Pavel Pavel: 123 books

Book cover of FASHIoniSM
by Pavel Merzlikin
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2013

I would like to have such reviews: "The Best book of all time!" - The New York Times "This is my favorite writer!" - Stephen King "Number one!" - Joanne Rowling (not sure that her fan's age allows to read my book, but they can persuade their parents to...
Book cover of Revival: Moved on! From Kashgar to Kashmir (1935)
by Pavel Stepanovich Nazaroff
Language: English
Release Date: January 16, 2018

Pavel Nazaroff travels from Kashgar, through the Kuen Lun and Karakoram mountains and on to Srinagar, Kashmir in the early 1930s, and describes the people and places he visited.
Book cover of The Return of Ferion: The Forgotten Kingdom
by Pavel Petrovich
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2013

Tark, an elder and prime leader of the race known as the Wildmen, writes a six part long Historia about the old world of Ardia and how the new world was created. The Forgotten Kingdom is his first part and it concentrates on the Second Sanguinary War and the reversion of the Time of Darkness. It is...
Book cover of Early Religious Writings, 1903-1909
by Pavel Florensky
Language: English
Release Date: June 22, 2017

Profound writings by one of the twentieth century's greatest polymaths "Perhaps the most remarkable person devoured by the Gulag" is how Alexandr Solzhenitsyn described Pavel Florensky, a Russian Orthodox mathematician, scientist, linguist, art historian, philosopher, theologian,...
Book cover of Worthlessness
by Jan Pavel
Language: English
Release Date: March 19, 2010

This book was published in the Czech Republic in 2009. Following its success among domestic readers, it was translated into Portuguese. This marks the first edition of the English version.
Book cover of Building the Churches of Kievan Russia
by Pavel A. Rappoport
Language: English
Release Date: December 5, 2016

This work is the first systematic study of how monumental buildings were constructed in medieval Russia. It deals specifically with ecclesiastical architecture, but also discusses such secular architecture, palaces or towers. In scope the book covers the territory of the Kievan state and the principalities...
Book cover of Mendeleev Rock & Rooftop Anesthesia
by Andrei Kuzechkin, Pavel Kostin
Language: English
Release Date: June 29, 2015

Two novellas showcasing the best of new Russian writing. Two short novels from Russia, both painting a vivid portrait of life for the new generation: of young people in their late teens and early 20s stung by their first contact with harsh reality. Mendeleev Rock by Andrei Kuzechkin takes place in...
Book cover of Will Have Czechs Ministry of Sex?
by Pavel Kozák
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2017

Correspondence between culturologist Pavel Kozák (CZ, EU) and the Czech government about constituting an Interdisciplinary Advisory Team on Sexuality, colloquially 'The Ministry of Sex'. Within the 20th century, sexuality has been forwarded by religion to medicine. The other fields - as law, art,...
Book cover of L'arte di educare
by Pavel A. Florenskij
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 25, 2015

Definito dai suoi contemporanei il “Leonardo da Vinci della Russia”, Pavel Aleksandrovicˇ Florenskij è uno dei pensatori più geniali e poliedrici del XX secolo: filosofo della scienza, fisico, matematico, ingegnere elettrotecnico, epistemologo, ma anche filosofo della religione e teologo, teorico...
Book cover of Primavera di Praga, risveglio europeo
by Caccamo, Francesco; Helan, Pavel; Tria
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 13, 2011

Il trascorrere del tempo non ha attenuato l'interesse e il fascino esercitati dalla Primavera di Praga. La riprova si è avuta in occasione delle celebrazioni del quarantesimo anniversario degli avvenimenti cecoslovacchi del 1968, salutate in tutta Europa e nella stessa Italia da una fitta serie di...
Book cover of Le porte regali

Le porte regali

Saggio sull'icona

by Pavel A. Florenskij
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 17, 2018

"Le porte regali", il saggio sull'arte e la liturgia dell’icona del sacerdote e scienziato russo Pavel A. Florenskij, uscì in Italia nel 1977 a cura di Elémire Zolla (1926-2002), al quale si deve la prima edizione mondiale al di fuori della Russia del capolavoro di Florenskij La colonna...
Book cover of Voyage inachevé
by Pavel Bartolomeu
Language: French
Release Date: July 6, 2016

Pavel Bartolomeu a œuvré comme aumônier de prisons en Roumanie et comme missionnaire dans la jungle amazonienne. À travers cet ouvrage, il partage des histoires incroyables sur l'amour de Dieu et la manière dont il se manifeste même aux plus simples.
Book cover of Harry Potter a princ dvojí krve
by J.K. Rowling, Pavel Medek
Language: Czech
Release Date: August 30, 2016

„Uviděl je okamžitě, vznášelo se na obloze nad školou: zářivě zelená lebka s hadím jazykem, znamení, které za sebou zanechávali Smrtijedi pokaždé, když někam pronikli… pokaždé, když vraždili…“ Když Brumbál jedné letní noci přichází do Zobí ulice, aby Harryho...
Book cover of Harry Potter a relikvie smrti
by J.K. Rowling, Pavel Medek
Language: Czech
Release Date: August 30, 2016

„ ‚Vydejte mi Harryho Pottera,‘ přikazoval Voldemortův hlas, ‚a nikomu se nic nestane. Vydejte mi Harryho Pottera a nechám školu nedotčenou. Vydejte mi Harryho Pottera a budete odměněni.‘ “ Harry Potter nastupuje do postranního vozíku Hagridovy motorky a vzlétá...
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