, who wrote hundreds of articles while he was employed by Grace Communion International.
Book cover of Exploring the Word of God Acts of the Apostles Volume 1: Introduction and Chapters 1–3
by Paul Kroll, Michael D. Morrison
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2012

This is an introduction to the book of Acts, and a commentary on the first three chapters. By Paul Kroll, a journalist, and Michael D. Morrison, PhD, instructor in New Testament at Grace Communion Seminary.
Book cover of Exploring the Word of God Acts of the Apostles Volume 4: Chapters 12-15:35
by Paul Kroll
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2012

Paul Kroll continues his commentary on the book of Acts, with research pulled in from some other author's commentaries. In this volume, we also include a lengthy study of the Decree of the Jerusalem Council, written by Michael D. Morrison, PhD. All materials were written in the mid 1990s and updated in 2012.
Book cover of Exploring the Word of God: Revelation: Volume 1: Introductory Articles and Chapters 1-3
by Paul Kroll
Language: English
Release Date: December 9, 2013

In this lay-level commentary, Paul Kroll explores the book of Revelation, also known as the Apocalypse. A series of introductory articles explore the nature of this kind of writing, and its purpose. Some commentators have turned Revelation into an outline of history, when that is not its purpose. The commentary then turns to chapters 1-3, including the seven letters to the seven churches.
Book cover of Three Views of the Millennium
by Michael D. Morrison, Paul Kroll
Language: English
Release Date: June 7, 2016

Christians have different views of the millennium of Revelation 20. Some believe it is occurring now; some believe it will occur before Christ returns, and some believe it will happen after he returns. Equally sincere, equally Bible-believing Christians disagree. Is it necessary for us to disagree? What do we have in common?
Book cover of Exploring the Word of God Acts of the Apostles Volume 2: Acts Chapters 4–7
by Paul Kroll
Language: English
Release Date: March 27, 2012

A commentary on four chapters of Acts, from the Jerusalem ministry of Peter, to persecution, the selection of seven Hellenistic leaders, and the sermon and stoning of Stephen.
Book cover of What Does the Bible Say About Suffering?
by Paul Kroll, Joseph Tkach, J. Michael Feazell
Language: English
Release Date: October 22, 2012

If God is all-powerful and all-loving, why doesn't he do something about the pain and sorrow being experienced by the people he supposedly loves? How can he wipe hundreds of thousands of people out in earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and famines? Why doesn't he stop war, terrorism, and child abuse? Why doesn't he do something about the evil that lurks in the hearts of all of us? Well, he has.
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