R L R: 1906 books

Book cover of Corona Magazine 08/2016: August 2016

Corona Magazine 08/2016: August 2016

Nur der Himmel ist die Grenze

by Uwe Anton, Pia Fauerbach, Armin Rößler
Language: German
Release Date: August 2, 2016

Das Corona Magazine ist ein traditionsreiches und nicht-kommerzielles Online-Projekt, das seit 1997 die Freunde von Sciencefiction, Phantastik und guter Unterhaltung mit Informationen und Hintergründen, Analysen und Kommentaren versorgt und bis zu seiner Jubiläumsausgabe 300 im Mai 2014 von mehr...
Book cover of Boys in Bed

Boys in Bed

Gay anthology

by William Anthony, Elizabeth Coldwell, D. K. Jernigan
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2013

Twenty tales of hot man-on-man action showcasing the very best in erotic writing and the raunchiest gay encounters around, from wild one-night stands to the lasting connections made by long-term lovers. Dominant masters and their willing submissives, musclebound hunks and shy, geeky guys, curious...
Book cover of In Pursuit of Pennants

In Pursuit of Pennants

Baseball Operations from Deadball to Moneyball

by Mark L. Armour, Daniel R. Levitt
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2015

The 1936 Yankees, the 1963 Dodgers, the 1975 Reds, the 2010 Giants—why do some baseball teams win while others don’t? General managers and fans alike have pondered this most important of baseball questions. The Moneyball strategy is not the first example of how new ideas and innovative...
Book cover of BRITISH MURDER MYSTERIES Boxed Set: 350+ Thriller Classics, Detective Novels & True Crime Stories

BRITISH MURDER MYSTERIES Boxed Set: 350+ Thriller Classics, Detective Novels & True Crime Stories

Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot Cases, P. C. Lee Series, Father Brown Stories, Dr. Thorndyke Series, Bulldog Drummond Adventures, Hamilton Cleek Cases, Eugéne Valmont Stories and many more

by Agatha Christie, Edgar Wallace, Arthur Conan Doyle
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2017

This meticulously edited collection is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: Edgar Wallace: The Four Just Men The Council of Justice The Just Men of Cordova The Law of the Four Just Men The Nine Bears Angel Esquire The Fourth Plague or Red Hand Grey Timothy or...
Book cover of The Lost Princess of Oz [Illustrated]
by L. Frank Baum, Eltanin Publishing, John R. Neill
Language: English
Release Date: October 8, 2013

Eltanin Publishing's Oz Series - #11 ~~ includes ALL the original illustrations (over 110) by John R. Neill, many of them in color, and a new Preface by Oz expert and Eltanin Editor Joseph Nusbaum. ~~ ~~ From the Preface: When L. Frank Baum began drafting The Lost Princess of Oz, he...
Book cover of On Middle Ground

On Middle Ground

A History of the Jews of Baltimore

by Eric L. Goldstein, Deborah R. Weiner
Language: English
Release Date: March 28, 2018

In 1938, Gustav Brunn and his family fled Nazi Germany and settled in Baltimore. Brunn found a job at McCormick’s Spice Company but was fired after three days when, according to family legend, the manager discovered he was Jewish. He started his own successful business using a spice mill he brought...
Book cover of Pirate Tales for Children (9 Books in One Edition)

Pirate Tales for Children (9 Books in One Edition)

Treasure Island, Gold-Bug, Peter Pan and Wendy, Captain Singleton, Captain Sharkey, Coral Island, Captain Boldheart, Master Key and Robinson Crusoe

by R. M. Ballantyne, Edgar Allan Poe, L. Frank Baum
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2017

This unique collection of "Pirate Tales for Children (9 Books in One Edition)" has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards. Contents: Treasure Island (Robert Louis Stevenson) Gold-Bug (Edgar Allan Poe) Peter Pan and Wendy (J. M. Barrie) Captain Singleton (Daniel Defoe)...
Book cover of Major General Maurice Rose

Major General Maurice Rose

World War II's Greatest Forgotten Commander

by Stephen L. Ossad, Don R. Marsh
Language: English
Release Date: May 5, 2006

Major General Maurice Rose (1899-1945), commander of 3rd Amored, First Army's legendary "Spearhead" division, was the highest-ranking American Jewish officer ever killed in battle, and the only individual casualty to spark a War Crimes Investigation. This, the first and only biography of this important...
Book cover of With the World's Great Travellers I
by Charles Morris, Oliver H. G. Leigh, Harriet Martineau
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 2016

