Ricardo Tronconi: 88 books

Book cover of Los indiscretos pliegues del espacio, o bien como viajar a través del tiempo
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 4, 2015

Quién dijo que en los relatos eróticos no hay sitio para los viajes en el tiempo? Seguramente esto no ocurre en La Novella Orchidea. Mientras estaba ocupado en su deber conyugal, un desconocido escritor de la segunda mitad del siglo pasado se encuentra de repente copulando con una preciosa mujer...
Book cover of La teoría de los cuantos del alma, o bien el Diablo somos nosotros
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 23, 2015

El profesor Turgimann, el hombre más íntegro del barrio, posee un don bien visible en su entrepierna. Una cualidad ganadora en teoría, pero lo es también en la práctica de su vida matrimonial? Un sucederse de visitas inesperadas de un personaje muy peculiar, acompañado nada menos que del Arcángel...
Book cover of El violín del Maharajá
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 20, 2015

El hurto de un precioso instrumento musical, el violín cargado de una fuerza intensamente sensual de un indescifrable Maharajá, es eclipsado por la mayor importancia de los eventos históricos italianos de los años Setenta y rápidamente olvidado. Sin embargo, al cabo de aproximadamente treinta...
Book cover of Aventura en "La Vulva"
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 31, 2016

Tres incautos exploradores, aventurándose en gruta, se convierten en protagonistas de un ambiguo caso de presunto homicidio. El caso, llevado por el comisario De Narvalho y por su consorte Melodía De La Anguila, es relatado fielmente en el diario personal de un joven narrador, que destaca todas...
Book cover of The indescreet creases of space - colored comic and short novel
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2019

Who says that erotic novels don’t make room for time travelling? Seriously involved with his conjugal obligations, in the second half of the last century, an unknown writer unexpectedly finds himself copulating with a wonderful, Indian, curry flavoured woman. Her name is Adhal Geesha (letter...
Book cover of Jolly Carmine
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: English
Release Date: May 20, 2019

At the Verona Arena all is set for the "Zeppoles + Ariel and the Body Snatchers'" final concert, but the warm-up band, that of "The Wild", makes such an impression on the delirious crowd, by preventing a terrorist attack in the nick of time. Thanks to the prompt intervention of...
Book cover of The soul quantum theory, or we are the Devil
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2015

Professor Swollenman, the most erect man in the neighbourhood, has quite a visible gift in his lap. A winning feature in theory, but as regards his marital life? A succession of unexpected visits by a most peculiar character, arriving along with the Archangel Gabriel as Heaven’s Ambassador no less,...
Book cover of Les plis indiscrets de l'espace - bande dessinée en couleur et nouvelle
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: French
Release Date: March 11, 2019

Qui dit que dans les nouvelles érotiques il n’y a pas de place pour voyager dans le temps ? Ce n’est pas « La Novella Orchidea », bien sûr. En plein devoir conjugal, un écrivain inconnu de la deuxième moitié du siècle dernier se retrouve soudainement à coucher avec une femme indienne...
Book cover of Giolly Carminio
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: French
Release Date: May 13, 2019

Aux Arènes de Vérone, tout était prêt pour le dernier concert de « Le Zeppole » + « Ariel e gli Ultracorpi », mais le groupe en première partie, les Stato Brado, surprend le public en délire en déjouant une attaque terroriste. Grâce à la prompte intervention des cinq membres du groupe,...
Book cover of Les plis indiscrets de l'espace, c'est-à-dire comment voyager dans le temps
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: French
Release Date: January 19, 2015

Qui dit que dans les nouvelles érotiques il n’y a pas de place pour voyager dans le temps ? Ce n’est pas La Novella Orchidea, bien sûr. En plein devoir conjugal, un écrivain inconnu de la deuxième moitié du siècle dernier se retrouve soudainement à coucher avec une femme indienne très...
Book cover of La théorie des quanta de l'âme, id est nous sommes le Diable
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: French
Release Date: April 7, 2015

Le professeur Turgimann, l’homme le plus probe des environs, possède une qualité bien visible sous le pantalon. Caractéristique gagnante en théorie, mais en ce qui concerne la pratique de sa vie matrimoniale ? Une succession de visites inattendues de la part d’un personnage très particulier,...
Book cover of Avventura ne "La Vulva"
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 2, 2016

Tre incauti esploratori, avventurandosi in grotta, diventano protagonisti di un ambiguo caso di presunto omicidio. Il caso, condotto dal commissario De Narvalho e dalla sua consorte Melodia De La Anguilla, è fedelmente riportato nel diario personale di un giovane narratore, che ne mette in risalto...
Book cover of Gorgona, or the hard elastic consistency
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: English
Release Date: June 13, 2017

Freelance journalist Martyr is sent to Gorgona Island by his publisher, where rumors about a huge flow and concentration of jellyfish on site are capturing Influential Authorities’ attention. While Gorgona officials welcome Martyr by shooting at him (access to the island is banned due to the presence...
Book cover of Venturing in "The Vulva"
by Ricardo Tronconi
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2017

Three imprudent explorers, venturing in a cave, become active players in a devious case of homicide. The case, conducted by Chief De Narwhal and his spouse Melody De L’Eel, is accurately reported in the journal of a young narrator, who emphasizes its contradictions: the cave, a most famous opening...
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