Ronald Roberts: 10 books

Book cover of Prayer is Talking to God ... MEDITATION is LISTENING!
by Ronald Roberts
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2017

We all live in a chaotic, hectic, oftentimes out-of-control world that seems to be accelerating more quickly every day. So stress management has become a multimillion-dollar business with the use of counseling and prescription drugs. Millions turn to God in prayer daily, asking for divine intervention...
Book cover of Clarence Thomas and the Tough Love Crowd

Clarence Thomas and the Tough Love Crowd

Counterfeit Heroes and Unhappy Truths

by Ronald Suresh Roberts
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 1994

In recent years, black neoconservatism has captured the national imagination. Clarence Thomas sits on the Supreme Court. Stephen Carter's opinions on topics ranging from religion to the confirmation process are widely quoted. The New Republic has written that black neoconservative Thomas Sowell was...
Book cover of Judaism and Health

Judaism and Health

A Handbook of Practical, Professional and Scholarly Resources

by Rabbi Mychal B. Springer, Rabbi Stephanie Dickstein, LMSW
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2013

The first state-of-the-art, comprehensive resource to encompass the wide breadth of the rapidly growing field of Judaism and health. "For Jews, religion and medicine (and science) are not inherently in conflict, even within the Torah-observant community, but rather can be friendly partners...
Book cover of De ezel en de Koning
by Lorilyn Roberts, Linda S. DiFranco, Ronald Nellestijn
Language: Dutch
Release Date: July 22, 2014

“De Ezel en de Koning” is een allegorisch verhaal over liefde. Een ezel verlangt naar een gemakkelijker leven buiten de stal. Hij droomt ervan geen zware lasten meer te hoeven dragen en dat er niemand is die hem verteld wat hij moet doen. Maar na het verlaten van zijn veilige stal, verdwaald...
Book cover of Der Esel und der König

Der Esel und der König

Eine Geschichte über Erlösung

by lorilyn roberts, Linda S. DiFranco, Ronald Nellestijn
Language: German
Release Date: August 8, 2014

„Der Esel und der König” ist eine gleichnishafte Geschichte über Liebe.   Ein Esel sehnt sich nach einem einfacheren Leben außerhalb des Stalles. Er träumt davon keine schweren Lasten mehr zu tragen und dass niemand ihm mehr etwas vorschreibt. Nachdem...
Book cover of Applied Christian Ethics

Applied Christian Ethics

Foundations, Economic Justice, and Politics

by Charles C. Brown, Randall K. Bush, Gary Dorrien
Language: English
Release Date: September 9, 2014

Applied Christian Ethics addresses selected themes in Christian social ethics. The book is divided in three parts. In the first section, “Foundation,” several contributors reveal their Christian realist roots and discuss the prophetic origins and multifarious agenda of social ethics. Thus, the...
Book cover of Called Out

Called Out

Open Letters to Those Most Important to Me … as My Beeper Beckons Me for the Final Call.

by Ronald D. Roberts
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2012

"Life is quickly slipping from my earthly body. Im not strong enough to even sit at my computer; Im using a pencil, eraser, and tablet. There may not be time for revision or proofreading, yet my mind is clear and fertile with stories which need telling, perhaps only for my sake. On the other...
Book cover of Recent Advances in Aquaculture
by James F. Muir, Ronald J. Roberts
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

It is a tribute to the vigour of research and development in aquaculture that we are able, in a relatively short time, to provide readers with a second volume in this series, which has such a diversity of high calibre research and developments to report. That the first volume was so well received...
Book cover of Access Controlled

Access Controlled

The Shaping of Power, Rights, and Rule in Cyberspace

by Hal Roberts, Nart Villeneuve, Ethan Zuckerman
Language: English
Release Date: April 2, 2010

Reports on a new generation of Internet controls that establish a new normative terrain in which surveillance and censorship are routine. Internet filtering, censorship of Web content, and online surveillance are increasing in scale, scope, and sophistication around the world, in democratic...
Book cover of Fish Pathology
by Ronald J. Roberts
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2012

Fish Pathology is the definitive, classic and essential book on the subject, providing in-depth coverage across all major aspects of fish pathology. This new, fully updated and expanded fourth edition builds upon the success of the previous editions which have made Fish Pathology the best known...
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