Roux: 337 books

Book cover of Feel It! Ultimate Strength
by Marcel le Roux
Language: English
Release Date: November 28, 2011

In his candid and insightful Feel It! Ultimate Strength, Marcel Le Roux provides a program for anyone who wants to become physically fit, from the beginner to the exerciser. This program combines diet, exercise, and the use of supplements that can assist in weight loss, or simply aid the participant...
Book cover of The French Revolution

The French Revolution

140 Classic Recipes made Fresh & Simple

by Michel Roux Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2018

Michel Roux Jr's delicious collection of French recipes for the modern home cook. Michel Roux Jr is one of the best-known and most loved French chefs in Britain. He runs the renowned two-Michelin star restaurant Le Gavroche in London, as well as a number of other restaurants, and has presented...
Book cover of VIBES4H


VIBES FOR HARMONY How to Become a Harmoniously Successful Young Adult-Demystified

by Pieter J. C. Le Roux
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2018

If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough. —Albert Einstein   VIBES4H (VIBES for Harmony) provides timeless advice for young people in their quest to become harmoniously successful young adults. It clarifies the traditional complex and confusing...
Book cover of Christine le Roux Omnibus 5

Christine le Roux Omnibus 5

’n Wêreld sonder hom,’n Kwessie van tegniek, Bewys van liefde

by Christine le Roux
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: May 5, 2013

’n Wêreld sonder hom: Nicoline is dertig maar al die mans wat op haar verlief raak, verveel haar gou. Maar wanneer sy haar broer in die hospitaal besoek en haar ontferm oor die ander pasiënt in sy saal, neem haar lewe ’n ander wending. ’n Kwessie van tegniek: Alicia het tydens haar onderhoud...
Book cover of Christine le Roux Omnibus 3
by Christine le Roux
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: June 10, 2011

Die ontbrekende helfte: Yvette Faure word deur ’n agentskap as sekretaresse gestuur na die verstrooide professor Rabe se huis. Liefde uit die stormnag:’n Kunstenares soek skuiling in ’n hewige sneeustorm en is dae lank vasgekeer saam met ’n skatryk Kanadese nyweraar. Die gerieflikheidshuwelik...
Book cover of Christine le Roux Omnibus 1
by Christine le Roux
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: September 1, 2011

Die eerste omnibus met ’n nuwe omslag. In Die honger hart trou Julia en haar peetpa se plaasbestuurder om die plaas wat hulle geërf het te behou. In Deel van die pakket is Gita van Duinen die nuwe ambassadeur se persoonlike assistent. In Verskuilde liefde vind dr. Edmund Wiese uit dat sy broer se weduwee haar tweeling alleen probeer grootmaak.
Book cover of Christine le Roux Omnibus 2
by Christine le Roux
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: September 1, 2011

In Liewe Onskuld lyk die jong rabbedoe Olivia Joubert aanvanklik na ’n onwaarskynlike kinderoppaster, maar sy laat geen teenspraak toe nie. In Om lief te hê aanvaar Hester Verster ’n pos by ’n plaasskool, maar die plaaseienaar is uit die staanspoor openlik vyandig teenoor haar. In ’n Veilige...
Book cover of Erotic Shivers Volume I
by Justus Roux
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2011

These twelve stories written by Justus Roux will send erotic shivers through you. Each story explores different aspects of sexuality and love. Stories included are: Yes Master Dante Ecstasy’s Story Wrath’s Story The Darkness and the Light Dangerous Addiction Kiss of the Vampire Trouble Brewing Sweet Seduction Stories Tales of Submission Poison Love is Love Precious Cargo
Book cover of Yes...My Master
by Justus Roux
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2012

My name is Hope. I was blessed with knowing a truly remarkable man. I dearly loved Master Xavier. It was because of him that I was brave enough to explore this lifestyle. Yet, he couldn’t become my Master. He said it wouldn’t be fair to me or to his brother Xanthos. When I met Master Xanthos I...
Book cover of Chained Heart
by Justus Roux
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2014

Talon’s heart was chained by the past. He can’t forgive himself nor can he move on. The moment a submissive starts to have feelings for him he sends them away. Pepper knew this from the beginning and has made sure to hide her love for him. It is a game she has grown quite good at. She knows he...
Book cover of Lilith's Romulus / Rex's Jinx
by Justus Roux
Language: English
Release Date: April 19, 2015

“Lilith’s Romulus” This is the prequel to “Lilith’s Web” the upcoming novel in the “Master Series”, and tells the story on how Lilith and Romulus met and fell in love. “Rex’s Jinx” This is a prequel to the book “Bind Me” the previously released novel...
Book cover of Manifeste des Enragés
by Jacques Roux
Language: French
Release Date: July 28, 2014

Manifeste des Enragés Jacques Roux, personnalité de la Révolution française (1752 – 1794) Ce livre numérique présente «Manifeste des Enragés», de Jacques Roux, édité en texte intégral. Une table des matières...
Book cover of Jacques Roux a Marat
by Jacques Roux
Language: French
Release Date: November 18, 2016

Ce livre est parfaitement mis en page pour une lecture sur liseuse électronique. Extrait : Il est faux que je t’aie parlé de religion, que je t’aie dit qu’elle étoit un tissu de mensonges : tu ne fis que m’entretenir de tes ouvrages, de tes talens, de tes malheurs, des services que...
Book cover of Christine le Roux Omnibus 6
by Christine le Roux
Language: Afrikaans
Release Date: June 3, 2014

Die sesde omnibus van een van ons gewildste liefdesverhaalskrywers sluit een van haar heel bekoorlikste verhale in: Die glasappel is ’n heerlike roman waarin humor en eksentrisiteit sjarmant verweef is, en waarin ons vir ’n verandering na die liefde deur die man se oë kyk. Die suksesvolle argitek...
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