Robert D : 904 books

Book cover of Práctica clínica de terapia cognitiva con niños y adolescentes
by Jessica M. McClure, Robert D. Friedberg
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 24, 2011

Este volumen práctico y dinámico constituye una guía completa para la terapia cognitiva con niños y adolescentes. Dentro de un marco teórico bien definido, los autores explican cómo adaptar los principios y procedimientos de la terapia cognitiva a las necesidades individualizadas de niños que...
Book cover of Forgotten Colorado Silver

Forgotten Colorado Silver

Joseph Lesher’s Defiant Coins

by Robert D. Leonard Jr., Ken L. Hallenbeck, Adna G. Wilde Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2017

At the turn of the last century, miner Joseph Lesher attempted to raise the price of silver by privately minting octagonal "Referendum souvenir medal" coins with values of $1.25 or $1. They were common in Victor, Cripple Creek, Denver and other places in Colorado in the days after William...
Book cover of Town and Gown

Town and Gown

The Fight for Social Justice, Urban Rebirth, and Higher Education

by Robert D. Parmet
Language: English
Release Date: November 24, 2011

Town and Gown is the story of the birth in the 1960s and survival through the 1970s of an inner city college, York College of the City University of New York, in Jamaica, Queens. Created as a liberal arts college to provide increased access to minority students, it was placed in a mainly minority...
Book cover of Classical Music Criticism
by Robert D. Schick
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2013

The first new survey of the field in more than 60 years, this study concentrates on the basics of music criticism. Because it focuses on core issues and proven principles, the book is likely to become the standard work on the subject. It is written for the audience that reads music criticism in newspapers...
Book cover of 西進的帝國:地理如何形塑美國的世界地位
by 羅柏.卡普蘭(Robert D. Kaplan)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 3, 2018

在走遍世界盡頭之後,卡普蘭將回到出生之地 省思在中國崛起的今天,這座「西進的帝國」將如何面對未來的挑戰 ◆美國前國務卿季辛吉、《不平靜的太平洋》作者溫契斯特、「冷戰史泰斗」蓋迪斯等一致盛讚 ◆《外交政策》雜誌「全球百大思想家」,《世界的盡頭》、《南中國海》、《地理的復仇》、《歐洲暗影》作者 《西進的帝國》以洗鍊而動人的文筆描繪從東岸到西岸的美國地景,檢驗形塑美國國力的地理特質,為美國外交政策提供貼近草根現實的思考架構。 相較於卡普蘭先前的地緣戰略論述,《西進的帝國》較具個人色彩,結合親情、回憶、鄉土情懷、愛國意識,以及個人知識體系的養成,從略具自傳性質的手法、深具抒情風格的文筆,審思美國的地位與未來。 青年時期經常奔赴美國各地進行採訪報導的卡普蘭,回顧兒時與父親四處遊歷的情景,以及當卡車司機的父親描述年輕時驅車穿梭在美國大地的故事。年幼的他已經領略到《讀者文摘》一篇故事中的父親在攜家西行時所說的「征服洛磯山」這句話的意義,那是由東往西穿越美洲大陸的旅人體會到的心境,也是美國先民開拓精神的一種寫照。 二○一五年春,作者從麻薩諸塞州自家出發,展開為期一個多月的泛美公路之旅,從東部的「垂直地景」(人口稠密區往上空發展的地景,較為閉鎖而缺乏開闊視野)馳向西部天高水長的「水平地景」。這也是作者在踏遍「世界的盡頭」之後,將畢生思索凝聚在美國大地上的一趟終極旅程。但這次他的角色不是單純的旅人,也不是在做新聞報導,而是帶著分析家的眼光,以及悄悄聆聽眾人聲音的耳朵,總結他對美國地理及歷史人文的思考,細緻分析地理因素(緯度、水文、陸地與海洋的配置、土地特性等等)對美國命運及國家投射力所造成的影響。 美國東、西各接鄰世界兩大洋,左摟歐非,右擁亞澳;密西西比河流向加勒比海,為美國開啟通往大西洋與太平洋(經由巴拿馬運河)的門徑,塑造大國命運。而美國之所以在二十世紀享有無人能望其項背的力量,一大部分是發揮先人由東往西開拓,發揮「征服落磯山」那種打天下的精神所獲的成果。 本書的撰述目的是透過一些獨特的視角,如父親年輕時的旅行記憶,歷史學者的「希望地理學」,遼闊無邊的北美荒原,以及朝中國蔓延的大海,描述美國這個世界的巨人。父親的旅行為作者提供無盡靈感;歷史學家建立必要且可操作的論述架構;荒漠代表必須克服的挑戰;西側汪洋則象徵美國的對外關係,一方面承載美國的國際責任,一方面也隱約預示不斷往西行進的巨人身影最終將在那裡逐漸消解。 在這個消解過程中,作者期許美國憑藉地理賦予的優勢,及其所造就出的影響力,在二十一世紀錯綜複雜的國際局勢中持續發揮正面的制衡力量。 【各界讚譽】 《西進的帝國》一書出色地提醒著美國地理對其戰略所帶來的衝擊。羅柏.卡普蘭最新的作品是本必讀之作,對前一本有關地緣戰略著作做了必要的補充。 ——美國前國務卿季辛吉(Henry...
Book cover of Faith and Freedom

