Robert L : 1109 books

Book cover of Antiheroes
by Kyle Robert Shultz, Hannah Heath, Beth Wangler
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2018

Seven science fiction and fantasy stories about antiheroes: -A man determined to get justice for his family, no matter the cost -A gynoid with two conflicting programming directives -A teenage boy determined to protect the people who have become his friends -A monster slayer who is not everything...
Book cover of Personal Narratives of Black Educational Leaders
by Robert T. Palmer, Mykia O. Cadet, Kofi LeNiles
Language: English
Release Date: February 18, 2019

Challenging misconceptions related to Black academic achievement, this volume provides original perspectives on the policies, initiatives, and factors that facilitate the success of students of color as they progress along the educational pipeline. Grounded in an anti-deficit framework, this book...
Book cover of Handbook of Public Administration
by James L. Perry, Robert K. Christensen
Language: English
Release Date: February 11, 2015

The fundamentals of public administration, from the world's leading practitioners Handbook of Public Administration is the classic, comprehensive guide to the field, featuring original writings from the world's foremost public administration thought leaders and practitioners. Intended to help...
Book cover of Retirement Communities

Retirement Communities

An American Original

by Michael E Hunt, Allan G Feldt, Robert W Marans
Language: English
Release Date: January 28, 2015

This insightful book focuses on state-of-the-art retirement communities in the United States today. Experts from the fields of urban planning, architecture, and aging present in-depth profiles of a variety of retirement communities. The changing function and character of retirement communities--resulting...
Book cover of Cerebral Aneurysms

Cerebral Aneurysms

Microvascular and Endovascular Management

by L. Griffin, Robert R. Smith, Yuri N. Zubkov
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Surgical repair of cerebral aneurysms is a core aspect of neurosurgical practice. While open microvascular technique has dominated Western surgical practice, surgeons in the former USSR have developed endovascular techniques that have gained acceptance among surgeons here. This text demonstrates both...
Book cover of Measuring and Monitoring Children’s Well-Being
by Asher Ben-Arieh, Natalie Hevener Kaufman, Arlene Bowers Andrews
Language: English
Release Date: March 9, 2013

Today, any regular newspaper reader is likely to be exposed to reports on manifold forms of (physical, emotional, sexual) child abuse on the one hand, and abnormal behavior, misconduct or offences of children and minors on the other hand. Occasionally reports on children as victims and children as...
Book cover of Handbook of Workplace Spirituality and Organizational Performance
by Robert A Giacalone, Carole L. Jurkiewicz
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2010

An explanation of how and why the economic downturn of 2007 became the Great Recession of 2008 and 2009. It explores the root causes of the cycle of boom and bust of the economy. It describes social equity in terms of its arguments and claims in political, economic, and social circumstances.
Book cover of Schizophrenic Women

Schizophrenic Women

Studies in Marital Crisis

by Harold Sampson, Sheldon L. Messinger, Robert D. Towne
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2018

Schizophrenic Women is a fascinating report on the lives of seventeen families that suffered the experiences associated with the hospitalization of the wife and mother for mental illness. A description and analysis of representative experiences is presented here in an attempt to investigate various...
Book cover of Ahuacátl: Fruto delicioso y nutritivo
by Eduardo Merlo Juárez, Héctor Bourges Rodríguez, Edelmira Linares Mazari
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 1, 2015

Ahuácatl o Aguacate nos sugiere que estamos ante un producto de nuestra tierra cuyos orígenes se remontan a tiempos prehispánicos. Los autores de éste libro son reconocidos investigadores que aportan interesantes datos sobre este alimento característico de nuestro país. A partir de una de las...
Book cover of Surgical Approaches to the Spine
by Robert G. Watkins, M.L.J. Apuzzo, R.C. Breslau
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

The desire to expose the spine for surgery by anterior approaches at any level between the head and the sacrum is not new. Spinal pathology is often located anterior to the spinal cord and nerve roots in the cervical and thoracic spine, and anterior to the peripheral nerves that emerge from the lumbosacral...
Book cover of Berkeley Walks

Berkeley Walks

Revealing Rambles through America's Most Intriguing City

by Robert E. Johnson, Janet L. Byron
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2015

Berkeley Walks celebrates the things that make Berkeley such a wonderful walking city-diverse architecture, panoramic views, tree-lined neighborhoods, historic homes, unusual gardens, secret pathways, hidden parks, vibrant street life, trend-setting restaurants, and intriguing history. Fascinating and...
Book cover of El Nopal : Emblema nacional
by Eduardo Merlo Juárez;Héctor Bourges Rodríguez;Edelmira Linares;Robert Bye;Luis Alberto Vargas;Léia Scheinvar;Clemente Gallegos Vázquez;Óscar Carmona;Arely González;Leticia Vieyra;María Engracia Celis Juárez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 1, 2017

En buena parte del territorio de México las plantas de nopal son un elemento importante del paisaje. Su imagen guarda para nosotros significados diversos y uno de los más relevantes es sin duda su presencia en el escudo nacional. Este símbolo nos habla del mito fundacional de la nación mexicana....
Book cover of Noir Anthologie 1
by Mica Bara, Robert Boehm, Anne Danck
Language: German
Release Date: March 15, 2018

»Ich fühlte Euphorie, zugleich war ich entsetzt, dass wir es wirklich taten.« Spannend, tiefgründig und nervenaufreibend präsentiert sich die 1. SadWolf-Anthologie. Erleben Sie die Manipulation unserer Gedanken in einer vielleicht nicht allzu fernen Zukunft, fürchten Sie die verstörenden Mordmotive...
Book cover of Politik und Religion

Politik und Religion

Zur Diagnose der Gegenwart

by Giorgio Agamben, Robert C. Bartlett, Hillel Fradkin
Language: German
Release Date: May 24, 2017

«Politik und Religion» ist wieder ein zentraler Gegenstand der öffentlichen Debatte. Nach langen Jahren, in denen viele Sozialwissenschaftler die Erwartung hegten, der religiöse Glaube werde im Gefolge des «Modernisierungsprozesses» allmählich ausgezehrt und schließlich absterben, wird heute...
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