Robert Patrick: 69 books

Book cover of Political Humor in a Changing Media Landscape

Political Humor in a Changing Media Landscape

A New Generation of Research

by Jody C Baumgartner, Amy B. Becker, Mark Boukes
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2018

In the past decade various studies have examined how political humor may influence various political attitudes and voting behavior; whether it affects learning, cognition and media literacy, how it might shape political participation; how people process different forms of political humor; and more....
Book cover of Revue des Deux Mondes septembre 2017

Revue des Deux Mondes septembre 2017

Vers un nouvel ordre mondial

by Frédéric Verger, Richard Millet, Michel Delon
Language: French
Release Date: September 2, 2017

Dossier : Un nouvel ordre mondiale → Entretien avec Hubert Védrine : « Emmanuel Macron réveille l’idée d’une politique étrangère française » Pour Hubert Védrine, les rapports de force entre les USA et la Russie ne signent pas les prémices d’une nouvelle guerre froide. L’ancien...
Book cover of Revue des Deux Mondes octobre 2018

Revue des Deux Mondes octobre 2018

L'islamo-gauchisme : histoire d'une dérive

by Jean-Luc Macia, Bertrand Raison, Stéphane Guégan
Language: French
Release Date: September 28, 2018

Dossier 1 – Les racines de l’islamo-gauchisme → Entretien avec Jacques Julliard. « L’islamo-gauchisme, c’est la haine de l’identité française » Jacques Julliard raconte la genèse du mouvement islamo-gauchiste, ses accointances avec l’islamisme anti-occidental et sa dérive idéologique....
Book cover of Revue des Deux Mondes mai 2018

Revue des Deux Mondes mai 2018

Quel héritage possible pour Mai 68 ?

by Richard Millet, Michel Delon, Frédéric Verger
Language: French
Release Date: April 20, 2018

Dossier : Quel héritage possible pour Mai 68 ? → Entretien avec Jean-François Kahn. « À gauche comme à droite, Mai 68 est un mythe reconstruit » Jean-François Kahn a couvert Mai 68 pour l’Express. Le journaliste revient sur les coulisses et les enjeux de ces journées. Honni par les uns,...
Book cover of The Politics of Judicial Independence in the UK's Changing Constitution
by Graham Gee, Robert Hazell, Kate Malleson
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 2015

Judicial independence is generally understood as requiring that judges must be insulated from political life. The central claim of this work is that far from standing apart from the political realm, judicial independence is a product of it. It is defined and protected through interactions between...
Book cover of Researching and Understanding Educational Networks
by Robert McCormick, Alison Fox, Patrick Carmichael
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2010

In the twenty-first century, what could be more important than networks? Such is the power of their influence and attendant technologies that it is unsurprising that our thinking about networks is permeated with images and metaphors from electronic networks. This orientation may equally influence...
Book cover of The Annotated Construction Law Glossary
by A. Elizabeth Patrick, D. Robert Beaumont, Terrence L. Brookie
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2014

Now, in one place, you'll find concise yet nuanced definitions of the key terms used in the construction industry and in the practice of construction law. The Annotated Construction Law Glossary provides a fundamental understanding of each defined term, making this an invaluable resource whether the reader is a law student or seasoned construction law practitioner, project manager or architect.
Book cover of Die Lazarus-Vendetta
by Robert Ludlum, Patrick Larkin
Language: German
Release Date: July 10, 2012

Die Lazarus-Gruppe ist die Speerspitze einer Umweltbewegung, die gegen die Technologisierung der Welt kämpft. Sie wird angeführt von einem mysteriösen Führer mit dem Namen »Lazarus«. Als nach einer Attacke auf ein Forschungslabor tausende Menschen ums Leben kommen, schlägt die Stunde von Colonel Smith.
Book cover of Das Moskau Virus
by Robert Ludlum, Patrick Larkin
Language: German
Release Date: July 31, 2012

„Hydra“ – ein neues, weltbedrohendes Virus bricht aus In Moskau sterben US-Diplomaten an einem tödlichen, neuartigen Virus. Es lässt sich nicht diagnostizieren, nicht aufhalten und es gibt kein Gegenmittel. Die perfekte Biowaffe, die ihr Ziel in der DNA ihrer Opfer findet und diese...
Book cover of Evaluation and Treatment of Myopathies
by Robert Griggs, Emma Ciafaloni, Patrick Chinnery
Language: English
Release Date: May 26, 2014

This new edition of Evaluation and Treatment of Myopathies is written for the clinician who sees patients with muscle disease, or the patient with complaints of pain or weakness of muscle. Like the original, this new edition is divided in to 3 primary sections: Approach to the Patient with Muscle...
Book cover of Revue des Deux Mondes novembre 2018

Revue des Deux Mondes novembre 2018

Donald Trump est-il si fou ?

by Jean-Luc Macia, Bertrand Raison, Stéphane Guégan
Language: French
Release Date: October 25, 2018

Dossier 1 – Donald Trump est-il si fou ? → Entretien avec Yasha Mounk. « Si l’Amérique rompait avec les principes de la démocratie libérale, ce serait une tragédie planétaire » La démocratie libérale perd de son attrait dans les pays occidentaux. Le basculement du camp conservateur...
Book cover of Urgent Interventional Therapies
by Jawed Fareed, Robert T. Rosen, Nicholas N. Kipshidze
Language: English
Release Date: November 10, 2014

Illustrating the differences between urgent interventions and interventions performed to manage chronic conditions the authors present the chapters in a consistent template for ease of use covering; background, indications, evidence review, device description, procedural techniques, follow-up care,...
Book cover of Handbuch Projektmanagement

Handbuch Projektmanagement

Agil – Klassisch – Hybrid

by Jürg Kuster, Christian Bachmann, Eugen Huber
Language: German
Release Date: November 2, 2018

Das Nachschlagewerk bietet alles Wissenswerte für das prozessorientierte Projektmanagement: Anleitung für effiziente Projektabwicklung, systematische Übersicht über Projektphasen und -prozesse, ausführliche Handlungsempfehlungen sowie eine Sammlung der wichtigsten Methoden und Instrumente. Erfolgsfaktoren...
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