Robert L : 1109 books

Book cover of Aeroelasticity
by Raymond L. Bisplinghoff, Holt Ashley, Robert L. Halfman
Language: English
Release Date: June 18, 2013

Designed as both a textbook for advanced engineering students and a reference book for practicing engineers, this highly regarded work deals not only with the practical aspects of aeroelasticity, but the aerodynamic and structural tools upon which these rest. Accordingly, the book divides roughly...
Book cover of Perceptual Learning

Perceptual Learning

Advances in Research and Theory

by Phillippe G. Schyns, Robert L. Goldstone, Douglas L. Medin
Language: English
Release Date: September 25, 1997

The Psychology of Learning and Motivation publishes empirical and theoretical contributions in cognitive and experimental psychology, ranging from classical and instrumental conditioning to complex learning and problem solving. Each chapter provides a thoughtful integration of a body of work. Includes...
Book cover of Harwood-Nuss' Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine
by Jeffrey J. Schaider, Allan B. Wolfson, Carlo L. Rosen
Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2014

Harwood-Nuss' Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine presents a clinically focused and evidence-based summary of emergency medicine. Chapters are templated to include the clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, evaluation, management and disposition, with highlighted critical interventions...
Book cover of Greek for Life

Greek for Life

Strategies for Learning, Retaining, and Reviving New Testament Greek

by Benjamin L. Merkle, Robert L. Plummer
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2017

Learning Greek is one thing. Retaining it and using it in preaching, teaching, and ministry is another. In this volume, two master teachers with nearly forty years of combined teaching experience inspire readers to learn, retain, and use Greek for ministry, setting them on a lifelong journey of reading...
Book cover of Essentials of Clinical Geriatrics, Eighth Edition
by Robert L. Kane, Barbara Resnick, Joseph G. Ouslander
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2017

The leading introductory textbook on geriatrics – completely updated and revised Essentials of Clinical Geriatrics is an engagingly written, up-to-date introductory guide to the core topics in geriatric medicine. Since 1984, its goal has remained unchanged: to help clinicians do a better...
Book cover of 料理科學



by 羅伯特.沃克Robert L. Wolke
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 3, 2015

美國匹茲堡大學榮譽化學教授.最受歡迎的美食專欄作家 ★「愛因斯坦系列」熱銷全球、授權超過20種語言★ ** ** 「相信我,打開這本書,就很難再闔上。」 ──****食物頻道《好吃》節目主持人  艾爾頓.布朗 ** ** 好食材達人、老饕食評家、美食部落客齊聲推薦── 吳季衡(良食究好執行長)、徐天麟(知名美食家)、鐵雄(知名美食部落客)   **{**大廚說不出的美味祕密} 「神奇的燉煮法」、「美味高湯熬煮法」、「完美醬汁製作」…… 150****個最有趣的科學問題,深入淺出探討烹飪現象與原理,大啖知識與美食! 一讀就上癮,越讀越香的飲食科普鉅作‧顛覆全世界廚房   你是否曾想過…… 冰塊加多少才不會讓飲料變淡? 為什麼加一點檸檬汁就能讓茶色變清澈? 大蒜下鍋前為什麼要先拍碎? 高湯一定要從冷水開始熬煮嗎? 大廚的完美醬汁有什麼祕密武器? 香料先加或後加,效果差很多嗎? 肉類醃多久才入味? 小蘇打粉可以除臭、去汙漬?   全美最受歡迎的化學教授羅伯特.沃克,帶你探索美食背後的祕密。透過無數次的實驗、測量,沃克教授打破眾多以訛傳訛的觀念和迷思,解答超過150個日常生活中的有趣科學問題。如果你想精進廚藝、聰明選購食品、吃得更安心,這本書你非讀不可!   精進廚藝的權威指南 食譜上沒寫的美味關鍵,通通都在本書裡。肉類醃多久才入味、火候的拿捏、以酒入菜的原則、如何收汁更美味、香料和香草的添加順序等,你再也不必一手拿食譜、一手拿鍋鏟,在廚房裡忙得手忙腳亂。沃克博士為你解密食譜上每個步驟背後的科學原理,掌握知識,就是廚藝大躍進的最佳捷徑!   專業把關食安健康 「機器切割肉」和狂牛症有什麼關聯?新鮮肉品為何不採用「真空包裝」?肉色越鮮紅就越新鮮嗎?肉類再製品究竟使用了動物的哪些部位?「煙燻處理」的食物安全嗎?香料和香草為何沒有保存期限?食用油潛藏的風險是什麼?紅酒裡的「亞硫酸鹽」對人體有害嗎?──科學角度切入、全面分析,吃得更安心。   戳破食品製造商的美麗謊言 「冷壓」只不過是橄欖油的一般製造程序、「海鹽」和普通食鹽並無不同、「褐色蛋」沒有比較營養、「脫脂牛奶」熱量不一定比較低、「天然食材」真的比較健康?「蔬果專用洗劑」毫無殺菌效果等等。沃克博士從製程、成分切入,讓你不再被廠商迷惑,聰明選購真正的好食材和好工具。   揭密你從未想過的有趣科學 沖泡咖啡的最佳溫度、吃冰淇淋可以消暑嗎?啤酒開瓶後幾分鐘會開始出現異味?熟蛋黃的外層為什麼是綠色?如何計算自己的「微醺飲酒量」等等。吃美食當然是一種享受,但只要再了解一點美食背後的科學,就會讓你的餐桌更添風味、樂趣無窮。   36****道老饕殿堂級食譜,完整公開 了解各種烹飪原理後,本書更提供學以致用的機會,收錄的食譜步驟清楚、非常容易上手。從開胃菜到甜點等,多達36道百分之百「經實驗證明」的美味不失敗料理,如蒜香雪莉酒嫩雞、西班牙海鮮飯、義式蒜味蝦、地中海慢烤羊腿、起司蛋糕、舒芙蕾煎餅,以及各式名廚的私房醬料,如英式香草卡士達醬、波本風味烤肉醬、紅香芹調味料、蘋果西打醬等。 ** ** 【本書特色】 1、廣納各類飲食題材,內容包羅萬象,滿足讀者求知慾。 2、以科學實驗佐證背書,專業解惑各種飲食疑難雜症。 3、由淺入深,循序漸進引導,特別收錄更進階的「科學小百科」專欄,符合各類型讀者需求。 4、36道老饕殿堂級食譜,步驟清晰易做,親身驗證品嚐美味又有趣的料理科學。 ** ** 【各界盛讚推薦】 「正常來說,我們得在魔法師的鐵門外等上長長的冬天,雙膝跪在碎玻璃上,才能有資格得到沃克教授在此處很清楚、很簡鍊地分享的知識。但你現在只要問聲『為什麼?』,然後把書翻開就行。相信我,這本書打開就很難闔上。」——食物頻道《好吃》節目主持人 ...
Book cover of The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Accounting Course, 4th Ed
by Robert L. Dixon, Harold E. Arnett, Howard Davidoff
Language: English
Release Date: July 16, 2007

