Ro: 168 books

Book cover of Köroğlu
by Köroğlu
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Köroğlu, Türk Halka Edebiyatının önemli isimlerinden biridir. Daha çok koçaklamalarıyla tanınan Köroğlu, Türk Milletinin düşüncesinde kahramanlık sembolü olmuş bir ozandır. 16. Yüzyılın sonlarında yaşamıştır.   (Tanıtım bülteninden)    
Book cover of Of Freedom and God
by Marjan Rožanc, Andrej Inkret
Language: English
Release Date: July 27, 2017

Of Freedom and God, Jeremi Slak and Jason Blake’s translation of essays by Marjan Rožanc, contains a selection of essays from the 1995 collection »O svobodi in bogu" (Of Freedom and God) that Andrej Inkret put together and edited. Left out of the English translation are primarily those essays that...
Book cover of Si j'étais
by Karl Zéro
Language: French
Release Date: March 15, 2017

« Si j'étais... Karl Zéro, j'aurais douté : serais-je encore capable de *m'amuser *du cirque politico-médiatique ? Aurais-je du plaisir à me glisser chaque jour dans la peau de ceux qui font et défont l'actualité ? Qui plus est, avec *tout bien *pesé la vision du monde que j'ai aujourd'hui,...
Book cover of Hayatı Aşkla Yaşamak
by Yavuz Bahadıroğlu
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Yavuz Bahadıroğlu 30yıllık yazarlık ve hayat tecrübesiyle bizlere Hayatı Aşkla Yaşamak’ı öneriyor ve bunun yollarını aktarıyor. Yavuz Bahadıroğlu, romanlarıyla, hitabeti ve radyo yorumlarıyla tanıdığımız popüler bir isim. Başarılı olmasının ardındaki en büyük sır...
Book cover of Prince


Inside the Music and the Masks

by Ronin Ro
Language: English
Release Date: October 25, 2011

With a brand-new introduction and chapter that cover the last five year's of Prince's life and work and his untimely death in April 2016. In his three decades of recording, Prince had nearly thirty albums hit the Billboard Top 100. He is the only artist since the Beatles to have a number-one...
Book cover of Wedding Day

Wedding Day

Selected Poems of Lee Won-Ro

by Lee Won-Ro
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2012

Wedding Day is a collection of poems of Lee Won-Ro, who is the university president, chancellor of hospitals, professor, internist, cardiologist as well as a poet. This anthology contains 122 poems selected from his nine books previously published: Beyond Light and Sound (1992, Seoul, Korea); An Unusually...
Book cover of Disparues


Que sont-elles devenues ?

by Karl Zéro
Language: French
Release Date: February 12, 2014

Où est passée la petite Maddie McCann, fillette anglaise de 4 ans disparue en Algarve ? Qui a kidnappé Estelle Mouzin ? Quel assassin a imaginé, autour de la dépouille d'Anaïs Marcelli, ce curieux mausolée ? Saura-t-on un jour qui a massacré ces jeunes filles qu'on appelle « les oubliées...
Book cover of Anılarımdaki Türkiye
by Yavuz Bahadıroğlu
Language: Turkish
Release Date: August 4, 2015

Herkesin hayatı elbette farklıdır ve kendince bir değer taşır. Bazı hayatlar bir ülkenin kaderini belirler, bazılarında ise bir ülke kendini bulur. Şairin, "Alınlar görmüşüm ki vatanımın coğrafyasıdır" dediği gibi "Her çizgisi tarihten bir yaprağı anlatır."'Tarihi Sevdiren...
Book cover of Coupable ? Non coupable ?

Coupable ? Non coupable ?

Quand le doute persiste

by Karl Zéro
Language: French
Release Date: November 19, 2014

Karl Zéro aborde ici des affaires criminelles célèbres, qui ont défrayé la chronique, et sur lesquelles il livre son intime conviction. Condamné, Dany Leprince est-il bien le meurtrier de son frère et de sa famille ? Acquitté, Jacques Viguier ne serait-il pas impliqué dans la disparition...
Book cover of Ils ont osé le dire
by Karl Zéro
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1999

De Daniel Cohn-Bendit à Philippe de Villiers, de Michèle Alliot-Marie à Lionel Jospin, plus de cent personnalités se sont laissées aller à des propos inavouables, des pensées condamnables, en réponse aux questions impertinentes de Karl Zéro dans « Le Vrai Journal ». Insolent, désopilant,...
Book cover of Que sais-je ? Rien
by Karl Zéro
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1991

Visée par la censure irakienne, cette considérable somme de culture, présentée sous la forme attrayante de questions et de réponses, met un point d'honneur à ne répondre à aucune des questions qu'elle pose. Karl Zéro, dans un syncrétisme enivrant, aborde néanmoins tous les sujets qui, il...
Book cover of Hayata Dair Öyküler
by Yavuz Bahadıroğlu
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Yavuz Bahadıroğlu, tarihi romanlarıyla tanınmış bir yazar olmasına rağmen, edebiyatın her alanında ürün veren bir isim. Romanları kadar hikayelerininde sayısı çok. Hayata Dair Öyküler, Yavuz Bahadıroğlu´nun en çok okunan, bilinen öykülerinden bir demet oluşturuyor. Zamanın...
Book cover of Entrepreneurial Nation: Why Manufacturing is Still Key to America's Future
by Ro Khanna
Language: English
Release Date: August 22, 2012

A call to arms for everyone who believes in America's future If you trust what you hear in the news, America is in trouble. We've moved our manufacturing overseas. We've lost our competitive edge to China, Germany, Japan, and Brazil. We've entered our final days as an economic leader. Don't...
Book cover of Sid Valentine
by Ro Van Saint
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2010

Meet Sid Valentine. After losing his job, a disillusioned ex-cupid finds out that joining the dark forces is a more lucrative venture. It's his world now, not yours. And in his world, myth, fairy tales and reality collide. Pulp. Sex. Violence. Horror. Your life is just fiction.
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