Rob John: 43 books

Book cover of Tony Chu, détective cannibale T12
by John Layman, Rob Guillory
Language: French
Release Date: February 22, 2017

Tony Chu parvient enfin à boucler son enquête, révélant la vérité au sujet de cette grippe aviaire qui a tué des millions d'individus. Mason Savoy, son ex-mentor, également cibopathe et aussi meurtrier, l'a suivi au bout de cette quête... Mais vient de trouver la mort. Tony n'a qu'une solution pour connaître toute la vérité. Il doit manger Savoy...
Book cover of Tony Chu, Détective Cannibale T01
by John Layman, Rob Guillory
Language: French
Release Date: September 8, 2010

Tony Chu, la série phénomène qui vous laisse un sale goût dans la bouche ! Originale, absurde et totalement décalée, la création de Layman et Guillory a remporté tous les suffrages aux États-Unis. L’inspecteur Tony Chu possède un secret bien étrange. Il est cibopathe : il peut...
Book cover of Haunted Rochester

Haunted Rochester

A Supernatural History of the Lower Genesee

by Mason Winfield, John Koerner, Rob Lockhart
Language: English
Release Date: July 30, 2008

The western New York state Great Lakes region serves as a scenic setting for supernatural traditions, incidences, and folklore. Avenging specters, demon-tortured roads, holy miracles, weird psychic events, prehistoric power sites, ancient curses, Native American shamans, active battlefields,...
Book cover of Maker Pro

Maker Pro

Essays on Making a Living as a Maker

by John Baichtal, Wendy Jehanara Tremayne, Andrew 'bunnie' Huang
Language: English
Release Date: December 9, 2014

Maker Pro is a book of essays by more than a dozen prominent and up-and-coming professional makers (Maker Pros). Each essay includes advice and stories on topics such as starting a kit-making business, taking a hardware project open-source, and plenty of encouragement to "quit your day job."...
Book cover of Excel 2007 VBA Programmer's Reference
by John Green, Stephen Bullen, Rob Bovey
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2011

This book is aimed squarely at Excel users who want to harness the power of the VBA language in their Excel applications. At all times, the VBA language is presented in the context of Excel, not just as a general application programming language. The Primer has been written for those who are...
Book cover of Theory and Practice of Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy
by Laury Rappaport, Annmarie Early, Kevin Krycka
Language: English
Release Date: April 21, 2014

This comprehensive introduction to Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy lays out the background and fundamentals of the approach covering theory and practice. Gendlin, after many articles on Focusing-oriented psychotherapy, finally published the text Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy in 1996, making...
Book cover of Not Exactly Rocket Scientists and Other Stories
by Gilbert E. “Bud” Schill, Jr., John W. “Mac” MacIlroy
Language: English
Release Date: July 11, 2017

From ROCKET SCIENTISTS WE WERE NOT… and Other Stories: “We were goofballs, and magnets for mischief. Pinheads, really. Boys who managed to screw up just about everything, everywhere: scouts, camp, school, dancing lessons, church, vacations, team sports, bowling, first dates, and summer...
Book cover of Weather, Climate and Climate Change
by Greg O'Hare, John Sweeney, Rob Wilby
Language: English
Release Date: May 22, 2014

A timely and accessible analysis of one of the most crucial and contentious issues facing the world today – the processes and consequences of natural and human induced changes in the structure and function of the climate system. Integrating the latest scientific developments throughout, the...
Book cover of Primary Science: Knowledge and Understanding
by Mr Graham A Peacock, Debbie Wright, Mr Rob Johnsey
Language: English
Release Date: November 24, 2011

The essential subject knowledge text for primary science. Secure subject knowledge and understanding is the foundation of confident, creative and effective teaching. The 5th edition of this popular text has a number of new features including a new self assessment section and M level extension boxes to...
Book cover of Responsible Research and Innovation Actions in Science Education, Gender and Ethics
by Fernando Ferri, Ned Dwyer, Saša Raicevich
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2018

This book gathers case studies presented at the International Conference on Responsible Research and Innovation in Science, Innovation and Society (RRI-SIS2017). It highlights European initiatives and projects in various domains and contexts, each of which explores how to create guidelines and good...
Book cover of Primary Science: Knowledge and Understanding
by Mr Graham A Peacock, Professor John Sharp, Mr Rob Johnsey
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2017

Now with online resources to support subject knowledge! Secure subject knowledge and understanding is the foundation of confident, creative and effective teaching. To help your students master this, the 8th edition of this established text now comes with a range of online resources available...
Book cover of Primary Science: Teaching Theory and Practice
by Professor John Sharp, Mr Graham A Peacock, Mr Rob Johnsey
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2011

The essential teaching theory and practice text for primary science. Covering the key skills of planning, monitoring and assessment and class management, it relates these specifically to primary science. The 5th edition of this popular text includes new features making specific links to Every Child Matters...
Book cover of The Hidden Mathematics of Sport
by John Haigh, Rob Eastaway
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2014

The Hidden Mathematics of Sport takes a novel and intriguing look at sport, by exploring the mathematics behind the action. Discover the best tactics for taking a penalty, the pros and cons of being a consistent golfer, the surprising link between boxing and figure skating, the unusual location of...
Book cover of Homogeneous Catalysts

Homogeneous Catalysts

Activity - Stability - Deactivation

by John C. Chadwick, Rob Duchateau, Zoraida Freixa
Language: English
Release Date: June 9, 2011

This first book to illuminate this important aspect of chemical synthesis improves the lifetime of catalysts, thus reducing material and saving energy, costs and waste. The international panel of expert authors describes the studies that have been conducted concerning the way homogeneous catalysts...
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