Primo Levi: 23 books

Book cover of Auschwitz Report
by Primo Levi, Leonardo De Benedetti
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2015

Among the first written accounts of the concentration camps—a major literary and historical discovery. While in a Russian-administered holding camp in Katowice, Poland, in 1945, Primo Levi was asked to provide a report on living conditions in Auschwitz. Published the following year, it was...
Book cover of Defecto de forma
by Primo Levi
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 2, 2013

Defecto de forma nos descubre la faceta más visionaria de Primo Levi. Si en sus libros sobre Auschwitz se adentra en los límites de lo humano, en estos magníficos cuentos científico-fantásticos explora el porvenir de la humanidad. Inspirado por el clima de incertidumbre de la Guerra Fría, que...
Book cover of Ad ora incerta
by Primo Levi
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 10, 2016

«Chi non ha mai scritto versi?... Anch’io, ad intervalli regolari, “ad ora incerta”, ho ceduto alla spinta: a quanto pare, è inscritta nel nostro patrimonio genetico». In realtà, il fare poesia non è stato in Primo Levi un’attività marginale o minore; egli stesso ci racconta come, scampato...
Book cover of The Black Hole of Auschwitz
by Primo Levi
Language: English
Release Date: May 11, 2017

The Black Hole of Auschwitz brings together Levi’s writings on the Holocaust and his experiences of the concentration camp, as well as those on his own accidental status as a writer and his chosen profession of chemist. In this book Levi rails intelligently and eloquently against what he saw as...
Book cover of La tregua
by Primo Levi
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 13, 2014

La tregua, continuación de Si esto es un hombre, es el libro del retorno, una odisea de la Europa entre la guerra y la paz escrita por Primo Levi en 1963, con la perspectiva de los años.   Y es que, por razones que nunca se aclararon, la repatriación del puñado de supervivientes italianos...
Book cover of The Voice of Memory

The Voice of Memory

Interviews 1961 - 1987

by Primo Levi, Robert Gordon
Language: English
Release Date: May 18, 2018

Over the course of more than twenty-five years, Primo Levi gave more than two hundred newspaper, journal, radio and television interviews speaking with such varied authors as Philip Roth and Germaine Greer. Marco Belpoliti and Robert Gordon have selected and translated thirty-six of the most important of these interviews for The Voice of Memory.
Book cover of Se Isto é um Homem
by Primo Levi
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 22, 2016

Na noite de 13 de Dezembro de 1943, Primo Levi, um jovem químico membro da resistência, é detido pelas forças alemãs. Tendo confessado a sua ascendência judaica, é deportado para Auschwitz em Fevereiro do ano seguinte; aí permanecerá até finais de Janeiro de 1945, quando o campo é finalmente...
Book cover of Is dit een mens
by Primo Levi
Language: Dutch
Release Date: September 15, 2015

In 1943, na de tweedeling van Italië, met de koning en de geallieerden in het zuiden en Mussolini in het noorden, trok Primo Levi als verzetsstrijder de bergen in, maar werd al na enkele maanden opgepakt. Als jood werd hij naar Auschwitz gedeporteerd, vanwaar hij als een van de weinigen terugkeerde....
Book cover of Si ahora no, ¿cuándo?
by Primo Levi
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 26, 2013

En las postrimerías de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, durante el verano de 1945, llegó a Italia una riada de refugiados y supervivientes de la persecución nazi, entre los que se encontraban grupos de partisanos judíos procedentes del este de Europa. Sobre este hecho real, Si ahora no, ¿cuándo? construye...
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