Faith and Freedom

The Founding Fathers in Their Own Words

by Robert D. Gingrich
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2012

So, what did America’s founders really believe about God, the Bible, and Christianity? Find out in Faith and Freedom—The Founding Fathers in Their Own Words. This brand-new survey of the founders’ beliefs provides easy-to-read biographical and historical details along with relevant quotations from...
Book cover of World, Affectivity, Trauma

World, Affectivity, Trauma

Heidegger and Post-Cartesian Psychoanalysis

by Robert D. Stolorow
Language: English
Release Date: May 9, 2011

Stolorow and his collaborators' post-Cartesian psychoanalytic perspective – intersubjective-systems theory – is a phenomenological contextualism that illuminates worlds of emotional experience as they take form within relational contexts. After outlining the evolution and basic ideas of this framework,...


Book cover of Oil


An Overview of the Petroleum Industry

by Robert D. Grace
Language: English
Release Date: November 25, 2013

Now in its sixth edition, this guide to the oil industry, written in non-technical language, is a must-read for anyone involved in or curious about the oil industry. Engineers, executives, managers and laypersons will all find this to be a valuable, entertaining and informative guide that presents...
Book cover of Trauma and Human Existence

Trauma and Human Existence

Autobiographical, Psychoanalytic, and Philosophical Reflections

by Robert D. Stolorow
Language: English
Release Date: May 20, 2011

Trauma and Human Existence effectively interweaves two themes central to emotional trauma - the first pertains to the contextuality of emotional life in general, and of the experience of emotional trauma in particular, and the second pertains to the recognition that the possibility of emotional trauma...
Book cover of Blowout and Well Control Handbook
by Robert D. Grace
Language: English
Release Date: October 3, 2003

As with his 1994 book, Advanced Blowout and Well Control, Grace offers a book that presents tested practices and procedures for well control, all based on solid engineering principles and his own more than 25 years of hands-on field experience. Specific situations are reviewed along with detailed...
Book cover of The Psychology of Serial Killer Investigations
by Robert D. Keppel, William J. Birnes
Language: English
Release Date: October 7, 2003

Serial killers like Seattle's Ted Bundy, Maryland's Beltway Sniper, Atlanta's Wayne Williams, or England's Peter Sutcliffe usually outsmart the task forces on their trail for long periods of time. Keppel and Birnes take readers inside the operations of serial killer task forces to learn why. What...
Book cover of I'll Always Be with You
by Robert D. Spahr
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2008

This is a heart warming story of the bond between a mother and her son. It speaks of the unconditional love he had for his mother as a little boy. It shows how a mothers love for her son helped her through a trying marriage and the tragic loss of both her parents. It shares with you the most secret...
Book cover of What Do You See?
by Robert D. Gardner
Language: English
Release Date: October 25, 2016

WHAT DO YOU SEE? is a collection of ninety-four poems inspired by the author’s life. These poems span a diversity of subjects including- love, family relationships, sports, politics, war, fantasy, animals and birds, the pain of loss, Christmas and more.
Book cover of The Basketball Draft Fact Book

The Basketball Draft Fact Book

A History of Professional Basketball's College Drafts

by Robert D. Bradley
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2013

On June 2nd, 1947, the Basketball Association of America (BAA) and the National Basketball League (NBL) held the first college basketball draft in the history of the sport. The two leagues selected a combined 100 college seniors, including future Hall of Famers Harry Gallatin, Andy Phillips, and Jim...
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