Rd: 222 books

Book cover of Obama Foundation Center
by richärd+baue architecture
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2015

The Obama Presidential Center Expanding opportunity in the global age, improving the health of our communities, protecting our children from the dangers of climate change, and looking beyond military force to promote peace, justice, and dignity throughout the world. Make real America’s founding...
Book cover of Kämpfen



by Karl Ove Knausgård
Language: German
Release Date: May 22, 2017

Die Rücksichtslosigkeit anderen – aber vor allem sich selbst gegenüber. Die Radikalität des Ansatzes. Die schwindelerregenden Wechsel zwischen kleinsten Details und großen Gedanken. Die essayistischen Passagen zu Themen der Kunst- und Literaturgeschichte. Und diesmal auch: die berührende Schilderung...
Book cover of Im Sommer

Im Sommer

Mit Aquarellen von Anselm Kiefer

by Karl Ove Knausgård
Language: German
Release Date: May 29, 2018

Die Jahreszeiten-Bände von Karl Ove Knausgård: "Im Sommer" ist der vierte und letzte Teil einer grandiosen Liebeserklärung an das Leben und die sinnlich erfahrbare Welt - geschrieben von einem Vater für seine jüngste Tochter. Knausgård schreibt über Wassersprenger und Schnecken,...
Book cover of Krause's Food & the Nutrition Care Process - E-Book
by L. Kathleen Mahan, MS, RD
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2013

The most respected nutrition text for more than 50 years, Krause's Food and the Nutrition Care Process delivers comprehensive and up-to-date information from respected educators and practitioners in the field. The latest recommendations include the new MyPlate guide, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans...
Book cover of The WrestleCrap Book Of Lists!
by RD Reynolds and Blade Braxton
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2007

Ever wanted to know the worst career choices pro wrestlers made upon retirement? Or which kung fu chop-socky wrestlers would make Bruce Lee do a backflip in his grave? The WrestleCrap Book of Lists! has all that - and much more. The gloves are off as best-selling author RD Reynolds and his co-author...
Book cover of Vicinity Golf
by RD Richley
Language: English
Release Date: July 6, 2013

A new approach to the great game of golf. Saturday/Sunday golfers, break a score of ninety every time. Remove the useless clutter from your bag and hit to the vicinity of your target with confidence.
Book cover of Berlin-Hamlet
by Szilárd Borbély
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2016

Shortlisted for the 2017 National Translation Award in Poetry and the 2017 Best Translated Book Award in Poetry Before his tragic death, Szilárd Borbély had gained a name as one of Europe's most searching new poets. Berlin-Hamlet—one of his major works—evokes a stroll through the phantasmagoric...
Book cover of The Ghosts of Jim Morrison, The Phantom of Detroit, and the Fates of Rock 'n' Roll
by RD Francis
Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2017

IN 1974, Capitol Records issued an unremarkable hard-rock album. Receiving a low-key release and promoted through an underground marketing campaign, the album received limited—sometimes scoffing, sometime favorable—press attention for its eerie similarities to a famed rock ‘n’ roll icon who...
Book cover of La isla de la infancia
by Karl Ove Knausgård
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 10, 2015

La memoria no atiende al orden cronológico. Avanza, retrocede, se remansa; guarda reposo y, por sorpresa, sin que conozcamos el motivo, se aviva de nuevo, como si la impulsara una súbita iluminación. Es en las mil direcciones en las que se dispara por las que se interna con pasmosa exactitud Mi...
Book cover of Tiene que llover
by Karl Ove Knausgård
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 17, 2017

De los años que captura este libro, apenas quedan unos pocos recuerdos, nos dice el autor. Y, por encima de todos, uno: el de la ignorancia, la ingenuidad, el fracaso. Y, sin embargo, en Tiene que llover un Knausgård concentrado y frontal exprime su prodigiosa capacidad evocativa para, cerrando...
Book cover of La muerte del padre
by Karl Ove Knausgård
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 20, 2012

Karl Ove Knausgård está luchando con su tercera novela casi diez años después de que su padre se emborrachara hasta morir. Quiere que sea una obra maes­tra, pero le atormentan las dudas sobre su talento como escritor. Su mente deambula entre sus frustraciones actuales y su relación con su familia...
Book cover of An Essay on the Survival of Humanity
by Risteárd Mulcahy
Language: English
Release Date: November 10, 2015

Now that he has reached his tenth decade, Risteárd Mulcahy is issuing his twelfth and last book. He has always been interested in the relationship between population and the planet and is deeply concerned about the future of mankind as it ignores the wellbeing of our planet home. As in previous publications,...
Book cover of How to Nourish Your Child Through an Eating Disorder

How to Nourish Your Child Through an Eating Disorder

A Simple, Plate-by-Plate Approach to Rebuilding a Healthy Relationship with Food

by Casey Crosbie RD, CSSD, Wendy Sterling MS
Language: English
Release Date: August 7, 2018

Help your child eat normally again Parents are the first to know when their child starts behaving differently. Has your son stopped eating his favorite food, or does he refuse to eat out with friends? Has your daughter drastically increased her exercise regimen, or become obsessed with health...
Book cover of On the Survival of Humanity
by Risteárd Mulcahy
Language: English
Release Date: October 3, 2016

Now that he has reached his tenth decade, Risteárd Mulcahy is issuing his twelfth and last book. He has always been interested in the relationshop between population and the planet and is deeply concerned about the future of mankind as it ignores the wellbeing of our planet home. As in previous publications,...
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