R A Torrey: 130 books

Book cover of What the Bible Teaches

What the Bible Teaches

A Thorough and Comprehensive Study of what the Bible has to Say Concerning the Great Doctrines of which it Treats

by R. A. Torrey
Language: English
Release Date: July 29, 2018

This book represents years of study. Its contents have been tested again and again in the classroom—in classes composed, in some instances, of representatives of thirty-six denominations. However, it is not supposed for a moment that it exhausts all the Bible has to say on the topics treated, much...
Book cover of The Fundamental Doctrines of the Christian Faith
by R. A. Torrey
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2017

The author of these sermons has had a feeling for a long time that the great need in our churches in this day is systematic indoctrination. He put his theory into practice last winter in his own church, and these sermons are the result. We were having a great many accessions to our church. In the...
Book cover of DEEP BIBLE STUDY


The Importance and Value of Proper Bible Study [Second Edition]

by R. A. Torrey, Edward D. Andrews
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2016

Why is personal and family Bible study so important in our life now? How can we apply the Word of God in our lives? How can we use the Bible to help others? How can we effectively use the Scriptures when teaching others? How can we make decisions God’s way? How can Bible principles help us to decide...
Book cover of The Return of the Lord Jesus

The Return of the Lord Jesus

The Key to the Scripture, and the Solution of All Our Political and Social Problems or The Golden Age that is Soon Coming to the Earth

by R. A. Torrey, John H. Sammis, James Hall Brooks
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2017

THE writer of this book is an optimist. He is absolutely sure that a golden age is swiftly coming to this earth. But he is not a blind optimist. His optimism is not the result of shutting his eyes to unpleasant facts; his eyes are wide open to the awful injustices that rule in human society as at...
Book cover of The Gospel for Today

The Gospel for Today

New Evangelistic Sermons for a New Day

by R. A. Torrey
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2017

The Gospel presented in these sermons is the same Gospel of a crucified Christ, a Saviour from the guilt of sin, and a risen Christ, a Saviour from the present power of sin, that we have been preaching throughout our entire ministry as pastor, and as evangelist in all parts of the world. We are certainly...
Book cover of Ten Reasons Why I Believe the Bible to be the Word of God
by R. A. Torrey
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2017

THE most important question in religious thought is, “Is the Bible the Word of God?” If the Bible is the Word of God, an absolutely trustworthy revelation from God Himself of Himself, His purposes and His will, of man’s duty and destiny of spiritual and eternal realities, then we have a starting-point...
Book cover of Aprendendo a orar
by R.A. Torrey
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: July 31, 2018

Façam tudo isso orando a Deus e pedindo a ajuda dele. Orem sempre, guiados pelo Espírito de Deus. Fiquem alertas. Não desanimem e orem sempre por todo o povo de Deus. Efésios 6:18 Aprendendo a orar é um verdadeiro manual sobre a oração, sua importância e necessidade na Vida Cristã. Um livro...
Book cover of A pergunta mais importante

A pergunta mais importante

Você está com Cristo?

by R.A. Torrey
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 11, 2015

"Que farei de Jesus, chamado Cristo?" Mateus 27.22 Se perguntassem a você, nesta noite, qual é a questão mais importante da atualidade, presume-se que receberia uma grande quantidade de respostas. No entanto, todas essas respostas estariam erradas. Há outra questão muito mais importante...
Book cover of O Batismo Com O Espírito Santo
by R. A. Torrey
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 25, 2018

Um grande divisor de águas no meu ministério aconteceu quando, depois de muita reflexão, estudo e meditação, fiquei satisfeito com a conclusão de que o batismo com o Espírito Santo era uma experiência para hoje e para mim e determinei-me a obtê-lo. Eu recebi essa bênção pessoalmente, e...
Book cover of Por Que Deus Usou D. L. Moody
by R. A. Torrey
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 14, 2018

Há oitenta e seis anos (5 de fevereiro, 1837), nasceu de pais pobres em uma humilde fazenda de Northfield, Massachusetts, um pequeno bebê que se tornaria o maior homem, como acredito, de sua geração ou do século... Dwight L. Moody. Depois que nossos grandes generais, grandes homens de estado...
Book cover of Cura Divina: Deus Realiza Milagres Nos Dias De Hoje?
by R. A. Torrey
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 16, 2018

Este livro é o resultado puro de um estudo cuidadoso e minucioso da Palavra de Deus sobre tais questões, perseverado por pelo menos trinta e sete anos. Não conheço nenhum livro que trate de Cura Divina que mergulhe no assunto e que mostre todos os lados da verdade em suas proporções bíblicas....
Book cover of The Complete Works of R. A. Torrey, Volume 2
by Torrey, R. A.
Language: English
Release Date: April 23, 2015

R. A. Torrey (1856-1928) was a Congregational evangelist, teacher, author, born in Hoboken, New Jersey. Torrey studied at Yale University, Yale Divinity School, Leipzig University, and Erlangen University and received a doctorate degree from Wheaton College. After a period of skepticism he trusted...
Book cover of The Complete Works of R. A. Torrey, Volume 3
by Torrey, R. A.
Language: English
Release Date: April 23, 2015

R. A. Torrey (1856-1928) was a Congregational evangelist, teacher, author, born in Hoboken, New Jersey. Torrey studied at Yale University, Yale Divinity School, Leipzig University, and Erlangen University and received a doctorate degree from Wheaton College. After a period of skepticism he trusted...
Book cover of The Complete Works of R. A. Torrey, Volume 5
by Torrey, R. A.
Language: English
Release Date: April 23, 2015

R. A. Torrey (1856-1928) was a Congregational evangelist, teacher, author, born in Hoboken, New Jersey. Torrey studied at Yale University, Yale Divinity School, Leipzig University, and Erlangen University and received a doctorate degree from Wheaton College. After a period of skepticism he trusted...
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