Robert D : 904 books

Book cover of 60 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure

60 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure

What You Need to Know to Save Your Life

by Robert D. Lesslie
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2016

You may have high blood pressure and not even know it. Yet high blood pressure greatly increases your risk for a devastating heart attack or stroke. What can you do to discover whether you’re at risk, disarm this silent killer, and increase your chances of enjoying the years you’ve been...
Book cover of Understanding Your Muslim Neighbor

Understanding Your Muslim Neighbor

Moving from Fear to Love

by Robert D. McCroskey
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2016

"The tree of fear grows in the land of ignorance."—Muhammad Arif Zakaullah We often fear what we do not understand. And there is much about Islam that Western Christians do not understand. The resulting fear can breed mistrust and suspicion and create chasms between us. As disciples...
Book cover of Chlorinated Solvents

Chlorinated Solvents

A Forensic Evaluation

by Robert D Morrison, Brian L Murphy, Robert Morrison
Language: English
Release Date: November 9, 2015

Environmental forensics is emerging and evolving into a recognized scientific discipline with numerous applications, especially regarding chlorinated solvents. This unique book provides the reader with a concise compilation of information regarding the use of environmental forensic techniques for...
Book cover of A Twisted Journey and Other Short Adventures
by Robert D. Andrews
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2012

A TWISTED JOURNEY Life is like a roller coaster, filled with twists and turns, ups and downs. Th e truth of this adage can be found in Robert Andrewss short story collection, A Twisted Journey and Other Short Adventures. Simpleand sometimes horrificevents turn characters lives upside-down,...
Book cover of Living Positive with Imperfection
by Robert D. Patton
Language: English
Release Date: December 11, 2015

Robert Bob Pattons book, a memoir, the personal story of his fifty-nine-year career as an educator, a state representative, and a public servant, contains details of three generations of a family that worked the soil, built community, and took responsibility for their own welfare, like many similar...
Book cover of Neuroradiology: The Requisites E-Book
by Robert D. Zimmerman, MD, David M. Yousem
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2010

Neuroradiology, the top-selling book in the Requisites in Radiology series by Dr. David Yousem et al., efficiently presents everything you need to know about diagnostic imaging of the most commonly encountered neurological conditions. The authors address the conceptual, technical, and interpretive...
Book cover of The Evil That Men Do: A Dagny Taggart Jamison Mystery
by Robert D. Rodman
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2010

Dagny Taggart Jamison is a private investigator born on the day that Neil Armstrong took one small step for a man. Thirty years later, Dagny is taking small steps to regain her self-esteem, damaged by breast cancer and a lovers rejection. She is working for her brothers P.I. firm in Santa Barbara, California,...
Book cover of 世界的盡頭:從西非到近東,從伊朗到柬埔寨,一場種族與文化衝突的見證之旅
by 羅柏.D.卡普蘭(Robert D. Kaplan)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 16, 2015

Book cover of La religion de Gœthe
by Robert d'Harcourt
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1949

Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.
Book cover of Le livre de la jungle - Illustré
by Rudyard Kipling, Louis Fabulet et Robert d’Humières. Traducteurs, Maurice de Becque Illustrateur
Language: French
Release Date: April 30, 2016

Il était sept heures, par un soir très chaud, sur les collines de Seeonee. Père Loup s’éveilla de son somme journalier, se gratta, bâilla et  détendit ses pattes l’une après l’autre pour dissiper la sensation de paresse qui en raidissait encore...
Book cover of Short & Shivery
by Robert D. San Souci
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2009

A collection of ghost stories, spooky shorts, and frightening folktales from all over the world, perfect for scary sleepovers, staying up all night, or reading alone under the covers—if you dare! “No one travels these roads after dark. Those who are found the next day, if they are still...
Book cover of 歐洲暗影:一段橫跨兩場冷戰、三十年歷史的東歐邊境之旅
by 羅柏.D.卡普蘭(Robert D. Kaplan)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 31, 2017

《外交政策》雜誌評選「全球百大思想家」, 《世界的盡頭》、《南中國海》、《地理的復仇》作者羅柏.卡普蘭2016年最新力作 理解俄國與歐盟紛爭的一把鑰匙,除卻2014年烏克蘭克里米亞,下一個將受到國際關注的衝突地域 本書將帶引讀者走入一個位處歐洲邊陲,歐、亞文化交融並陳的「德古拉」神祕國度——羅馬尼亞 羅柏.卡普蘭於一九七○年代初次造訪羅馬尼亞,當時他是一名年輕記者,羅馬尼亞則是共產世界中一個慘澹蕭條的偏遠國度。它位於歐洲的一個晦暗角落,鮮少受到西方人的關注;它具有攸關世局的重要性,但卻經常受到忽略。隨著那次初訪而來的,是作者畢生對這個國家的迷戀。時至今日,俄羅斯以不同方式對歐洲構成威脅,而羅馬尼亞正是理解這個局面的關鍵要素。 《歐洲暗影》行文風格明快有力,融合回憶錄、旅行誌、報導文學、歷史書寫等元素,是作者醞釀三十年而成的大師之作,完整呈現一名青年記者力求成長、一個弱勢國家奮力向上的歷程,將一個外來個體的身影與一個在地國族的命運巧妙地交織在一起。從地緣特質、帝國主義、納粹大屠殺、冷戰,到國際關係中扮演的角色,作者透過羅馬尼亞這面透鏡,檢視諸多影響深遠的議題。 在本書中,卡普蘭詳細闡明拉丁化的西歐與希臘化的東歐如何鎔冶出羅馬尼亞,以及包括拜占庭帝國、鄂圖曼帝國、奧地利哈布斯堡王朝、俄羅斯沙皇國,希特勒納粹德國、共產蘇聯,以至現代的俄羅斯與歐盟,是如何從各個方方面面影響羅馬尼亞的盛衰起伏。這是位處地緣敏感帶國家的宿命,但也是她的機會。 透過卡普蘭的筆尖,羅馬尼亞的過去與現在化成本書中一頁頁鮮活而優美的散文,讓一個又一個電影畫面般的場景躍然紙上:冷戰期間那些神情枯槁、在冷風中排隊買麵包的布加勒斯特民眾;千百年間被入侵者蹂躪成一片荒蕪的柏勒甘大草原;宏偉地矗立在外西凡尼亞及馬拉穆列什地區的哥德式教堂尖頂……卡普蘭時而同過去的偉大思想家們對話,時而與今日的羅馬尼亞民眾交談;於是我們看到,這群人是如何在這個俄羅斯重新崛起的時代,致力讓人文主義的火焰持續發光。 【國際書評】 一部聲勢浩大的文化性及政治性旅行書寫,讓羅馬尼亞錯綜複雜的過去及混沌迷離的現在鮮活地躍然眼前,展現全新的急迫性。 ——柯林.施伯龍(Colin...
Book cover of The Horse Indians
by Robert D Bolen
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2016

The Horse Indians tells about the Comanche Indians who are responsible for populating the Pacific Northwest with horses brought to the New World by the Spanish Conquistadors in 1550 A.D.  Comanche warriors drove thousands of Mustangs north to their Shoshoni Indian cousins and the Shoshonis, in turn,...
Book cover of Digital Media Strategies of the Far Right in Europe and the United States
by Lara Mazurski, Alexandar Mihailovic, Glen Duerr
Language: English
Release Date: May 6, 2015

With the leverage of digital reproducibility, historical messages of hate are finding new recipients with breathtaking speed and scope. The rapid growth in popularity of right-wing extremist groups in response to transnational economic crises underscores the importance of examining in detail the language...
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