Ph D   : 3835 books

Book cover of The Extraordinary Rise of the Russian Empire

The Extraordinary Rise of the Russian Empire

Its Historic Antipathy to the West and Its Periodic Strategic Partnerships with Britain and America

by Arthur C. Hasiotis, Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: March 23, 2018

The Extraordinary Rise of the Russian Empire By: Arthur C. Hasiotis, Ph.D. “Political and cultural biases must not be allowed to misrepresent historical writings and an accurate representation of the truth. Otherwise, generations of citizens and leaders will lack the record and guidelines...
Book cover of Rush of a Violent Wind
by Ph.D James E. Gebhart
Language: English
Release Date: May 18, 2018

It wasn’t enough that the intruder murdered Elaine’s husband before her eyes, shot her brother through the  chest and pistol-whipped her after the gun which he put in her face misfired. He then eluded police and contacted her a year later with a promise to find and kill her and her infant...
Book cover of Liebe annehmen - eine Kunst?

Liebe annehmen - eine Kunst?

Lass Dich lieben und verändere dadurch Deine Beziehung

by Harville Hendrix, Ph. D., Helen LaKelly Hunt
Language: German
Release Date: January 27, 2016

Fällt es Ihnen schwer, Ihrem Partner mitzuteilen, was Sie wirklich brauchen? Kommt es vor, dass Sie bekommen, was Sie sich wünschen, aber sich aus unerklärlichen Gründen dennoch unzufrieden fühlen? Ist es schwierig für Sie, zärtliche Gesten, liebevolle Geschenke oder Komplimente von Ihrem Partner...
Book cover of The Vaccine-Friendly Plan

The Vaccine-Friendly Plan

Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health-from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years

by Paul Thomas, M.D., Jennifer Margulis
Language: English
Release Date: August 23, 2016

An accessible and reassuring guide to childhood health and immunity from a pediatrician who’s both knowledgeable about the latest scientific research and respectful of a family’s risk factors, health history, and concerns In The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, Paul Thomas, M.D., presents his proven...
Book cover of The IEP Checklist

The IEP Checklist

Your Guide to Creating Meaningful and Compliant IEPs

by Dr. Kathleen G. Winterman, Ed.D., Dr. Clarissa E. Rosas
Language: English
Release Date: October 29, 2014

How can you design effective IEPs that improve student outcomes and meet legal requirements? This one-stop IEP guide has the answers your team needs to create great IEPs and put them into action. You’ll start with a solid introduction to IEPs: their purpose, their major components, and the...
Book cover of Latin for beginners of Benjamin Leonard D'Ooge Ph. D. (Illustrated)
by Benjamin Leonard D'Ooge Ph. D
Language: English
Release Date: February 27, 2014

The Latin language, meaning the language of Latium, was spoken by the ancient Romans and other inhabitants of Latium, and Latin was the name applied to it after the armies of Rome had carried the knowledge of her language far beyond its original boundaries. As the English of to-day is not quite the...
Book cover of Your Mind is the Genesis of Your Destiny: An Introduction to the Power of Thought
by Rick Wallace Ph.D, Psy.D.
Language: English
Release Date: April 27, 2017

Rick Wallace, Ph.D., Psy.D. is a leading life strategist and business strategist that works with people from all backgrounds and walks of life in order to help them experience life at an optimal level in every area of their existence. Dr. Wallace has written and published more than 18 books, countless...
Book cover of Living Life at the Next Level ~ Learning How to Live Life at the Level of Your Design!
by Rick Wallace Ph.D, Psy.D.
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2014

I was inspired to write this book because I discovered certain common denominators among those people who I have counseled who had a history of failure or simply living in perpetual mediocrity. They desired change, but they did not understand the dynamics of change. This book is not meant to be a...
Book cover of Survival in the Canadian Wilderness

Survival in the Canadian Wilderness

The Legend of Louie Harris

by Vern D. Seefeldt, Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: March 29, 2017

Survival in the Canadian Wilderness by Vern D. Seefeldt, Ph.D.   Determined to find riches in the Canadian fur trade, Barney accepted an unknown partner, Louie Harris, to assist him as a homesteader in the wilderness of 1925 British Columbia. The two men experienced great...
Book cover of Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills
by Nancy Cushen White, Ed.D. , CALT-QI
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2018