This book contains multiple stories about travelling from the world's greatest travellers: New Dependencies of the United States (OLIVER H. G. LEIGH) Winter and Summer in New England (HARRIET MARTINEAU) Niagara Falls and the Thousand Islands (CHARLES MORRIS) From New York to Washington in 1866 (HENRY...
Book cover of Maximum Velocity

Maximum Velocity

The Best of the Full-Throttle Space Tales

by David Lee Summers, Carol Hightshoe, Dayton Ward
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2017

The Full-Throttle Space Tales series collected action-packed, high octane, science fiction stories across the full potential of the genre. Here, the original editors have teamed up to pick the very best of Full-Throttle Space Tales, eighteen stories collected here for the first time.   ...
Book cover of Secession Winter

Secession Winter

When the Union Fell Apart

by Robert J. Cook, William L. Barney, Elizabeth R. Varon
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2013

Politicians and opinion leaders on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line struggled to formulate coherent responses to the secession of the deep South states. The Confederate attack on Fort Sumter in mid-April 1861 triggered civil war and the loss of four upper South states from the Union. The essays...
Book cover of The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories
by Alastair Gunn, William Mudford, John Yonge Akerman
Language: English
Release Date: June 2, 2018

Twenty ghost stories from the supernatural masters of the Victorian age. Wimbourne Books presents the ninth in a series of rare or out-of-print ghost stories from Victorian authors. With an introduction by author Alastair Gunn, Volume 9 in the series contains stories published between 1841 and 1899,...
Book cover of The Human Tradition in America from the Colonial Era through Reconstruction
by Neal Salisbury, Rosalind J. Beiler, Robert J. Allison
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2002

The Human Tradition in America from the Colonial Era through Reconstruction is a collection of the best biographical sketches from several volumes in SR Books' popular Human Tradition in America Series. Compiled by Series Editor Charles W. Calhoun, this book brings American history to life by illuminating...
Book cover of CEO基因:四種致勝行為,帶他們走向世界頂尖之路
by 艾琳娜‧L‧波特羅(Elena L. Botelho),金‧R‧鮑威爾(Kim R. Powell)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 24, 2019

一本****挑戰傳統職涯發展論述,當前最實用可靠的職涯成功指南! ** ** 世紀奧美公關創辦人 丁菱娟 富錦樹集團創辦人 吳羽傑 經理人月刊總編輯 齊立文 (依姓氏筆劃排列)/好評推薦 ** ** CEO**,跟你想的不一樣──** 他們不見得是常春藤名校畢業生; 他們並非從小就注定出人頭地; 他們不是無比自負的超級英雄; 他們更沒有完美零瑕疵的性格…… ** ** 本書作者耗費十年時間, 收集一萬七千名領導者的訪談與追蹤紀錄, 歸納整理出囊括成功實例的關鍵檔案, 提供可複製的經驗法則,讓所有企業或個人, 從這些領導者的親身經歷、豐功偉績和挫折失敗中, 得出這樣的結論──關鍵在於,養成4大致勝行為。 找到對的CEO,可以讓瀕危公司起死回生, 遇到不適合的CEO,可以讓正常企業從天堂墜入地獄……   本書所提供CEO的職涯收穫適用於所有個人及企業, 不管你是立志成為領導者,或單純想在職場上自我精進及有所貢獻, 本書所蒐集的職場發展藍圖,必能協助你發掘及發展成為高階主管的相關能力, 是你直接向企業界多位成功人士學習職涯智慧及經歷的絕佳管道。   先來看看這些人的例子: 平凡護士成為早產兒醫院的首位女性CEO,創下該院一百六十年的院史紀錄; 某投創者剛入行時敗光父母四十萬美元的積蓄,如今在業界闖出一片天; 義大利移民製鞋師傅之子,後來成功經營國際直升機企業和大型科技公司; 小時候演戲唱歌的童星,長大後掌管全國獲利前幾名的大型銀行。   美國廢棄物處理業之龍頭Republic...
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