R L R: 1906 books

Book cover of CSCMP Certification Collection
by Terry L. CSCMP, Stanley E. Fawcett, Amydee M. Fawcett
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2014

Complete best practices for running high-value supply chains and earning elite CSCMP certification… 8 authoritative books, in convenient e-format, at a great price!   8 authoritative books help you plan, manage, and optimize any supply chain -- and systematically prepare for CSCMP's industry-leading...
Book cover of Lexikon Raumphilosophie
by Stephan Günzel, Franziska Kümmerling, Kurt Röttgers
Language: German
Release Date: October 1, 2013

Der Raum und das Verständnis des Raums sind als große neue Themen der Philosophie im Gespräch. Die damit zusammenhängenden Fragen gewinnen derart an Bedeutung, dass von einem ›spatial turn‹ der Wissenschaft gesprochen wird, in Entsprechung zum ›linguistic turn‹, der das Gesicht der Philosophie...
Book cover of Free Radicals and the Liver
by E. Albano, B.R. Bacon, F. Biasi
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Based on the results of the latest congress of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), this volume makes excellent reading since it explores in detail the role of free radical reactions in liver diseases. Studies in recent years using various methods have shown that free radicals...
Book cover of Minorités sexuelles, Internet et santé
by Joseph Josy Lévy, Jean Dumas, Bill Ryan
Language: French
Release Date: May 20, 2011

Pour les minorités sexuelles, Internet est devenu un puissant moyen de s’organiser, d’informer et d’intervenir dans le champ de la santé. Des chercheurs et des intervenants font état des recherches et des projets entourant les sites Web visant l’amélioration de la santé mentale et physique des lesbiennes, gais, bisexuels et transgenres.
Book cover of Hall of Heroes

Hall of Heroes

Fellowship of Fantasy, #2

by H. L. Burke, A. J. Bakke, A. R. Silverberry
Language: English
Release Date: June 21, 2017

Twenty-Seven Thrilling Tales from Amazing Fantasy Authors! Whether they are unwitting, plucky, or just plain epic, heroes capture the imagination and rescue us from everyday life. With stories set in fantastic, magical realms, gritty urban landscapes, and fairytale kingdoms, our heroes stand...
Book cover of Lance et compte - Tome 6

Lance et compte - Tome 6

Match à domicile

by Hélène Gagnon, Réjean Tremblay
Language: French
Release Date: December 4, 2013

Pas facile, la vie de famille! Pierre digère mal la décision de son père… Heureusement qu'il y a le tournoi local, le camping entre amis, les tours pendables de Dic et le passage de la coupe Stanley à Trois-Rivières pour lui faire un peu oublier Québec! Mouf commet une erreur qui risque de...
Book cover of The Philosophy of Documentary Film
by Diana Allan, Rick Altman, Ariella Azoulay
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2016

The spirit that founded the volume and guided its development is radically inter- and transdisciplinary. Dispatches have arrived from anthropology, communications, English, film studies (including theory, history, criticism), literary studies (including theory, history, criticism), media and screen...
Book cover of Sister States, Enemy States

Sister States, Enemy States

The Civil War in Kentucky and Tennessee

by Gary R. Matthews, Thomas Mackey, Jonathan M. Atkins
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2011

The fifteenth and sixteenth states to join the United States of America, Kentucky and Tennessee were cut from a common cloth -- the rich region of the Ohio River Valley. Abounding with mountainous regions and fertile farmlands, these two slaveholding states were as closely tied to one another, both...
Book cover of The Ring and the Cross

The Ring and the Cross

Christianity and the Lord of the Rings

by Nils Ivar Agoy, Bradley J. Birzer, Jason Boffetti
Language: English
Release Date: December 10, 2010

The conversation, sometimes heated, about the influence of Christianity on the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien has a long history. What has been lacking is a forum for a civilized discussion about the topic, as well as a chronological overview of the major arguments and themes that have engaged scholars...
Book cover of Presidential Transitions

Presidential Transitions

It's Not Just the Position, It's the Transition

by Patrick H. Sanaghan, Larry Goldstein, Kathleen D. Gaval
Language: English
Release Date: November 16, 2009

A presidential transition has a major impact on the life of an institution. Hundreds of presidential transitions take place annually, and when they are not amicable and carefully orchestrated, they can scar both the institution and the president. Sanaghan, Goldstein, and Gaval estimate that more than...
Book cover of The Interdisciplinary Science of Consumption
by Peter C. Whybrow, Sarah F. Brosnan, Darby Proctor
Language: English
Release Date: August 8, 2014

Scholars from psychology, neuroscience, economics, animal behavior, and evolution describe the latest research on the causes and consequences of overconsumption. Our drive to consume—our desire for food, clothing, smart phones, and megahomes—evolved from our ancestors' drive to survive....
Book cover of Corona Magazine 04/2015: April 2015

Corona Magazine 04/2015: April 2015

Nur der Himmel ist die Grenze

by Uwe Anton, Dirk van den Boom, Andreas Dannhauer
Language: German
Release Date: April 8, 2015

Das Corona Magazine ist ein traditionsreiches und nicht-kommerzielles Online-Projekt, das seit 1997 die Freunde von Sciencefiction, Phantastik und guter Unterhaltung mit Informationen und Hintergründen, Analysen und Kommentaren versorgt und bis zu seiner Jubiläumsausgabe 300 im Mai 2014 von mehr...
Book cover of Lance et compte - Tome 9

Lance et compte - Tome 9

Jusqu'au bout

by Hélène Gagnon, Réjean Tremblay
Language: French
Release Date: September 24, 2014

Ça chauffe dans le AAA! La rivalité entre coéquipiers monte d'un cran, Denis a de la difficulté à garder son sang-froid et l'équipe se retrouve plus divisée que jamais. Pierre ne sait plus où donner de la tête. Lorsqu'il apprend une terrible nouvelle de la bouche de Denis, le jeune capitaine met tout en œuvre pour sauver leur amitié… et l'équipe!
Book cover of Lance et compte - Tome 12
by Hélène Gagnon, Réjean Tremblay
Language: French
Release Date: February 25, 2015

Même les meilleurs amis ne sont pas à l'abri de la chicane! Pas plus que les coéquipiers, d'ailleurs… Ainsi, lorsque surgit l'occasion d'aller remplacer un joueur bantam, Pierre et les autres centres des Estacades montent leur jeu d'un cran pour impressionner Étienne, le nouveau coach exigeant....
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