Pierangelo: 28 books

Book cover of The Theory of Value and Distribution in Economics

The Theory of Value and Distribution in Economics

Discussions between Pierangelo Garegnani and Paul Samuelson

by Pierangelo Garegnani, Paul Samuelson
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2012

This new volume explores two alternative economic theories – the classical theory and the marginalist or neoclassical theory- through a discussion between two eminent economists, Pierangelo Garegnani and Paul Samuelson. The key themes of the volume are the difference in approaches to the...
Book cover of Teaching in a Special Education Classroom

Teaching in a Special Education Classroom

A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators

by Roger Pierangelo, George Giuliani
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2018

Designed for professionals working in a resource room, self-contained special class, or inclusive setting, this step-by-step guide helps new teachers in special education get their careers off to a positive start and offers experienced teachers supportive information to help improve classroom practice.Special...
Book cover of Da Ippocrate al Viagra

Da Ippocrate al Viagra

24 pillole di storia della medicina

by Pierangelo Lomagno
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 15, 2013

Questo libro racconta in modo piacevole e con aneddoti colmi di fascino, le intuizioni, le scoperte, gli errori, le scuole, i personaggi che hanno contribuito a far nascere l'odierna medicina. Lo stile scorrevole e arguto di Pierangelo Lomagno vi accompagnerà in un viaggio nel tempo e vi lascerà la mente nutrita e rinfrescata da precise notizie e dilettevoli curiosità.
Book cover of Interrogazioni sul Cristianesimo

Interrogazioni sul Cristianesimo

Cosa possiamo aspettarci dal Vangelo?

by Gianni Vattimo, Pierangelo Sequeri, Giovanni Ruggeri
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 20, 2013

Quali sono il significato e il destino del cristianesimo nel clima culturale e spirituale dei nostri tempi? In questo libro due pensatori aperti al dialogo si confrontano con il contraddittorio atteggiamento del nostro tempo verso la religione e, in particolare, con il ruolo del messaggio cristiano...
Book cover of A passo d'uomo. Miracoli e altre tracce
by Pierangelo Sequeri
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 10, 2012

C’è sicuramente qualcosa di miracoloso, a pensarci bene, nel ritmo del tempo di Gesù e della sua rivelazione. Una rivelazione che si fa quasi tutta per strada: a passo d’uomo. Per prendere la misura dell’uomo, e assimilarne tutti i dettagli, il Figlio incarnato visse anni e anni fra le donne...
Book cover of Understanding, Developing, and Writing Effective IEPs

Understanding, Developing, and Writing Effective IEPs

A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators

by Roger Pierangelo, George A. Giuliani
Language: English
Release Date: April 6, 2007

Written by legal and education experts and aligned with the reauthorization of IDEA 2004, this practical resource provides a step-by-step plan for creating, writing, and evaluating IEPs.
Book cover of Teaching in a Special Education Classroom

Teaching in a Special Education Classroom

A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators

by Roger Pierangelo, George A. Giuliani
Language: English
Release Date: May 22, 2008

These guidelines for special education teachers cover gathering student information, classroom design, meeting with parents, evaluation, assessment, classroom management, instructional interventions, and grading options.
Book cover of Teaching Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders

Teaching Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders

A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators

by Roger Pierangelo, George A. Giuliani
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2008

Create an appropriate learning environment to help children with ASD develop lifelong independence! This user-friendly resource summarizes current research and presents a comprehensive overview of how to teach students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). In a step-by-step format, the book...
Book cover of Classroom Management Techniques for Students With ADHD

Classroom Management Techniques for Students With ADHD

A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators

by Roger Pierangelo, George A. Giuliani
Language: English
Release Date: December 11, 2007

Discover practical methods for teaching students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, including effective strategies for classroom management, behavioral intervention, meeting legal requirements, and academic instruction.
Book cover of The Special Educator's Survival Guide
by Roger Pierangelo Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: June 27, 2012

Written for educators who work with special children and teens, this second edition of a best-selling classic offers a practical guide to every facet of the special education teacher’s job, from teaching in a self-contained classroom or resource room to serving on a multidisciplinary team. This...
Book cover of 100 Frequently Asked Questions About the Special Education Process
by Roger Pierangelo, George A. Giuliani
Language: English
Release Date: March 28, 2007

A jargon-free overview of special education's prereferral process, IEPs, eligibility services, procedural and legal safeguards, annual reviews and evaluations, and transitions from school to adult life.
Book cover of Frequently Asked Questions About Response to Intervention
by Roger Pierangelo, George A. Giuliani
Language: English
Release Date: December 13, 2007

Featuring reader-friendly language, step-by-step guidelines, and informative appendices, this guide introduces educators to the purpose, principles, benefits, and application of this tiered service delivery model.
Book cover of The Classroom Teacher’s Behavior Management Toolbox
by Roger Pierangelo, George Giuliani
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2016

This book focuses on practical and productive techniques that can be used in a variety of behavior crisis situations that may occur in a classroom. Teachers have told us that one of their major concerns has been dealing with severe behavior problems in the classroom. While there are many different types...
Book cover of Special Education Eligibility

Special Education Eligibility

A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators

by Roger Pierangelo, George A. Giuliani
Language: English
Release Date: March 28, 2007

Offers clear guidelines aligned with the reauthorization of IDEA 2004 for assessing students' eligibility for special education services and for working with families and service providers.
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