Roman: 760 books

Book cover of How to Be a CIA Agent
by Roman Garcia
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2012

If you're smart, ready to serve your country, and ambitious and you've a desire to perform clandestine and routine work to protect and help fellow citizens, becoming a part of the CIA might be a future career option for you. Provided you're a U.S. citizen, and you meet all the required qualifications...
Book cover of Harry Dickson T09

Harry Dickson T09

Le Secret de Raspoutine

by Richard D. Nolane, Olivier Roman
Language: French
Release Date: September 4, 2013

Qui a tué Alexandre Kazantsky ? La police soupçonne les agents de Staline, mais Harry Dickson découvre qu’avant de mourir, ce spécialiste du paranormal menait une enquête sur le célèbre Raspoutine. Se pourrait-il alors qu’il y ait un lien entre le secret de Raspoutine et « L’Arracheur...
Book cover of Harry Dickson T10

Harry Dickson T10

La Sorcière du Kent

by Richard D. Nolane, Olivier Roman
Language: French
Release Date: October 2, 2013

« ARI DIKSON », c’est le nom inscrit par un Poltergeist (esprit frappeur) qui a dévasté un manoir sur la côte du Kent ! Aidé du Pr Linyon St. Yves, Harry Dickson est invité à tenter de comprendre quelle force inconnue et de plus en plus menaçante s’attaque au manoir et à ses habitants....
Book cover of Harry Dickson T13

Harry Dickson T13

L'Héritage maudit de Rennes-le-Château

by Richard D. Nolane, Olivier Roman
Language: French
Release Date: March 5, 2014

"Un scientifique français ami du Pr Linyon St. Yves est atrocement assassiné à Carcassonne, et voici Harry Dickson enquêtant pour la première fois en France ! Son chemin croise bientôt celui d’un chercheur allemand nommé Otto Rahn mais aussi celui d’agents soviétiques sanguinaires,...
Book cover of Harry Dickson T02

Harry Dickson T02

Le Démon de Whitechapel

by Richard D. Nolane, Olivier Roman
Language: French
Release Date: February 20, 2013

"Londres, années 1920. L’occulte a désormais son Sherlock Holmes. Il est américain et pour lui, la magie est une science à peu près exacte... Démons ou vampires peuplent ses enquêtes mais déductions et grimoires sont ses armes favorites ! Cette nouvelle édition inaugure la collection « Détectives de Légende ».".
Book cover of Harry Dickson T06

Harry Dickson T06

Terreur Jaune

by Richard D. Nolane, Olivier Roman
Language: French
Release Date: June 5, 2013

Horribles meurtres et règlements de comptes dans le Chinatown de Londres. Mais Harry Dickson ne tarde pas à deviner que cette hécatombe sur fond de trafics dissimule une conjuration occulte et magique dont les ramifications se propagent jusqu’à la lointaine Chine en proie à la guerre civile....
Book cover of The Hounds of Hell #3 : The Sibyl's Secret
by Philippe Thirault, Christian Højgaard, Drazen Kovacevic
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

A Sword and Sorcery adventure of a formidable band of mercenaries on a quest for a legendary treasure.. PUBLICATION IN 4 VOLUMES - COMPLETED SERIES. At the turbulent period of Christian and Barbarian clashes, a fearsome group of mercenaries reunite after many years apart to take on a secret mission for...
Book cover of The Hounds of Hell #2 : The Return of the Harith
by Philippe Thirault, Christian Højgaard, Drazen Kovacevic
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

A Sword and Sorcery adventure of a formidable band of mercenaries on a quest for a legendary treasure.. PUBLICATION IN 4 VOLUMES - COMPLETED SERIES. At the turbulent period of Christian and Barbarian clashes, a fearsome group of mercenaries reunite after many years apart to take on a secret mission for...
Book cover of Metal #2 : Carthicus
by Jerrold Brown, Paul Alexander, Butch Guice
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

In this epic Sci-Fi tale, betrayed galactic emperor Elias finds his consciousness trapped in a metal body, forcing him to overcome impossible odds to reclaim his throne.. PUBLICATION IN 3 VOLUMES - COMPLETED SERIES. In a universe that could very well be either a predecessor to our own civilization, or...
Book cover of Metal #3 : Dyboria
by Jerrold Brown, Paul Alexander, Butch Guice
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

In this epic Sci-Fi tale, betrayed galactic emperor Elias finds his consciousness trapped in a metal body, forcing him to overcome impossible odds to reclaim his throne.. PUBLICATION IN 3 VOLUMES - COMPLETED SERIES. In a universe that could very well be either a predecessor to our own civilization, or...
Book cover of Recursive Functions and Metamathematics

Recursive Functions and Metamathematics

Problems of Completeness and Decidability, Gödel’s Theorems

by Roman Murawski
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2013

Recursive Functions and Metamathematics deals with problems of the completeness and decidability of theories, using as its main tool the theory of recursive functions. This theory is first introduced and discussed. Then Gödel's incompleteness theorems are presented, together with generalizations,...
Book cover of Erfolgreicher Einstieg ins professionelle E-Mail-Marketing

Erfolgreicher Einstieg ins professionelle E-Mail-Marketing

Wirkungsvolle E-Mail-Kampagnen selbst erstellen

by Martin Bucher, Katja Hänsler, Roman Schiffelholz
Language: German
Release Date: August 25, 2016

Dieses Buch liefert Ihnen wesentliche Grundlagen und wertvolle Tipps rund um das Thema E-Mail-Marketing, dem erfolgreichsten Online-Marketing-Instrument. Damit haben Sie ein umfangreiches Nachschlagewerk zur Hand, das Ihnen den Einstieg in und die effektive Nutzung des verkaufsstärksten Online-Kanals...
Book cover of Heartless
by J. Roman
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2012

Keeping Secrets: Book One For gay teens in the South, Erwin High School is as good as it gets. The prevailing liberalism means being gay doesn’t have to be the focus of your life—which frees up seventeen-year-old Jason Strummer to take on the role of bully. Jason understands his beauty...
Book cover of Death Omen
by Celia Roman
Language: English
Release Date: August 4, 2017

My itchy feet drug me to the ATL one night for a light flirt, but I didn’t get me no r-and-r. ‘Stead, I found a hobo, a ghost, and a trio of vampires, and me with my best weapons locked in the trunk of my daddy’s car. That’d learn me to drive down to the city, if I made it off the Gold Line alive.
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