Quickly get up-to-speed in all basic accounting principles and procedures and apply that knowledge to real-world financial decisions and requests The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Accounting Course has been the gold standard for anyone looking for a fast, no-nonsense primer in all the fundamentals of...
Book cover of Mortgage Free!

Mortgage Free!

Innovative Strategies for Debt-Free Home Ownership, 2nd Edition

by Robert L. Roy
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2008

mort•gage (mor´-gij) n. from Old French morgage, mort gage, literally “death pledge” As a wave of foreclosures sweeps the country, many people are giving up hope for owning a home of their own. They have good reason to turn their backs on the banks, but not on their dreams. In this revised...
Book cover of Miracle Medicines

Miracle Medicines

Seven Lifesaving Drugs and the People Who Created Them

by Robert L. Shook
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2007

It’s the business of saving lives.   Miracle Medicines goes behind the scenes of the pharmaceutical industry and into the high-security laboratories to tell the stories of the men and women---chemists, physiologists, medical and clinical researchers, engineers---who have chosen to toil for years...
Book cover of Doing What Matters

Doing What Matters

How to Get Results That Make a Difference - The Revolutionary Old-School Approach

by James M. Kilts, John F. Manfredi, Robert L. Lorber
Language: English
Release Date: September 4, 2007

When Warren Buffett was asked why the Gillette board of directors chose Jim Kilts to be CEO, he said, “Jim made as much sense in terms of talking about business as anybody I’ve ever talked to. If you listen to Jim analyze a business situation you get absolutely no baloney. And, frankly, finding...
Book cover of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Archive Vol. 2
by Haim Saban, Stefan Petrucha, Tom Bierbaum
Language: English
Release Date: January 30, 2019

The legacy of the Power Rangers stretches far beyond the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from Angel Grove. This volume collects action-packed stories of some of the most legendary teams: Power Rangers Zeo, Turbo Rangers, Super Samurai Rangers, Megaforce Rangers, and the classic Mighty Morphin Power Rangers....
Book cover of Isle of the Snakes
by Robert L. Fish
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2015

A traveler is murdered in Rio for the sake of a stuffed snake The man in white has money to fly, but he boards a bus instead. It takes hours for the rickety old bus to snake down the Brazilian coast, and the man arrives in Rio de Janeiro well after midnight. He is on his way to make his fortune...
Book cover of Pursuit
by Robert L. Fish
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2015

To escape justice, a Secret Service colonel masquerades as a Jewish refugee The thousand-year Reich is crumbling, and the Red Army races toward Berlin. As the senior leadership of the Nazi party burns its files and flees the country, Colonel Helmut von Schraeder takes a different approach....
Book cover of La flecha negra
by Robert L. Stevenson
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 26, 2019

La Guerra de las dos Rosas, que enfrenta a las casas de York y de Lancaster por la corona, desangra a la Inglaterra medieval. Con el pavoroso desorden del conflicto al fondo, el joven Dick Shelton trata de escapar de los asesinos de su padre siendo acogido por los proscritos de la Hermandad de la...
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