Keep up with the latest on the highly respected multisensory teaching approach to literacy with this new fourth edition, a complete update of the bestselling textbook adopted in colleges and universities across the country. The most comprehensive text available on multisensory teaching, this book...
Book cover of MILO: A Journal for Serious Strength Athletes, March 2010, Vol. 17, No. 4
by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2010

Cover: Zydrunas Savickas is strong in just about any way that you might reasonably assess strength--wasn't it about time that he won the 2009 World's Strongest Man contest? People The Sky's the Limit for Mike Zolkiewicz by David W. Barron Stanless Steel: Man of Steel by Mike Corlett Training ...
Book cover of The Great Cholesterol Myth + 100 Recipes for Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease

The Great Cholesterol Myth + 100 Recipes for Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease

Why Lowering Your Cholesterol Won't Prevent Heart Disease and the Statin Free Plan and Diet that Will

by Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S.
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2015

Get proven, evidence-based strategies from the experts with The Great Cholesterol Myth Plus 100 Recipes. Heart disease is the #1 killer. However, traditional heart disease protocols--with their emphasis on lowering cholesterol--have it all wrong. Emerging science is showing that cholesterol levels...
Book cover of Born In Captivity: Psychopathology as a Legacy of Slavery
by Rick Wallace Ph.D, Psy.D.
Language: English
Release Date: July 28, 2017

Born in Captivity is my 19th book to reach publication, and it is also the most in-depth and comprehensive book thus far. It is a reflection of the more than 50,000 hours of research conducted over the last 20 plus years. In this book, I confront the darkness that is normally avoided at all cost —...
Book cover of 意識宇宙簡史:人類生命本質的九大奧祕
by 狄帕克.喬布拉(Deepak Chopra, M.D.),米納斯.卡法托斯(Menas Kafatos, Ph.D.)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 11, 2018

我們都是實相的創造者 暢銷書《超腦零極限》作者狄帕克‧喬布拉****醫師 國際知名物理學家米納斯**.**卡法托斯教授 結合生物醫學、量子物理學**、**地球物理學及宇宙學專業 攜手探討──心念是否創造了實相? ** ** 我們的心念與宇宙心念相融合。 所有生物和惰性物質,都參與在宇宙的意識中。   人類的心念為何有創造性?因為宇宙有創造性。 人類的心念為何會進化?因為演化是根植在宇宙本身之中。 為何我們的生命有意義?因為大自然的過程就是朝向目標與真相的驅動。 所有事的關鍵是:宇宙的心念驅動一切,並賦予目的。   就在這個當下,宇宙正透過你在思考。 ** ** ◎宇宙將被重新定義為「人類宇宙」 書中呈現了九個現今科學界所面對的最大及最難解的謎題: 在宇宙大爆炸之前是什麼?為何宇宙貼合得如此完美? 時間是從哪裡來的?宇宙是由什麼構成的?宇宙是否經過設計? 量子世界是否與日常生命相連結?我們是否住在有意識的宇宙中? 生命是怎麼開始的?大腦創造出心念嗎? ──目的是要展現:這是個參與的宇宙,其存在仰賴人類的共同意識。   毫無意義的宇宙塵埃,如何產生「人體」這個讓你用來追逐生命中有意義事物的載具? 視人類為冰冷空虛的空洞中意外的塵埃,並受到隨機性絕對的控制,就跟說「讓一百隻猴子在打字機上亂打字,最後會打出整套莎士比亞著作」一樣,是行不通的。 ** ** 目前的宇宙學家堅持認為,早期的宇宙必然是透過隨機的機率發展出來的。沒有設計師,更沒有幕後的設計者。科學的創造故事都將任何形式的神排除在外。但你要如何將不可置信的人類DNA的排序,及其三十億種基本化學單位,以一顆宇宙炸藥開啟?秩序是如何從混沌中產生出來的?   ◎你所看見的實相,都仰賴著你 諾貝爾獎得主,神經學家約翰.埃克爾斯(Sir...
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