Rd: 222 books

Book cover of Rustic Garden Projects

Rustic Garden Projects

Step-by-Step Backyard Décor from Trellises to Tree Swings, Stone Steps to Stained Glass

by Marianne Svärd Häggvik
Language: English
Release Date: May 20, 2014

Would you like to learn to braid a plant support arrow, cast a flower vase in concrete, or set your own pedestal in stone? Rustic Garden Projects is filled with attractive ideas for making your garden homey, decorative, and unique this gardening season. From the simple to the sophisticated, quick...
Book cover of Bread Is the Devil

Bread Is the Devil

Win the Weight Loss Battle by Taking Control of Your Diet Demons

by Kathy Matthews, Heather Bauer, RD
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2012

Stop mindlessly inhaling the breadbasket and stop shoveling in the M&M'S-Bread is the Devil is the solution to all of our diet saboteurs. Nutritionist Heather Bauer can count on the fingers of one hand the number of her clients who don't already know what they should eat to lose weight. So...
Book cover of Boost Your Breast Milk

Boost Your Breast Milk

An All-in-One Guide for Nursing Mothers to Build a Healthy Milk Supply

by Alicia C. Simpson, MS, RD
Language: English
Release Date: February 21, 2017

I want to breastfeed my baby, but will I be able to?   Every mom wants to produce enough nutritious milk for her tiny one—but many worry about low milk supply and other potential hurdles. In Boost Your Breast Milk, you’ll find the most up-to-date practices that support a healthy milk supply for...
Book cover of The Cancer Wellness Cookbook

The Cancer Wellness Cookbook

Smart Nutrition and Delicious Recipes for People Living with Cancer

by Julie Hopper, Kimberly Mathai, MS
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2014

Whether you are a cancer patient undergoing treatment, a caregiver, or a survivor, you’ll find this cookbook and nutritional guide essential—it includes the latest scientific research on improving the lives of people living with cancer. Created by Seattle’s Cancer Lifeline, The Cancer Wellness...
Book cover of Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes, 3rd Ed.
by Monique Ryan, MS, RD
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2012

Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes makes high-performance nutrition simple for running, cycling, triathlon, and swimming. Weighing in at 432 pages, this newly updated third edition is the most comprehensive resource on nutrition from the most experienced and highly qualified nutritionist in endurance...
Book cover of Nacht
by Karl Ove Knausgård
Language: Dutch
Release Date: September 5, 2013

Karl Ove verhuist op 18-jarige leeftijd naar het hoge Noorden, waar hij aan de slag gaat als leraar. Niet dat hij geïnteresseerd is in een carrière in het onderwijs; hij wil vooral geld verdienen om zijn schrijversambities te bekostigen. Aanvankelijk heeft hij het naar zijn zin, hij vindt aansluiting...
Book cover of Engelen vallen langzaam
by Karl Ove Knausgård
Language: Dutch
Release Date: March 19, 2014

In de tweede helft van de zestiende eeuw verschijnen twee engelen aan de elfjarige Antinous Bellori. Hij raakt zo van ze in de ban dat hij besluit zijn leven aan hen te wijden. Hebben ze echt bestaan? Zijn zij werkelijk de verbindende schakel tussen het goddelijke en de mens? En hoe ziet het goddelijke...
Book cover of Zomer
by Karl Ove Knausgård
Language: Dutch
Release Date: June 20, 2017

Karl Oves dochter Anne is inmiddels twee jaar. Hij vertelt haar over tuinsproeiers, regenwormen, tranen en het wilgenroosje. De zomer is heet en broeierig, maar soms ook mild als een nazomeravond. Terwijl hij als nooit tevoren geniet van het gezinsleven schrijft Karl Ove over een Noorse vrouw die...
Book cover of Winter
by Karl Ove Knausgård
Language: Dutch
Release Date: November 29, 2016

In Winter, het tweede deel van de Vier seizoenen-reeks, wordt Knausgårds dochter Anne geboren. Meer nog dan in het eerste deel richt hij zich direct tot deze pasgeboren dochter in ontroerende brieven. Ook legt hij haar de wereld verder uit in korte, vaak geestige tekstjes over de meest uiteenlopende...
Book cover of Lente
by Karl Ove Knausgård
Language: Dutch
Release Date: March 21, 2017

Karl Ove is met zijn drie maanden oude dochter Anne onderweg naar zijn vrouw Linda, die is opgenomen. We volgen hen tijdens een roadtrip van zonsopgang tot zonsondergang. Het is lente, de bomen krijgen knoppen, de dagen worden weer langer. Tegelijkertijd is er de duisternis van de ziekte van Knausgårds...
Book cover of Reimagining Society in 18th Century French Literature
by Jonas Ross Kjærgård
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2018

The French revolutionary shift from monarchical to popular sovereignty came clothed in a new political language, a significant part of which was a strange coupling of happiness and rights. In Old Regime ideology, Frenchmen were considered subjects who had no need of understanding why what was prescribed...
Book cover of Good Li’L Boys and Girls from the Buckeye State of Ohio (Free State) and the Hoosier State of Indiana (Free State) Black Children Speak Series!
by Sharon Kaye Hunt RD
Language: English
Release Date: November 9, 2016

The Good Lil Boys and Girls from the Buckeye State of Ohio and the Hoosier State of Indiana book is a compilation of stories of slave narratives shared by ex-slaves who either escaped to these two free states or moved to freedom. The ex-slaves described their experiences as children in slavery. The book is a part of a twelve-book series of Black Children Speak.
Book cover of Women's Health Perfect Body Diet

Women's Health Perfect Body Diet

The Ultimate Weight Loss and Workout Plan to Drop Stubborn Pounds and Get Fit for Life!

by Cassandra Forsythe, PhD, RD
Language: English
Release Date: December 23, 2008

Let's face it—women simply do not shed pounds or build muscle as easily as men do. Drawing on fascinating recent research that has shed new light on the gender differences in food metabolism and the effect of exercise, the editors of Women's Health, the healthy lifestyle magazine for today's active...
Book cover of Multicultural Dialogue

Multicultural Dialogue

Dilemmas, Paradoxes, Conflicts

by Randi Gressgård
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2010

As cross-cultural migration increases democratic states face a particular challenge: how to grant equal rights and dignity to individuals while recognizing cultural distinctiveness. In response to the greater number of ethnic and religious minority groups, state policies seem to focus on managing...
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