Roberta: 744 books

Book cover of I topolini grigini e il magico libro del bianco, del nero e del grigio
by Roberta Paolini
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 8, 2016

Un libro sui colori meno apprezzati - il bianco, il nero e il grigio - e, allo stesso tempo, un percorso per parlare di tolleranza e di accettazione delle diversità e per aiutare i bambini a vedere oltre quello che si è soliti definire normale, attraverso storie divertenti e buffi personaggi. Avete...
Book cover of Reflections: 50 Years of Medieval Archaeology, 1957-2007: No. 30

Reflections: 50 Years of Medieval Archaeology, 1957-2007: No. 30

50 Years of Medieval Archaeology, 1957-2007

by Roberta Gilchrist
Language: English
Release Date: December 13, 2018

This volume celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Society for Medieval Archaeology (established in 1957), presenting reflections on the history, development and future prospects of the discipline. The papers are drawn from a series of conferences and workshops that took place in 2007-08, in addition...
Book cover of L'albero della vita
by Roberta Russo
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 31, 2017

Perché le antiche croci armene dei primi secoli del cristianesimo non rappresentano mai Gesù ma un albero fiorito? In quale epoca storica si cominciò a designare la figura di Cristo con un pesce? Da dove vengono gli emblemi che indicano i quattro evangelisti? Cosa significano le lettere greche...
Book cover of NutriHealth


Novembre 2016

by Roberta Graziano
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 6, 2017

In questo numero: - Arriva in Italia l’olio in bottiglie di plastica interamente riciclata - Vitamina D e benefici per le ossa - Dieta, obesità e steatosi epatica - Nutrizione e sport - Okra: un nuovo arrivato nel nostro orto - Coltivare bene per mangiare meglio: Basilico - Frutta esotica: Guava
Book cover of The Joy of Stats

The Joy of Stats

A Short Guide to Introductory Statistics in the Social Sciences, Second Edition

by Roberta Garner
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2010

As a stand-alone text, a self-study manual, or a supplement to a lab manual or comprehensive text, The Joy of Stats is a unique and versatile resource. A "Math Refresher" section and self-assessment test offer a concise review of the needed math background. A "How-To?" section...
Book cover of Compendio di diritto fallimentare
by Stefania Biscione, Roberta Pessetti
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 18, 2013

Il Compendio di Diritto Fallimentare, come tutti i compendi della collana Strumenti per lo studio del diritto: espone in sintesi, ma con estrema chiarezza ed esaustività, tutta la materia normalmente oggetto di esami universitari o di prove di concorso e dà ampio spazio agli orientamenti della dottrina...
Book cover of Corte di Strasburgo e giustizia penale
by Michele Bonetti, Silvia Buzzelli, Roberta Casiraghi
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 14, 2017

La Convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo e la giurisprudenza della Corte di Strasburgo sono oggi sempre più avvertiti come parte integrante del diritto che il giudice penale italiano è chiamato quotidianamente a interpretare e applicare, nella sua veste di “primo garante” dei diritti convenzionali....
Book cover of Understanding Contemporary Social Problems Through Media
by Roberta Goldberg
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2015

Goldberg uses a multi-media approach to critically examine the most significant and volatile issues of our times: the environmental crisis, upheavals in the developing world, health, terrorism, and technology. The book is unique in its in-depth coverage of these pressing social concerns and its use...
Book cover of The Placement of Modifiers
by Jean Roberta
Language: English
Release Date: June 8, 2017

The Placement of Modifiers: Dr. Chalkdust goes to the local LGBT bar, which she co-owns, and meets Bernie, an arrogant butch who doesn’t know who she is. Dr. Chalkdust lures Bernie to a private area, where she restrains Bernie for a private lesson. Bernie loves Dr. Chalkdust’s teaching style, and she learns not to make assumptions about small, feminine women.
Book cover of A Well-Placed Pinch
by Jean Roberta
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2017

The King and Queen of the Fairies love to watch the human world through their magic mirror. When they see three young women rehearsing for a university production of Shakespeare’s romantic comedy Twelfth Night, the observers see more than the performers know they are showing. Will the shy butch...
Book cover of Splitting the Infinitive
by Jean Roberta
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2017

Didrick Bent, student athlete and baby butch, has trouble writing essays for her demanding professor, Dr. Athena Chalkdust. When Didrick comes to see her after class, Dr. Chalkdust is exasperated by her ignorance, and moved by her submission. Both of them want young Didrick to become the best person she can be, and they will stop at nothing to reach their goals.
Book cover of Tears from Heaven
by Jean Roberta
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2017

Didrick has been in exile from Dr. Chalkdust for two months because she accidentally let the professor's puppy run into the street, where he was run over by a car. Didrick is overwhelmed with guilt. She goes to Dr. Chalkdust's house on the appointed summer day, and lets herself be punished. At last, student and teacher grieve together in each other's arms, and forgive each other.
Book cover of Storia delle 3 A
by Roberta Manzoni
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 27, 2016

Paola, insegnante di lingue, è single ma con un matrimonio fallito alle spalle. Per questo motivo il suo motto è "mai più soffrire per un uomo!", finché non conosce Gabriele, uomo affascinante ma... sposato. Paola cerca in tutti i modi di soffocare i suoi sentimenti aiutata dagli amici:...
Book cover of Lì dove sta il cuore
by Roberta Trischitta
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 1, 2017

Una storia familiare che trasporta il lettore in un mondo di emozioni intense in cui è impossibile non immergersi. Nina e Marcus sono gemelli, diversi nell’aspetto, ma simili per tutto il resto: cinici, amanti del divertimento, innamorati della loro New York. Sono indipendenti e rispettosi dei...
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