R Berger: 13 books

Book cover of The Handbook of Communication Science
by David R. Ewoldsen, Charles R. Berger, Michael E. Roloff
Language: English
Release Date: April 30, 2009

This revision of a classic volume presents state-of-the-art reviews of established and emerging areas of communication science and provides an intellectual compass that points the way to future theorizing about communication processes. In this Second Edition of The Handbook of Communication...
Book cover of The Talent Management Handbook, Second Edition: Creating a Sustainable Competitive Advantage by Selecting, Developing, and Promoting the Best People
by Lance A. Berger, Dorothy R. Berger
Language: English
Release Date: December 10, 2010

THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO FINDING, DEVELOPING, AND KEEPING THE BEST TALENT The most comprehensive book of its kind, The Talent Management Handbook has become the go-to resource for HR professionals, CEOs, and business leaders who want to take the lead in building a diverse, talented, and motivated workforce....
Book cover of The Talent Management Handbook
by Lance A. Berger, Dorothy R. Berger
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2003

The Talent Management Handbook explains how organizations can identify and get the most out of “high-potential people” by developing and promoting them to key positions. The book explains: A system for integrating three human resources “building blocks”: organizational competencies,...
Book cover of It Happened at Grand Canyon
by Todd R. Berger
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2015

The Grand Canyon is an American icon, a scenic wonder like no other. From the several Native American tribes who have called Grand Canyon home to swashbuckling pioneers to an airliner collision over the canyon that led to the formation of the FAA, It Happened at Grand Canyon tells the history of this colossal, magnificent place.
Book cover of Ayurveda Made Modern

Ayurveda Made Modern

Political Histories of Indigenous Medicine in North India, 1900-1955

by R. Berger
Language: English
Release Date: September 16, 2013

This book explores the ways in which Ayurveda, the oldest medical tradition of the Indian subcontinent, was transformed from a composite of 'ancient' medical knowledge into a 'modern' medical system, suited to the demands posed by apparatuses of health developed in late colonial India.
Book cover of Revolutionizing Innovation

Revolutionizing Innovation

Users, Communities, and Open Innovation

by Christian Lüthje, Christoph Stockstrom, Jeroen P.J. de Jong
Language: English
Release Date: March 4, 2016

A comprehensive and multidisciplinary view of the emerging paradigm of user and open innovation, offering both theoretical and empirical perspectives. The last two decades have witnessed an extraordinary growth of new models of managing and organizing the innovation process that emphasizes...
Book cover of Atlan - Der Dunkelstern-Zyklus (Sammelband)

Atlan - Der Dunkelstern-Zyklus (Sammelband)

E-Book-Paket: alle 12 Romane in einem Band

by Hans Kneifel, Christian Montillon, Horst Hoffmann
Language: German
Release Date: August 28, 2014

Wir schreiben das Jahr 1225 Neuer Galaktischer Zeitrechnung. Atlan, der unsterbliche Arkonide, ergründet mit der Varganin Kythara das größte Geheimnis der Galaxis Dwingeloo: eine planetenlose blauweiße Riesensonne, die weit ins All vordringt, während hyperenergetische Entladungen die Ausläufer...
Book cover of The Pacific Crest Trail: A Hiker's Companion (Second Edition)
by Karen Berger, Daniel R. Smith
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 2014

This book begins where basic trail guides and maps leave off. For each section of the trail, the authors describe the route in detail and recommend the best day hikes and short backpacks from each trailhead. They describe the plants and animals hikers will see, tell stories about local history, explain...
Book cover of Krankenhaus-Managementlehre


Theorie und Praxis eines integrierten Konzepts

by Andrea Arnold, Dirk-R. Engelke, Michael Fischer
Language: German
Release Date: September 20, 2017

Der Muster- und Kulturwandel von Krankenhäusern spiegelt sich in Managementansätzen sowie der Organisation und Führung wider. Das Krankenhausmanagement folgt dabei den Rahmenbedingungen der Politik. Fundierte und theoriegeleitete Managementkonzepte - in der Praxis erprobt - können eine Grundlage...
Book cover of Population Biology of Infectious Diseases

Population Biology of Infectious Diseases

Report of the Dahlem Workshop on Population Biology of Infectious Disease Agents Berlin 1982, March 14 – 19

by P.E.M. Fine, M.P. Hassell, B.R. Levin
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

for the design of control programs; in extreme cases (as dis­ cussed below, by Fine et al. , this volume, and elsewhere) it can happen that immunization programs, although they protect vaccinated individuals, actually increase the overall incidence of a particular disease. The possibility that many...
Book cover of College Student Retention

College Student Retention

Formula for Student Success

by Alexander W. Astin, Joseph B. Berger, Erin W. Bibo
Language: English
Release Date: February 16, 2012

Although access to higher education is virtually universally available, college student retention stills remains a vexing and puzzling problem for educators and legislators. In College Student Retention: Formula for Student Success, second edition, Alan Seidman deals with this problematic issue...
Book cover of Dealing with High Debt in an Era of Low Growth
by S. M. Ali Abbas, Bernardin Mr. Akitoby, Jochen R. Mr. Andritzky
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2013

task has become particularly challenging in European advanced economies where expectations of low growth and limits to monetary policy support are shifting the burden of adjustment onto fiscal consolidation. The SDN will investigate the main drivers behind successful past debt reversals, focusing...
Book cover of Nichts als Lügen!

Nichts als Lügen!


by Kerstin Surra, Christa Huber, Ulrike Zimmermann
Language: German
Release Date: March 30, 2014

Wissenschaftliche Studien belegen: Wir lügen jeden Tag, bewusst oder unbewusst, in Gedanken oder laut. Wir verschonen die Lieben mit der Wahrheit und lügen stattdessen, damit es erträglicher bleibt. Oder wir lügen, weil wir ein schlechtes Gewissen haben und eine Ausrede brauchen. Es gibt viele...
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