R L R: 1906 books

Book cover of Just Everyday Folks

Just Everyday Folks

An Adirondack Family 1925-1950

by L.R. Warner
Language: English
Release Date: August 27, 2013

In L.R. Warners latest publication, Just Everyday Folks, An Adirondack Family 1925 1950, she chronicles the life of her family living in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State during that era. Follow the story of a father who swore it was his duty as a man to make a living for his family, independent...
Book cover of Animals and Their Moral Standing
by Stephen R L Clark, Stephen R. L. Clark
Language: English
Release Date: June 7, 2006

Twenty years ago, people thought only cranks or sentimentalists could be seriously concerned about the treatment of non-human animals. However, since then philosophers, scientists and welfarists have raised public awareness of the issue; and they have begun to lay the foundations for an enormous change...
Book cover of The Life of Captain Cipriani

The Life of Captain Cipriani

An Account of British Government in the West Indies, with the pamphlet The Case for West-Indian Self Government

by C. L. R. James
Language: English
Release Date: August 18, 2014

The Life of Captain Cipriani (1932) is the earliest full-length work of nonfiction by the Trinidadian writer C. L. R. James, one of the most significant historians and Marxist theorists of the twentieth century. It is partly based on James's interviews with Arthur Andrew Cipriani (1875–1945). As...
Book cover of Health Risks to Female Workers in Occupational Exposure to Chemical Agents
by M. van de Poel-Bot, R.L. Zielhuis, M.M. Verberk
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

In 1980 the Directorate-General of Labor, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, the Netherlands, requested the Coronel Laboratory for Occupational and Environmental Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Amsterdam, to carry out "a critical study of literature on health risks to women...
Book cover of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs): Mammalian and Environmental Toxicology
by A. Parkinson, L. Safe, M. Mullin
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been produced commercially since be­ fore 1930. They proved to be highly versatile mixtures and their uses continued to expand during the early 1970's even after the unanticipated world-wide en­ vironmental contamination had been discovered (Jensen et aI. ,...
Book cover of Chair de poule

Chair de poule

Le roman du film

by R.L Stine
Language: French
Release Date: January 27, 2016

Zach Cooper emménage avec sa mère dans la petite ville de Madison, dans le Wisconsin, et fait la connaissance de sa jeune voisine Hannah. Elle est la fille de R. L. Stine, un auteur à succès de romans d'épouvante. Mais ce dernier interdit à Zach de s'approcher de sa fille. Un soir, Zach entend...
Book cover of Chair de poule le château de l'horreur, T5: Interdit de crier !
by R.L Stine
Language: French
Release Date: March 22, 2017

Jack Harmon en a assez d'être le bouc-émissaire des gros durs de son école. Il ne peut pas mettre le pied dehors sans risquer d'être pris pour cible. Jack l'ignore, et pourtant, il ne connaît encore rien de la peur... Le jour où il trouve un téléphone dans le bus, son quotidien se transforme...
Book cover of Le château de l'horreur, Tome 02

Le château de l'horreur, Tome 02

La nuit des créatures géantes

by R.L Stine
Language: French
Release Date: November 16, 2016

Fan de magie, Steven adore se donner en spectacle devant tout le collège ! Il aime aussi faire apparaître des pièces de monnaie dans les oreilles de ses copines Ava et Courtney, ce qui les agace profondément. Les deux filles décident de lui jouer un tour et lui font avaler sur scène une boisson...
Book cover of Chair de poule , Tome 52

Chair de poule , Tome 52

Un film d'horreur

by R.L Stine
Language: French
Release Date: October 10, 2018

Les romans de Chair de Poule s'inscrivent dans la pure tradition du fantastique. On y côtoie les créatures de la nuit : spectres, vampires, loups-garous, momies sorties de leur sommeil oumonstres remontés des profondeurs. Le jeune lecteur, emporté par des récits au rythme implacable ¿ qui n'excluent...
Book cover of Chair de poule , Tome 74

Chair de poule , Tome 74

Le fantôme du miroir

by R.L Stine
Language: French
Release Date: November 7, 2018

Les romans de Chair de Poule s'inscrivent dans la pure tradition du fantastique. On y côtoie les créatures de la nuit : spectres, vampires, loups-garous, momies sorties de leur sommeil ou monstres remontés des profondeurs. Le jeune lecteur, emporté par des récits au rythme implacable ¿ qui n'excluent...
Book cover of THE Carrot Picker
by R.L. Friend
Language: English
Release Date: December 12, 2011

THE Carrot Picker By R.L.Friend Ireni Cordeiro is just seventeen and acting mother to several half-brothers and sisters. Having all her life known only poverty in the slums of Sao Paulo. She saves enough money to buy herslf an illegal passage and entry to England... the promised land. She is...
Book cover of C. C. Brower Short Story Collection 02

C. C. Brower Short Story Collection 02

Speculative Fiction Parable Collection

by C. C. Brower, J. R. Kruze, R. L. Saunders
Language: English
Release Date: March 24, 2019

A second collection of short stories from C. C. Brower In addition to later earlier novellas and novels, Brower continues her prolific output with short stories - all full of wonder and high imagination. Contemporary, Fantasy, Science Fiction - 14 wonderful stories from a different view...
Book cover of Eve Kardeş Geldi
by Ali Çankırılı
Language: Turkish
Release Date: August 8, 2016

Eğitimci yazar Ali Çankırılı´dan kardeş kıskançlığı konusunda, hem büyüklere hem de küçüklere hitap eden yepyeni bir çalışma! Kardeş kıskançlığını tüm yönleriyle ele alan hikayelerden oluşan kitap, Sevgi İçigen´in sevimli resimleriyle çok daha okunabilir bir...
Book cover of Anne Olma Sanatı
by Ali Çankırılı, Sefa Saygılı
Language: Turkish
Release Date: August 8, 2016

Gençler bir meslek öğrenmek için senelerce tahsil yapıyor, üniversite bitiriyor, yüksek lisans yapıyor, bilgisayar ve dil kurslarına gidiyorlar. Aynı gençler evlenmek, evliliği sağlıklı yürütmek ve anne baba olmak için herhangi bir eğitim almıyorlar. Bu kitabı hazırlamaktaki...
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