Ricardo Tronconi: 88 books

Book cover of The indescreet creases of space - colored comic and short novel
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: English
Release Date: February 18, 2019

Who says that erotic novels don’t make room for time travelling? Undoubtedly not "La Novella Orchidea". Seriously involved with his conjugal obligations, in the second half of the last century, an unknown writer unexpectedly finds himself copulating with a wonderful, Indian, curry flavoured...
Book cover of El peso del aire - comic en color y cuento
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 10, 2018

Un inquietante y misterioso narrador, aparentemente loco, grita un desesperado aviso a los lectores: márchense, mientras puedan! La historia que está a punto de empezar es especialmente macabra y, sobretodo, peligrosa... Un tiempo atrás, en una hermosa mansión lombarda se encontraron tres cadáveres...
Book cover of Le indiscrete pieghe dello spazio - fumetto a colori
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 4, 2019

Chi dice che nei racconti erotici non ci sia spazio per viaggiare nel tempo? Impegnato nel suo dovere coniugale, uno scrittore ignoto della seconda metà del secolo scorso si trova improvvisamente a copulare con una bellissima donna indiana dall’aroma di curry. Adhal Geesha è il suo nome (lettera...
Book cover of Fabia Claudia and Claudia Fabia - comic and short novel
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2017

Unremarkable events of daily life (and not only) in a Roman camp, related through a real cives point of view. Guided by a skilled and ambitious proconsul bound to write History, betrayals, subterfuges, plots and stories alternate, all this with a single aim: Vercingetorige's surrender, barricaded...
Book cover of The weight of air - colored comic and short novel
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2018

A freaky and uncanny narrator, insane in appearance, yells a hopeless warning to readers: they must go away while they still can! The story he's about to report is exceptionally gruesome and, most of all, dangerous... Long before, in a wonderful Lombard Manor, the corpses of three people were found...
Book cover of Il peso dell'aria - fumetto a colori e racconto
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 3, 2018

Un inquietante e misterioso narratore, apparentemente folle, urla un disperato avvertimento ai lettori: devono andarsene, finché sono in tempo! La storia che sta per raccontare è particolarmente macabra e, soprattutto, pericolosa... Tempo prima, in una bellissima villa lombarda erano stati rinvenuti...
Book cover of Le poids de l'air - bande dessinée en couleur
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: French
Release Date: March 29, 2018

Un inquiétant et mystérieux narrateur, apparemment fou, hurle un avertissement désespéré aux lecteurs: ils doivent fuir, tant qu’ils le peuvent! L’histoire qu’il est sur le point de raconter est particulièrement macabre et, surtout, dangereuse... Longtemps avant, trois cadavres brutalement...
Book cover of The weight of air - colored comic
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2018

A freaky and uncanny narrator, insane in appearance, yells a hopeless warning to readers: they must go away while they still can! The story he's about to report is exceptionally gruesome and, most of all, dangerous... Long before, in a wonderful Lombard Manor, the corpses of three people were found...
Book cover of Fabia Claudia y Claudia Fabia - comic y cuento
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 22, 2016

Pequeños relatos de vida cotidiana (y no) en un campamiento romano, contados a través de los ojos de un verdadero cives. Bajo la guía de un hábil y ambicioso procónsul destinado a entrar en la Historia, se desarrollan traiciones, subterfugios, intrigas y amoríos, todo con un solo fin: la rendición...
Book cover of Le indiscrete pieghe dello spazio - fumetto a colori e racconto
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 4, 2019

Chi dice che nei racconti erotici non ci sia spazio per viaggiare nel tempo? Impegnato nel suo dovere coniugale, uno scrittore ignoto della seconda metà del secolo scorso si trova improvvisamente a copulare con una bellissima donna indiana dall’aroma di curry. Adhal Geesha è il suo nome (lettera...
Book cover of Il peso dell'aria - fumetto a colori
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 24, 2018

Un inquietante e misterioso narratore, apparentemente folle, urla un disperato avvertimento ai lettori: devono andarsene, finché sono in tempo! La storia che sta per raccontare è particolarmente macabra e, soprattutto, pericolosa... Tempo prima, in una bellissima villa lombarda erano stati rinvenuti...
Book cover of Le poids de l'air - bande dessinée en couleur
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: French
Release Date: March 26, 2018

Un inquiétant et mystérieux narrateur, apparemment fou, hurle un avertissement désespéré aux lecteurs: ils doivent fuir, tant qu’ils le peuvent! L’histoire qu’il est sur le point de raconter est particulièrement macabre et, surtout, dangereuse... Longtemps avant, trois cadavres brutalement...
Book cover of The weight of air - colored comic
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: English
Release Date: March 28, 2018

A freaky and uncanny narrator, insane in appearance, yells a hopeless warning to readers: they must go away while they still can! The story he's about to report is exceptionally gruesome and, most of all, dangerous... Long before, in a wonderful Lombard Manor, the corpses of three people were found...
Book cover of Les plis indiscrets de l'espace - bande dessinée en couleur et nouvelle
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: French
Release Date: February 11, 2019

Qui dit que dans les nouvelles érotiques il n’y a pas de place pour voyager dans le temps ? Ce n’est pas « La Novella Orchidea », bien sûr. En plein devoir conjugal, un écrivain inconnu de la deuxième moitié du siècle dernier se retrouve soudainement à coucher avec une femme indienne...
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