Queen: 358 books

Book cover of Writing Ourselves Whole

Writing Ourselves Whole

Using the Power of Your Own Creativity to Recover and Heal from Sexual Trauma

by Jen Cross, Carol Queen
Language: English
Release Date: August 25, 2017

#1 Amazon Best Seller! ─ Creating books that will change your life Healing victims of sexual assault through transformative journaling: One in six women is the victim of sexual assault. Using her own hard-won wisdom, author Jen Cross shows how to heal through journaling and personal writing. **Rape...
Book cover of The Tales Of The Heptameron
by Margaret Queen Of Navarre
Language: English
Release Date: November 29, 2018

It is probable that every one who has had much to do with the study of literature has conceived certain preferences for books which he knows not to belong absolutely to the first order, but which he thinks to have been unjustly depreciated by the general judgment, and which appeal to his own tastes...
Book cover of Young Man: Ageless Fatherly Wisdom to Hold
by Arthur Queen Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: December 10, 2010

Founding Fathers and Proverbial style wisdom and instruction to prepare todays Young Men to face lifes challenges.The best men ever known have always stood for bigger causes than just themselves.The book includes duty to God, duty to Family, duty to Country, and duty to self.Also included are the...
Book cover of Stained Glass Souls
by Donald Queen
Language: English
Release Date: July 14, 2016

These scribbles have saved my sanity, if not my life. These meanderingswhich are fun, painful, and freeingwill be in five categories, though some could almost fit anywhere. It is a mix of my humor and anguish, which I often have to force out and, at other times, cant stop. This collection of words...
Book cover of My Country
by 12th cent. de France Marie & Queen of Rumania
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

It were impossible to describe all I have seen, heard, or felt whilst moving amongst these simple, warm-hearted people; so many vivid pictures, so many touching scenes have remained imprinted on my heart. I have wandered through villages lost in forsaken spots, upon burning plains; I have climbed up...
Book cover of Race and Displacement

Race and Displacement

Nation, Migration, and Identity in the Twenty-First Century

by Trudier Harris, Walter Bosse, Regina N. Bradley
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2013

Race and Displacement captures a timely set of discussions about the roles of race in displacement, forced migrations, nation and nationhood, and the way continuous movements of people challenge fixed racial definitions.   The multifaceted approach of the essays in Race and Displacement...
Book cover of The Path to Promise

The Path to Promise

Moving Forward After Brokenness

by Queen E. F. Phillips
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2012

Are you experiencing one broken relationship after another...one broken promise too many? Have you been betrayed by someone you trusted with your life? Are you being held captive by the painful relationships of your past? Every time you think youre in the right relationship it ends in betrayal...
Book cover of Tales from Icebox Land
by Queen Macoomeh
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2007

Any likeness to anybody or any group, or any carnival, or any city, anywhere between here an where you is, is totally an completely an widdout question a coincidence. No actual people was used in de makin of dis book. An to besides I din write it eh? Me en taking responsibility for dis at...
Book cover of Les Amants de la Prophétie - tome 1 [romance érotique paranormale]
by H.J. Queen
Language: French
Release Date: March 2, 2015

Je m'appelle Lauren Martin. Ma vie ordinaire et bien rangée fut soudain bouleversée lorsque l'Agence me contacta pour la toute première fois. Propulsée dans un univers où les personnages de fiction n'ont rien d'ordinaire, où le monde des ténèbres n'a rien de mythique, j'allais devoir apprendre...
Book cover of Un Bastardo per nemico

Un Bastardo per nemico

(seconda edizione)

by Gabrielle Queen
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 15, 2019

"L'amore non esiste. Esiste solo del buon sesso. Fidati." Lorelei è un'aspirante studentessa che non ha mai avuto un ragazzo. Per pagarsi gli studi e realizzare i propri sogni accetta la sfida di organizzare un'importante festa per un famoso designer di scarpe, che sarà anche l'evento dell'anno....
Book cover of Ti voglio da morire

Ti voglio da morire

Della serie "Voglio solo te"

by Gabrielle Queen
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 2, 2018

Secondo della serie "Voglio solo te", la storia sexy che ha conquistato migliaia di lettori. E' passato quasi un anno da quando Isabel Lawrence si è trasferita a Los Angeles, cercando di dimenticare l'ardente passione che era scoppiata tra lei e il potente avvocato Alexis Athinagoras, soprannominato...
Book cover of MANUEL


Passione senza regole

by Gabrielle Queen
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 11, 2018

Se sei giovane, sensuale ed hai il ballo nel sangue una serata in discoteca può cambiarti la vita. Cristina studia Lettere e Filosofia ma ama anche altre cose. Durante una scatenata serata in discoteca incontra un ragazzo un po' strano, non bello, che non sembra appartenere a quell'ambiente e cerca...
Book cover of Splendida Passione

Splendida Passione

Un professore per Sabrina

by Gabrielle Queen
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 11, 2018

Che succede quando due perfetti sconosciuti rimangono intrappolati nello stesso chalet di montagna, durante una tempesta che li isola dal mondo? Sabrina Monferrati è una studentessa che scappa dalla sua rumorosa famiglia per concedersi dieci giorni di totale relax nello chalet di montagna che i suoi...
Book cover of ”dolce Settembre”
by Gabrielle Queen
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 15, 2017

Un amore travolgente che nasce dal conflitto tra i giovanissimi e ambiziosi Sandy e Justin....Che succede quando due colleghi si odiano da morire e cercano continuamente di mettersi i bastoni tra le ruote? Sandrine Martignon è allo stesso tempo una studentessa timida e grintosa che fa pratica alla...
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