Rita J : 57 books

Book cover of The Professions and Civic Life
by Christopher Caldwell, Paul A. Cantor, James W. Ceaser
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2016

Professions are institutions which, through their small size, self-governing elements, and sense of social mission, can assist in maintaining a sound civic culture. As mediating institutions in our democratic society that are neither entirely birthed by the state nor are entirely private, the individual...
Book cover of Hawaiian Blood

Hawaiian Blood

Colonialism and the Politics of Sovereignty and Indigeneity

by Florencia E. Mallon, Alcida Rita Ramos, Joanne Rappaport
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2008

In the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act (HHCA) of 1921, the U.S. Congress defined “native Hawaiians” as those people “with at least one-half blood quantum of individuals inhabiting the Hawaiian Islands prior to 1778.” This “blood logic” has since become an entrenched part of the legal system...
Book cover of Porridge, Pies and Pistols

Porridge, Pies and Pistols

Eine kulinarische Krimi-Anthologie

by Raoul Biltgen, Ina Coelen, Astrid della Giustina
Language: German
Release Date: December 19, 2013

"Den Charakter eines Menschen erkennt man daran, welchen Tee er zum High Tea wählt. Hatte ihr Vater selig immer gesagt. Ihr Gegenüber wählte Kräutertee. Kräutertee!" Seit Sherlock Holmes, Miss Marple und Jack the Ripper haben wir eine genaue Vorstellung, wie Verbrechen in Großbritannien...
Book cover of Engaging the Online Learner

Engaging the Online Learner

Activities and Resources for Creative Instruction

by Rita-Marie Conrad, J. Ana Donaldson
Language: English
Release Date: March 23, 2011

Engaging the Online Learner This updated edition includes an innovative framework—the Phases of Engagement—that helps learners become more involved as knowledge generators and cofacilitators of a course. The book also provides specific ideas for tested activities (collected from experienced...
Book cover of The Runaway Brides Collection

The Runaway Brides Collection

7 Historical Brides Get Cold Feet at the Altar

by Rita Gerlach, Terri J. Haynes, Noelle Marchand
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2019

What is a woman of the 1800s to do when she feels powerless to choose her own spouse and marry for love—run! Amy’s home is at stake if she doesn’t marry her neighbor. Delia’s father wants her to marry into a political family. Georgiana is posing as a wealthy man’s wife in order to...
Book cover of Media Depictions of Brides, Wives, and Mothers
by Ann E. Burnette, Mary Frances Casper, Hao-Chieh Chang
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2012

Media Depictions of Brides, Wives, and Mothers, edited by Alena Amato Ruggerio, explores how television, film, the internet, and other media variously perpetuate gender stereotypes. The contributors to this volume bring a variety of feminist rhetorical and media criticism approaches from across the...
Book cover of Another's Country

Another's Country

Archaeological and Historical Perspectives on Cultural Interactions in the Southern Colonies

by J.W. Joseph, Martha Zierden, Ellen Shlasko
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2015

The 18th-century South was a true melting pot, bringing together colonists from England, France, Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, and other locations, in addition to African slaves—all of whom shared in the experiences of adapting to a new environment and interacting with American Indians. The shared...
Book cover of National Service and Volunteerism

National Service and Volunteerism

Achieving Impact in Our Communities

by Maria-Elena Augustin, Emily Bachman, Koen P. R. Bartels
Language: English
Release Date: December 11, 2014

National service and volunteerism enjoy a rich history in the United States and an emergent future in other parts of the world. However, there remains relatively scant evidence of overall impact of national service programs and volunteer effectiveness. This condition continues to threaten national...
Book cover of Weihnachtsgeschichten am Kamin 27
by Sabine Rheinhold, Anni Wollrath, Joachim Frank
Language: German
Release Date: November 1, 2012

Am schönsten ist eine Weihnachtsgeschichte, wenn sie vorgelesen wird! Wenn die Christbaumkugeln im Kerzenlicht funkeln und der Blick aus dem Fenster auf die weiße Winterlandschaft fällt, dann ist der Moment gekommen, sich im Kreise der Lieben zusammenzufinden. Nichts ist dabei herrlicher, als gemeinsam...
Book cover of Continuing Challenges and Potential for Collaborative Approaches to Education Reform
by Susan J. Bodilly, Rita Karam, Nate Orr
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2011

The Ford Foundation's Collaborating for Education Reform Initiative (CERI) provided grantees with funds, guidance, and technical assistance to develop collaboratives and carry out activities to improve teaching and learning. A second effort, CERI 2, laid down a new set of goals for grantees. RAND Corporation researchers evaluated the initiative.
Book cover of Nurturing Child and Adolescent Spirituality

Nurturing Child and Adolescent Spirituality

Perspectives from the World's Religious Traditions

by Vishal Agarwal, Arik Ascherman, Sherry H. Blumberg
Language: English
Release Date: December 27, 2005

Nurturing Child and Adolescent Spirituality: Perspectives from the World's Religious Traditions provides a forum for prominent religious scholars to examine the state of religious knowledge and theological reflection on spiritual development in childhood and adolescence. Featuring essays from thinkers...
Book cover of Cognition and Motor Processes
by D.A. Allport, P. Bach-y-Rita, R.B. Jr. Freeman
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

The issue of the relationship between cognition and motor processes can be - and has been - raised at different levels of analysis. At the neurophysiological level it refers to the interactions between afferent and efferent information. At the neurological and neuropsychological level it relates to...
Book cover of Mutações: novas configurações do mundo
by Adauto Novaes, Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Laymert Garcia dos Santos
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 12, 2017

Mutações coloca em discussão as transformações tecnocientíficas, as novas propostas de vida que a tecnologia vem apresentando e a derrocada de sólidos paradigmas morais, éticos e políticos. O livro procura discutir o conceito de mutação na filosofia, na antropologia, na biologia, na física,...
Book cover of Identitäten des März

Identitäten des März


by Susanne Beckenkamp, Monika-Katharina Böss, Harald Braem
Language: German
Release Date: May 4, 2011

Es ist einerseits ein normaler Werktag, nämlich Mittwoch, der 15. März 2006, ein Tag kurz vor dem Beginn der Leipziger Buchmesse, und es sind andererseits die Iden des März, ein Datum, an dem sich einst Caesars Schicksal vollendete und für den jungen Werther die Leiden ihren Anfang nahmen. Zugleich...
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